My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 443: Return of the King

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Master Chu..." Chen Qiushui was a little trembling, and even now I can't believe that Chu Yi, who has apparently died, has come alive again, which is a storm for the whole world.

"Does everyone think I'm dead?" Chu Yi laughed. He was actually easy-going when he wasn't killing people.

"It's true." Chen Qiushui was relieved and was a little scared by Chu Yi's methods just now. It's no wonder that he was a bit cautious. After all, Chu Yi's identity is really terrifying. The first person in the underground world, this name , But it has a huge weight.

"The EU issued the announcement of your death first, and then Huaxia also sent people to investigate, but the result has no results."

"Is it the twelve temples?"

"Master Chu, are you going to revenge in the Twelve Temples now?"

Chen's fierce rice is a bit worried. After all, this is the site of the Twelve Temples. If it is like the last time, the Twelve Temples have joined forces and deployed on a large scale, even using missiles, even Chu Yi, I am afraid that they can only escape.

The power of modern thermal weapons, I do not know how many times stronger than the military.

In their understanding, although Chu Yi was alive, but for three months, he must have been seriously injured and has been in convalescence.

"Twelve Temples?" Chu Yi shook his head and smiled. "They don't have the guts and patience to deal with me now."

"Isn't it the Twelve Temples? Who would it be?" Chen Qiushui was surprised, and could use large-scale military weapons in Europe, except for the Twelve Temples...

His heart shrank suddenly, and he looked at his sister, both eyes filled with shock.


Chen Qiushui almost cautiously confirmed that when Chu Yi nodded, he could hardly stand, and the whole person stepped back and leaned on the desk.

"How could it be the EU?"

"They have no injustice with Master Chu, and strictly speaking, they have a big conflict with the Twelve Temples..."

It's just that when talking about this, Chen Qiushui paused. Some things, I just didn't dare to think about it, but as long as I thought about it, the result was obvious.

"No wonder, the European Union has been very attentive to Master Chu's death, and has even threatened to seek revenge from the Twelve Temples and get a fair deal for you."

"Oh? The EU is really kind." Chu Yi laughed, raised his eyebrows, he knew that this group of people are doing things with their own things.

Chen Qiushui has been inquiring about the news in this respect for a period of time. With their size group, they must always pay attention to the movement of the whole world.

"Now, the European Union is constantly suppressing the twelve temples. The twelve temples have been forced to abandon the six temples, leaving only six, and in the process, there is almost no resistance."

"Don't you say that the Twelve Temples were just bragging? I didn't understand too much." Chen Qiushui was very confused, and he shouldn't give up like this anyway.

In particular, the Twelve Temples will lose too much support in doing so. Now in Europe, the Twelve Temples have been fully guided by public opinion and become an evil force.

"They are waiting for someone."

Chu Yi took a sip of tea, and in the past three months, he has been almost dripping.

"Waiting for someone?" Chen Qiushui puzzled.

"Wait for someone who can make the whole world surrender." Chu Yi didn't care, even if they could let the innate realm come to earth, but for Chu Yi, it was nothing more than ants.

Chen Qiushui did not continue to question him, but asked: "Master Chu, what are you going to do next?"

"You are preparing a private jet for me now. I need to go back to my country first. After I have done things, I will go back to Europe and settle accounts with some people."

He was a little uneasy. He disappeared for so long. The country is definitely in chaos. Especially, he still has a spiritual mine in his hands. This is a huge benefit. It can make everyone crazy, and the power of Qin Huasheng’s people can’t Keep it.

Moreover, he will not preach, but just want to see who is really to him.

Chen Qiushui was terrified and could not help swallowing saliva.

Master Chu wants to fight against the EU?

This is simply unimaginable.

When Chu Yi left, the Chen brothers and sisters stood in the office for a long time.

Chen Qiuhong stood in front of the window, his eyes flickering, his face admiring, looking in the direction of Chu Yi's departure, as if looking at a hero.

"Master Chu, this is the real strong man, a responsible man."

"Is the strong?" Chen Qiushui shook his head and smiled bitterly. "This time he appears, I'm afraid that it will make countless people fall through his glasses, and there will definitely be huge turmoil. Those who are doing small actions behind them may be miserable recently."

"Brother, do you say he will be hostile to the EU?" Chen Qiuhong couldn't help asking.

Chen Qiushui frowned, then focused his head.

"Master Chu looks very easy-going, but if someone touches his bottom line, this person will become King Chu Yan."

"There will be great turmoil in Europe, and we have to prepare to buy some gold to avoid risks."


Jiujiang Meishan, Qianlong Villa.

Chu Yi stood down with his hands and missed it a little bit. After all, this is where he built it all by himself.

As for Pig Bajie, when he came back, he didn't know where he was.

The scenery is beautiful, because of the existence of the formation, the aura here is also very rich.

"Well? There are so many people secretly monitoring me near Meishan, which is really interesting."

When his mind was swept away, no fewer than dozens of people were found, hidden in the dark.

"This Meishan is really a treasure now. With such a strong aura, how many forces want to take it down." One whispered to the companion.

"Huh, this is a tough bone. At that time, so many martial arts came together to occupy this place, but no one thought that there was a martial arts master on it."

"I'm afraid it's a little dangling today. Our two-step peak master in China, Master Ruying, has gone up. Although Master Hou Jue is powerful, he can't face Master Ruying, he has no way."

"I really want to go up and see, but as soon as we get close, we will be discovered by the master..."

Chu Yi frowned.

He has never heard of the name of Master Ruying, but it seems that since the news of his death spread, the situation of Qianlong Mountain Villa is not better.

"Although Hou Jue is a master of martial arts, after all, this is Huaxia, and some are hidden masters. He may not be able to handle it alone."

"However, since I am back, I see who dares to set off the storm."

He returned to China quietly, no one knew at all.

Thinking about it, the figure flickered and entered Meishan directly. Those who monitored did not find Chu Yi's figure at all.

Above Meishan, the aura is like rain.

Qianlong Villa looks more noble and elegant in the fog and smoke.

Sunlight has been projected from time to time, which is like a fairyland on earth.

Only at this time, in front of the gate of Qianlong Mountain Villa, the two parties were opposite each other, and the atmosphere was not very relaxed.

"It's shameless to say yes. After we defeat your apprentice, you will retreat, but now it's aggressive." Yan Haojie muttered, very dissatisfied.

Opposite him, there were a few people with swollen noses and blue eyes, and they all had bad eyesight, but when they looked at the hero, they were still full of fear.

"It's shameful, you are all military commanders, and the youngest are all 30 years old, and they will lose to two young men." In front of the military commander, a middle-aged man in ink, his eyebrows were like swords, and his voice was sullen. , Scolded.

He is Master Ruying, a two-step peak master.

Since the death of King Chu Yan, many masters of martial arts have taken a fancy to this Qianlong Mountain Villa, but they are all blocked by Hou Ju.

But the strength of such a shadow is the most powerful among this group of people. After all, the three-step master, the entire China, together, cannot exceed five.

"Master Ruying, since your apprentice has already lost, please follow the agreement and go back. It will not be far away." Hou Ju said lightly, with a trace of dignity between the eyebrows.

"Hahaha, Master Hou Jue, have you been abroad for a long time and haven't heard of my reputation?"

Master Ruying laughed, "Do you think I look like a credit person?"

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