My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 448: Vicious means

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

In the conference room at this time, it was extremely weird.

These billions of CEOs are all slapping their faces, and their hands are not light, and some are unrecognizable, red and swollen like pig heads, but they dare not stop.

Now I am only hurt by a bit of flesh and blood, but if Chu Yi is not satisfied, then they are the worries of their lives.

Chu Yi’s uncle Chu Shanliu was extremely strange, he did not expect that these people were afraid of Chu Yi to such a degree.

"Good! Good! Good..." Chu Huaige, Lao Tears, at this moment, all the heavy burdens on him were relieved.

As long as Chu Yi is alone, he can resist the pressure from all directions.

As soon as he appeared, the jackals, tigers, and leopards who wanted to sing their Chu family's mouth would all die.

Chu Yi looked at everyone with a smile on his face, and his eyes were sincere: "Everyone, don't be like this. Everyone is an adult. What's the matter? As long as I come back, just clap your hands. You don't need to be so enthusiastic. Welcome, although it looks more enthusiastic."

The CEOs present are crying.

Who is willing to do this!

Not because of you!

"Okay, let's stop, noisy." Chu Yi waved his hand, and the slaps stopped in the meeting room, very neatly.

At this time, Chu Yi was too lazy to pay attention to them. In this case of the Chu family, these people were just flies coming from the smell. The real mastermind, but the three here.

"Old Master Ouyang and Old Master Li, it's been a long time since I've been there. It's been a long time since I saw you seem to be doing very well." Chu Yi said with a smile.

As he spoke, Mr. Ouyang and Mr. Li shivered uncontrollably, their faces pale.

To their level, how could they not know how terrified a world's first person is.

"Master Chu didn't expect to be alive. It's really gratifying. This is definitely a big happy event for us in China." Mr. Ouyang laughed stiffly.

"Also said that although I am soft-hearted, my life is still quite hard."

"Although the other party used 10,000 troops and a large number of missiles, it is a pity that they did not kill me. This time I hid in a retreat, so it only appeared now. Unexpectedly, this China was turned upside down."

Chu Yi pointed out.

Everyone was crying angrily.

They really wanted to grab Chu Yi's collar and ask aloud, if you are not dead, can't you come out and show your face? You have to wait until now to appear. They just want to die.

"Since Master Chu has returned, that is a great event. I believe the plight of the Chu family will certainly be solved. Today we will not disturb your reunion of the Chu family...I will definitely visit the house tomorrow." Grandpa Li said quickly.

He was about to get up, but when he saw Chu Yi pressing it slightly, he was horrified to find that his body was pressed back on the chair again, and he panicked.

"Senior Li, I remember that the reason why I promised to let you take the Li family is that you promised me that the Heavenly Masters Association will never exist again, but now?"

Chu Yi's words became colder.

Grandpa Li supports us, he can't speak at all.

The ancient Tianshan finally stood up. Hearing Chu Yi's words, he didn't sit properly, but with a clatter, he sat on the ground again.

"Master Gu, don't be nervous, sit down slowly, we have time."

Chu Yi is slow-paced, although he looks quite friendly and has no hint of killing, but everyone knows that if this is a good person, he will not kill the surrender of the Twelve Temples, nor will he sit on the throne of the black list. .

"Senior Li, shouldn't you give me an explanation?" Chu Yi drew a dagger from his arms and pushed it from the table to the Li family.

"Since the Heavenly Masters Association was created by your Li family, then you will end it."

"You, you!" The dry skin on Father Li's face was almost wrinkled together. "You let us Li family kill Gu Tianshan?"

"Too cruel!"


Chu Yi smiled, "Master Li, I am already very polite to you."

"Look, you Li family, as long as you kill the ancient Tianshan, and then give all the property to our Chu family, I will allow you to take the family members away, but from then on, you must not step into the Jiangnan."

"So good conditions are in front of you, don't you know the choice?"

"You are going to destroy our Li family!!!" Mr. Li shouted excitedly.

"Oh, Master Li, you can't injustice me like that. You just dealt with our Chu family just now. At that time, you were self-proclaimed and generous. Why, I used your means to deal with you, it became cruel? Chu Yi sighed, "It's really sad, this world, it's really hard to be a good person."


Everyone wants to vomit blood.

You're a good man?

Then we have become saints!

It's just that at this time, the heads of the executives have to lower their heads into the crotch. They don't dare to speak at all now, but they can't wait for Chu Yi to forget them.

"Grandpa Li, you are all the people who buried the loess around your neck. Don't think about yourself, don't you think about your children and grandchildren, or say, you want to let the blood of the Li family break in this generation? ?" Chu Yi threatened.

Mr. Li suddenly froze there, and the sweat of Dou Da continued to fall.

"You don't need to do it yourself, Li Shao, come on." Chu Yi smiled.

But seeing Li Feihong jumped like a snake bite.

"Master Chu... I am I..." Li Feihong was anxious.


But the dagger seemed to have spirituality and fell into Li Feihong's hands automatically.

"No no no! Don't kill me, Master Chu, I'm wrong! I'll get off immediately, I won't dare anymore!"

Gu Tianshan talked, his body jumped sharply, trying to jump out of the window, but when he passed the window, his body stopped over the window, and the picture was strangely extreme.

"This..." Everyone was dumbfounded. This ancient Tianshan was also a strong general at the general level, but Chu Yi was quietly controlled.

"Go!" Chu Yi urged.

Li Feihong, the body did not listen to his call, ran violently, shouted, a dagger, inserted into the heart of the other party.

Blood spilled!

Li Feihong stepped back a few steps dullly, released the dagger with both hands, and the whole person fell to the ground, apparently already frightened.


Gu Tianshan's body fell on the window sill, and blood continued to flow down the window.

The scene was so terrifying that even Chu Huaige looked at it, and his heart twitched faintly.

It's just that they understand that this is not Chu Yi's cruelty. If Chu Yi didn't come back alive today, then the Chu family was ruined.

A quiet piece in the conference room.

Several bosses wanted to scream, but covered their mouths violently, their eyes bulging out.

They turned back suddenly and looked at the young man sitting on the seat, drinking tea leisurely, as if everything just now was not what he did.

This man is the devil!

I don't even need to use my own hands to kill people, but what I did was terrifying to the limit.

After today's events, I am afraid that no one will dare to play the Chu family's idea.

"Master Ouyang, what should you do next? It should be clear." Chu Yi looked at Ouyang Lian.

On the other side, there was no trace of blood on his face.

"Master Chu, I understand..."

"No, Grandpa, how can we give all our property to him, then shouldn't our Ouyang family be finished!"

Ouyang Division couldn't believe it.

"Do you think there is any other way?"

Old man Ouyang seems to have no more strength to speak.

The two families stood up and tremble away.

"You should be fortunate that you haven't done anything to my Chu family, otherwise,..."

Chu Yi said coldly.

The gang shuddered, paused in place, and hurried away.

"Grandpa, don't you think I'm too cruel." Chu Yi asked.

Chu Huaige smiled and shook his head: "Of course not cruel, this is already the greatest kindness to them."

"There was a passage where someone went to hell, only to find that **** was empty and all the demons were not there, only to discover that they were all in the world."

"If our Chu family is not strong, then we will be swallowed by these demons."

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