My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 437: Bombing by turns

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Ling Xian's wind roared across the valley, smelling of smoke.

The sky is gray.

Chu Yi sat cross-legged next to the Heavenly Demon Divine Lake. After repeated battles in recent days, the spirit within him has been unable to recover, and the desire to forge the sword species and refine it into the sword embryo also requires his own spirit.

"European countries did not expect that they were so afraid of the warriors that they might be oppressed by the Twelve Temples all the year round."

Either control or eradicate, this is Europe's attitude towards Chu Yi.

Because the combat effectiveness displayed by Chu Yi is too horrible. One person is comparable to the combat effectiveness of a brigade. No country will be afraid of it. Even if Chu Yi is now in the United States, the other party will find ways to keep him.

"This time I came to Europe, the mission was successfully completed, as long as I waited a month and forged the complete sword embryo, then I can return to China."

He regained his spirit while thinking in secret.

As for the pig bajie, it is on alert around four weeks.

Just when Chu Yi regained his energy, suddenly, his whole body was numb, and the sense of crisis in his heart suddenly appeared.


Pig Bajie growled, his expression was quite tense.

They looked up at the same time and saw a black spot in the sky.

When Chu Yi responded, the black spot was only a hundred meters away from him.


"No, it was found so soon!"

"I found him!" In the meeting room, Locke saw the image coming from the screen and smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth.

"How can the means of modern technology be understood by a warrior, but it is only in this area. Using satellites, it can be found within a few hours."

"Let's use a few ordinary bombs first to see the effect. Maybe you don't need a ball bomb at all."

European presidents are watching this scene, which is of great importance. If they can kill King Chu Yan, then their follow-up plans can be gradually launched, and it is also a major reshuffle of the underground world of Europe.

They will master!

"Actually using missiles, it is really good for me!"


Chu Yi stepped into the air in one step, his eyes exploded with ejaculation.

He stretched out his hands, gently flicked his hands, and the airflow within a radius of kilometers was placed under his control, forming a huge and extremely soft vortex.

Tai Chi, four thousand pounds.

In the face of the missile, he was not afraid of it and pulled with both hands. The missile that came at a speed, as if wrapped in something, was abruptly deviated from the direction at a distance of tens of meters from Chu Yi.


European presidents saw that Chu Yi fiddled with it, and the missile deviated from orbit and fell into the mountains and forests several kilometers away.

A huge fire blasted into the sky, terrifying radiant energy swept through, the ground was quiet first, and then countless smoke rolled up, and a small mushroom cloud appeared.

In the distance, a group of tourists are slowly evacuating, including Zhang Xiaoyu and Hua Kun.

"Mom, do you think Master Chu can return home smoothly?" Zhang Xiaoyu was quite worried.

"Should do it." Huang Ying sighed, still regretting her previous behavior.

Once such a character climbs up, he and others will immediately ascend to heaven. Later in China and even the world, they will be able to run wild, and everyone will give them some face.

"It's better to die!" Aside, Sun Zhen said fiercely in his heart, but the expression on his face was also very concerned about Chu Yi.

He knew that the gap between him and Chu Yi was too big. If the other party really wanted to compete with him for Zhang Xiaoyu, then he would have no chance.

"Master Chu is the first person in the world today, and even the army has no way to take him. Returning to China is a trivial matter." Hua Kun plucked his beard, and he was confident of Chu Yi.

But just then!


Not far away, a horrible explosion sounded, everyone instantly looked up, and then saw a small mushroom cloud.

The waves were rolling, the mountains were shaking, and the houses behind them all started shaking.


"Who used the missile!"

"Twelve temples, I heard that they have a certain military power in their hands."

"Actually using missiles!"

"too crazy……"

"No, that direction is not the direction Master Chu left? Isn't it..." Zhang Xiaoyu's face was pale.

Hua Kun is not much better.

No one expected that the determination of the Twelve Temples to emerge from Chu Yan was so firm.

In an instant, there was chaos all around, people did not want to be affected and left in a hurry.

"Master Chu, can resist fighters, tanks, submachine guns, but can he resist missiles?" One of the most deterrent weapons in the world today is something that everyone fears.


"How can it be!"

Locke took the case and was shocked. He expected that Chu Yi might be able to escape the bomb, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

That's a missile!

How fast is it, how terrible impact, and the accompanying weight, how can it be easily distracted?

"Are we really going to be an enemy of such a person?" Some presidents have begun to tremble.

Facing the strong, facing the martial master, they are not afraid, just because they are all in their cognition.

But Chu Yi's strength has exceeded their expectations, that is the realm of God.

Facing people, they can win.

Faced with God, they have no way.

"We don't have a way back," Locke said loudly, and the blue muscles on his forehead burst.

"And you see, his hands are shaking, which means that he has no strength!"


Chu Yi had a bad hunch, he still underestimated the satellite system on earth.

However, this is also in the acquired world. If you enter the congenital, you can completely shield yourself from the atmosphere, and you will not be found by satellites.

"With my current strength, I can't resist too many missiles at all."


Another missile landed from the sky.


This time, Zhu Yi didn't shoot, and Zhu Bajie jumped forward.

The round body was spinning in the air, and the whole body was shining with milky light.

With a fierce kick, the huge air pressure suddenly blasted past.

Chu Yi led the missile, and Zhu Bajie directly let the bomb explode at high altitude!


Countless smoke clouds were swept away, and a huge sun appeared in the sky.


Several girls screamed and covered their ears.

The rest looked at the distance in horror.

"How did it explode again." There was a wave of fire in the sky.

That kind of scene is too scary.

"What's going on, is it that the first one was blocked by Master Chu?"

Sun Zhen was terrified.

What kind of power is needed to block the missiles, they are unimaginable anyway.


At the moment when they were in a daze, an amazing explosion sounded again.


"Crazy! Crazy!"

"Is this going to trigger a world war!"

They forgot to run away, they just stood there dumbfounded, dumbfounded.

"How could it be blocked again?"

"Too powerful, the pig is probably stronger than King Chu Yan!"


"Can't miss it!"

Pig Bajie's eyes were dignified, it was exhausted, his body was shaking, and it was difficult to maintain even the air.

"come back."

Chu Yi called out.

He knew that the other party would not stop without killing himself and others.


"For a long time no one dared to press me so hard." Chu Yi showed a sneer on his face.

"Let's launch!"

"Only use ball bombs."

"Although the scope of influence is too large, we can never use nuclear weapons."



Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie looked at the sky, they knew that the other party's attack did not end.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

An unprecedented sense of crisis filled my mind.

Pig Bajie growled anxiously.

A black spot appeared from the sky, swept over at the speed of sound, and suddenly enlarged.

Although the appearance did not change from the previous missiles, Chu Yi still noticed a different breath.


The next second, this horrible rolling ball missile exploded in this valley.

Heaven and earth were quiet first, and there were only countless fires that formed waves that overturned the hills and forests and spread out in all directions.

After dozens of seconds passed, a huge explosion sounded.

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