My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 453: Zhang Tianxin

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

I am obedient, what the **** is going on?

At the scene, the bird was silent, and the plot reversed, making everyone stunned.

"I said, why didn't Jiang Yanlang get married so late, it turned out..."

"Just unexpectedly, he and Zou Ke..."

"This girl is really pitiful."

Everyone is stubborn and wants to say something that they dare not say.

"Isn't this the one you just met at the foot of the mountain?" Master Zhang Tianxin's eyelids jumped wildly. He intuitively felt that something big was going to happen today, but it was hard to imagine who else in China could shake the Tang family.

"Forget it, the old man doesn't care anymore. The old man just came over and supported the Tang family."

Zou Ke was like a goose, standing in the same place, did not react for a while, looked blankly in the direction of Chu Yi, but this time, in everyone's eyes, became the affectionate look at Jiang Yanlang.

Chu Mu was stunned for a moment. Immediately when he saw the eyes of the coming person, he immediately understood.

A pair of cold eyes also became agile, sparkling, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In this world, who else is so troublesome, and who dares to make trouble in the Tang family, only his brother Chu Yi.

"I knew that you weren't dead." Chu Mu also finally breathed a sigh of relief, watching the show with interest.

Jiang Yanlang was going crazy. He originally thought that the other party was only here to grab the bride, but he didn't expect that the goal was himself.

When did he have this hobby? Don't you even know him?

In particular, when he heard the ridicule of the guests around him, he blushed extremely.

"You said you blushed, didn't you admit it?" Chu Yi made up.

"I..." Jiang Yanlang wanted to cry without tears, he was so angry!

"Bride, are you willing to fulfill both of them?" Chu Yi looked at his sister and blinked.

Chu Mu hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly: "I will."

Wish your sister!

Jiang Yanlang was about to spur blood. He encountered such dog blood for the first time.

"Since that, Brother Jiang, you will follow us." Chu Yi smiled.

Jiang Yanlang is not good for the whole person, and his thinking is not normal now.


Tang Qifeng at the side finally reacted, his eyes were spurting anger, and now he couldn't see it, this man came to deliberately make trouble.

Jiang Yanlang stays in the southwest area all the year round, but Zou Ke stays in the capital. These are completely unrelated people.

"This friend, if you continue to interfere with the wedding, I will ask someone to drive you out. Don't say that my Tang family is not human."

Tang Qifeng's eyes were indifferent, with a trace of anger, and there was already the coercion of the superior. In the ordinary people, if he touched his eyes, he would have a sense of retreat.

Chu Yi scratched his head: "Why is this nonsense? As the saying goes, it wouldn't be a marriage to demolish ten temples. You Tang family and Jiang family can't just break up lovers like this."

"Look, even the bride agreed." Chu Yi pointed to Chu Mu, and Chu Mu nodded again in coordination.

Tang Qifeng looked at his father, Tang Zhentian nodded to him.

"Since this friend is obsessed with obsession, he can't be upset."

As soon as his words fell, three warriors appeared, and they directly caught Chu Yi's collar.

"Hey, I'm so kind, you Tang family is really mad."

Chu Yi shook his head with a sigh.

At this moment, the three warriors approaching him had a whole body, and then flew backwards, hitting the ground fiercely, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and passed out.

"I think that you Tang family should not prepare a red carpet today, they should prepare a white carpet, anyway, they will be red with blood."

As soon as this remark came out, he was shocked.

What kind of person is it to be able to say this in the Tang family? Does this mean the blood of the Tang family?

Today's Tang family can be said to be in full swing, who dares to disrespect the Tang family?

"This man, so courageous, even General Chen, would not say such things."

"Sure enough, it was deliberately making trouble."

"I didn't expect that there are still such people. I remember the last time, it was King Chu Yan."

"What kind of person is King Chu Yan? That's the first in the black list. This wild boy who doesn't know where it came from, I'm afraid he didn't even make the top 100 in the black list."

As soon as Chu Yi said this, everyone was already shocked, and without the restraint of King Chu Yan, the Tang family became stronger and stronger.

Moreover, although Chu Yi passed through the appearance, but his appearance is still very young.

Everyone will not believe that there will be a second Chu Yan King in this world.

"It's him, absolutely him, nothing wrong!" Yang Ling shivered all over, restless.

"Chu Yan?" Zheng Weiqi growled and was very dissatisfied. "I told you a long time ago that your ex-boyfriend is already dead. Do you still think about him now?"

"I...I didn't..." Yang Ling said panicly.

"Humph!" Looking at his girlfriend, he was even more angry. "Even if he is alive, he will be General Chen's opponent?"

"The Tang family is protected by General Chen. Who dares to attack them, and as long as I know Chen Kaiqiang well, who still cares about a dead Chu Yan."

Zheng Weiqi's heart was fiery.

"Who is this man?" Chen Jingjing narrowed her eyes. Since Chu Yi died, she was in Beijing, and no one dared to look down on her.

This is the heart.

"Why is this method so familiar..." But at this moment, Chen Jingjing's heart was beating wildly.

"Dare you hurt my Tang family?" Tang Qifeng was furious. He didn't expect this person's skill to be so good.

Chu Yi lifted his chin slightly: "Don't the Tang family raise all dogs, where are they from?"

"This friend, who has extraordinary skills, is also someone who has the ability to come. I don't know what misunderstanding my Tang family and you have. I'm willing to explain clearly in person."

At this moment, Tang Zhentian stood up and said slowly, his voice filled with majesty.

As he got up, a large group of warriors around him also took a step forward.

The terrible coercion is crushed like a row of mountains.

Everyone shivered!

This is the Tang family. This is not only the coercion of the martial arts, but also the coercion of Tang Zhentian as the superior, and even the coercion of the entire Tang family for a hundred years.

The spirits and spirits are all gathered together. This momentum is horrified to hear, as if the entire Fengshan Mountain is rolling over.

"It is indeed the Tang family, a century-old family, well-deserved reputation." Master Zhang Tianxin exclaimed.

Such a large family, even the masters dare not take action against it.

"The Tang family... is really prestige, it seems that this time the Tang family was chosen, it was the right choice."

"This is the style of a big family." People sweated foreheads, as if there was an invisible aura surrounding the surroundings, making everyone unable to breathe.

"I said, do you want to leave with my brother..."

When everyone was horrified, Chu Yi took his ear and continued to talk about the matter with Jiang Yanlang.

Jiang Yanlang: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone is crazy, brother, don't you feel the coercion of this row of mountains?

"This friend..." Tang Zhentian exclaimed in a low rage.

"Have you been so kind to your friends?" Chu Yi glanced past.

"Good coercion, based on the entire Fengshan, it seems to be a new Fengshui master."

"Unwise, it's the old man." Zhang Tianxin stood up, squinting and looked at Chu Yi.

Although he was only focused on Feng Shui, his own strength had already reached the level of master, so he was very respected.

"This man is too arrogant and finally got Master Zhang to shoot."

"Why? If he had half of Chu Yan's ability, it would be nice to come again."

In full view, Zhang Tianshi walked towards him step by step.

Every time he took a step, that coercion was strong, and after he took nine steps, the whole hall began to tremble.

If everyone was strangled by the neck, they didn't say a word, but the coercion did not target them, otherwise many people would die on the spot.

"He's finished!" Tang Qifeng sneered.

But that smile did not fully spread, but saw Zhang Tianxin walked in front of Chu Yi, arched his fists with both hands, this Feng Shui master, who was known throughout the underground world, actually bowed respectfully to Chu Yi.


All the coercion dissipated in the invisible.

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