Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

No matter how shocking the world is, Chu Yi is still resting in a hotel in Beijing.

"Tang family, it's really too much." Tang Wanru sighed, even she didn't expect that the Tang family still remembered their mother and daughter.

If their son were not alive, they would probably spend the rest of their lives tragically.

"Mom, don't be nervous. As long as I'm here, the Tang family won't do anything with us at all. They want to avoid it. It's too late." Chu Yi smiled and saw that his mother was a little thinner, and felt very distressed.

The reunion finally happened, and was almost broken up by the Tang family.


"I'm so exhausted..."

Zou Ke walked in, picked up a glass of water, and slurped it straight away.

"Teacher Chu, there are too many people out there who want to visit you. You really don't want to receive them. Some people's identities startled me even."

Although Zou Ke complained, his eyes were beautiful, and this day, many large companies have wanted to cooperate with them again, and even some bosses, even not paying back the price, signed the contract directly.

This is Chu Yi's energy.

"Don't see it, don't see it at all, let these things be handled by you."

Chu Yi smiled, but he had no time to deal with these dunya.

"But Mr. Chu, don't you go home in a hurry, why should you stay in Beijing?" Zou Ke asked curiously.

"In order to wait for someone."

"Waiting for someone?" Zou Ke was just about to ask. Suddenly, his eyes flicked, and he saw a black shadow burst from the window.

The window was tightly closed, but the shadow cut the window directly.

"Be careful!" he exclaimed.

But seeing that Chu Yi stretched out two fingers, he fastened the thing firmly.



This is a white envelope, very simple, without any extra embellishment.

"If my expectations are not bad, this should be a book of war."

Chu Yi opened with a smile.

The writing is clean and full of sharp edges.

Zou Ke read out along the way: "After three days, the battle of Yanhu in the capital city."

"It's really a book of war, but now who dares to follow Chu..."

Zou Ke still wanted to say something, but see below, the three bright characters of "Chen Zhantian" were placed there.

"This, this, this..." He stepped back a few steps, his face horrified, "General Chen's book of war?"

"It's over."

"Teacher Chu, you should leave the capital first. Now, it is General Chen, a generation of mythology, hailed as the **** of war, and this time I am out of customs, I am afraid that my strength will increase greatly."

"Xiaoyi, don't mess with this thing." Tang Wanru said solemnly, "General Chen, you were famous, you are too young after all, and with General Chen as a person, you don't seem to be because of yourself. The next generation will have a life-and-death struggle with you..."

"Mom, I understand."

Chu Yi smiled and put away the envelope.

"Actually, the moment he exited the border, I already felt it, so I would stay in the capital because I knew that we must have a battle."

"Life and death are difficult to determine, but the outcome will be divided."

Chu Yi still said.

He could feel that the powerful breath hidden in the capital was a bit more powerful than the original King Zeus.


Chen Zhantian is a myth of a generation. Without him, China’s development would not have been so smooth.

He sat in Huaxia and held the military power so that the twelve western temples would not dare to invade.

A long time ago, he became a three-step guru, under the **** king Zeus, invincible in the world.

And now, the intermittent retreat is finally officially ended, and it is rumored that he is no longer a human but a land fairy.

As for Chu Yi, the record is even more fierce.

Once ranked first in the black list, beheaded the **** Zeus, and came back alive in the missile, shocking the world.

In this way, the two actually collided, and a duel was required to make the entire China and even the global underground world uproar.

"The thing that worries me the most has finally happened." Qing Changhong couldn't speak for a long time.

"But I don't think it is like General Chen's character. His grandson was only slightly injured. Nobody died in the Tang family, and he would not take such an active duel." Zhao Peng frowned.

"These two are our strong players in China. Once the duel, I am afraid that the storm will not be small. No matter who dies, it is our loss. It is really a headache..."

They are not sure about the strength of both sides, and therefore, it is difficult to determine the winning or losing.

"Depending on the situation, Yan Lake has been blocked recently."

In any case, the entire underground world of China is boiling, and there are countless powerful people who have begun to rush to Yanjing.


In an ordinary courtyard house.

Chen Kaiqiang clenched his fists and was indignant: "Grandpa, this time you must breathe for me. This is the first time I have been beaten like this."

"Shut up!"

"Normally, you don't want to make friends with the children of these big families. You just don't listen. This time, as long as there are no deaths, there is nothing to do with us." Next to him, a man who was nearly forty Middle-aged in military uniform scolded.

"Dad, you don't need to write a war because of this kid's words. Besides, your agreement with the Tang family was only when the Tang family died."

This man is Chen Kaiqiang's father, Chen Guoliang.

"What are you fierce, you always take it in the barracks, and lose your temper as soon as you come back, dad, you also control him." Chen Guoliang's wife was dissatisfied.

Chen's family is small, and Chen Zhantian's previous generation died in battle. There are only four people in this compound.

"This war book is not because of the opening of the dome." At this time, the man sitting on the wicker chair said.

His voice was calm and strong, because the cultivation was high and deep, and the whole person looked younger than Chen Guoliang.

Jianmei, Xingmu.

Even if sitting, the upper body is straight.

A simple dress made him look like an ordinary person.

But only those who know his identity know his horror.

Chinese Mythology-Chen Zhantian!

"The Tang family wanted to reach the summit with all their heart. This thing is taboo in our country, so it would be a good thing for Master Chu to suppress it."

Chen Zhantian's voice was very hearty.

"And my battle is not because of the opening of the vault."

"That is?"

"For yourself!" Chen Zhantian's eyes were firm, "I have come to an end in this course. From the three-step master to today, I finally condensed the true element successfully, but I can't go to the next step."

"Originally, I wanted to fight God Zeus after going out. I didn't expect him to lose to Master Chu. In this way, I would fight him to see my future path."

"You said that he was able to resist the rolling ball bomb, which really surprised me, because I am reasonable, I will know him."

"But above, I do not agree with your decision." Chen Guoliang said helplessly.

"Now, the country is stable and stable, with more than one me, and less than me."

"Just let me be willful for a while."

"Life and death!"

When Chen Zhantian smiled, he strode into the room and sat quietly.


It's late autumn and the frost in Beijing is still coming, but tourists are still in constant flow.

Only today, Yanhu, one of the tourist attractions, was blocked by the audience.

Moreover, it has lasted for three days.

"Wow, what is the situation, even armored vehicles have appeared, and there are a lot of handsome brothers." Guo Feifei looked left and right, his eyes sparkling.


"Don't be too earthy, let's look like earth turtles." Qian Xiaoshuai glared.

It happened to be a holiday, and more than half of the eighteenth class arrived in Beijing.

"What happened?" Hu Lai was also suspicious, and they suddenly received Luo Luo's invitation.

"No matter what he does, as long as it is the invitation of the goddess Luo Luo, I am cut off my legs and I have to climb over."

"Just like you, you want to get close to Luoluo." Chen Zhuyang sneered.

"It turned out to be you idiot! I haven't seen you in a while, it's still so annoying."

"Brothers, go up and beat him!"

"Tap, don't hit your face!"

A group of people is noisy and out of tune with the serious atmosphere here.

"How did I hear that Teacher Chu is also in Beijing, but he has never been able to contact him." Ma Xin thought for a moment.

"Not to mention him, my Luoluo goddess is here." A group of a dozen people all looked over.

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