My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 467: Five steps to the sky

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The terrifying storm is still going on, and it is showing fiery heat, and the whole sky has become extremely red.

All directions are moving, shocked from all sides!

At the moment, Chen Zhantian was in the middle of the storm. The wound on his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, even with a trace of white hair, and he began to recover black.

At this time, he, Jianmei star, extremely tough, completely like a man in his thirties.

He stood in midair, the most conspicuous is the position of his chest, like a flame is burning, and there is a bang between the world, that is, Chen Zhantian's heart is beating.

"It was even found by him." Chu Yi stunned, even if he himself, without the guidance of the fairy world, I am afraid that it is difficult to find the correct way to the congenital.

"And this first step is to remove dust from the heart."

Chu Yi did not attack, this is respect for the opponent.

What is congenital?

But it is back to nature.

When the person is the cleanest, it is in the mother body, wrapped in amniotic fluid. At that time, it was called a fetus. The body is dust-free, dirt-free, and smooth. In fact, it is also in a special innate nature.

This is the most primitive congenital, but the fetus will not practice.

But once born, the fetus will be contaminated with worldly dust, whether it is pollution or human fireworks, will have a huge impact on the body.

The older you are, the more dust there is on the internal organs.

Chu Yi looked at the position of the other party's heart, where it was strong and powerful.

"The human body is the greatest treasure, and the so-called innate is to remove the dust attached to the five internal organs, so that the five internal organs can be returned to the innate state."

The five internal organs are the heart, liver, lungs, spleen and kidney.

Every time the dust on the five internal organs is removed, a small supernatural power can be born, which also means that one more step is taken on the innate path.

The three-step guru is just a step for many people in the fairy world. Even if it is a one-step guru and a three-step guru, there is not much difference in Chu Yi's eyes.

It can be congenital five steps, also known as the five steps of ascending the sky in the fairyland, each step will have a huge change, the combat power soars.

After five steps to the sky, it is the realm of cultivation.

"Five internal organs, you can choose the order at will, and use Zhenyuan to remove the dust on the surface. Unexpectedly, Chen Zhantian chose the heart directly."

"However, the heart belongs to fire among the five elements, and his cultivation mentality is biased towards the fire attribute, which is the correct step."

The five internal organs of the human body correspond to different parts.

The heart corresponds to the tongue, blood vessels, blood, and pulse.

Once the heart removes dirt, its own recovery ability will be greatly enhanced.

In ancient times, Shennong tasted baicao, because the other party removed the dust on the heart and restored the tongue's innate sensitivity without fear of most of the poison.

"This talent is really amazing. There is a way to get Tai Chi Sect."

Chu Yi laughed, "It's just that, according to the concentration of Reiki on this earth, I'm afraid it's not enough to let a congenital birth, unless now staying directly in the spirit mine."

Sure enough, at a certain moment, the other party's breath stopped abruptly.

Chen Zhantian looked at it, but immediately afterwards, he also felt the lack of heaven and earth aura, making it difficult to supply the transformation of the true element.

But now, he has returned to the state of full prosperity, and removed a little bit of dirt on his heart, almost within half a step, giving him a place with sufficient aura, he can enter the innate.



"Has General Chen entered the legendary congenital realm?"

"I don't know, no one has seen innate."

"However, so strong!"

Everyone was horrified that Chen Zhantian just stood there, but it made countless people feel heavy and oppressed the Quartet, even Athena and others, had a heart of surrender in their hearts.

He is about to completely break away from the flesh!

"Oops, I feel Teacher Chu is in danger."

"Although I don't know what happened, I always feel that General Chen is too powerful now."

"Innate?" Luo Luomei's eyes flowed, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

No one has seen innateness, and no one knows how strong innateness is.

Will King Chu Yan still be an opponent of General Chen?

The Feng Family, Luo Family, and Langfang all fell into the valley with one heart.

"Innately invincible, I once heard that one of the closest to the congenital existence hit the Great Peninsular State. Finally, the US military put in an atomic bomb and immediately won the war."

"Unexpectedly, General Chen entered the innate."

In front of the congenital, even if you are genius, strength is horrible, but it is just in vain.

At the scene, the only thing not to worry about was Chu, who was not far away except Chu Yi.

After hearing the news, Hou Jue and Zhu Bajie also rushed all night.

Hou absolutely shocked.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of congenital nature. Brother Xiao Chu will soon be defeated. He has refined the true yuan." Zhu Bajie typed on his mobile phone, and the black-eyed beads gurgled.

He also called Chu Yi a little brother, proud of himself.

"Different congenital?" Hou Jue stunned, in his eyes, congenital is already a god-like existence.

But for Pig Bajie, it is just a stronger ants.

Like their family, as long as they are grown-ups, they are innate.

Tang Zhentian gave a high-five laugh, and his gums were about to show up.

"Hahaha, who would have thought that General Chen entered the congenital, this time, the surnamed Chu will definitely lose."

"Heaven will not destroy my Tang family!"

"Okay, this little bastard, after this failure, even if it does not die, it is also seriously injured. We will send someone to take the opportunity to completely eliminate him!" The old lady Wang Lan sneered.

At this moment, many people from high society have also started to gather towards the Tang family and say good things.

Everyone knows that General Chen owes a favor to the Tang family, and this relationship, like a snowball, is getting bigger and bigger. By now, General Chen is already innate, so terrible.

An innate relationship!


Chu Yi looked at Chen Zhantian calmly and smiled: "General Chen's perception is amazing, which is really gratifying, but nowadays, there is not enough spirit in the world, you are still difficult to step into the innate, you need to find a spiritual mine to retreat, or wait a few more times. Months."

Chen Zhantian did not fully enter the congenital, and Xiao Shentong was not born.

But after hearing these words, Chen Zhantian Meng was shocked: "I did not expect that the mysterious innate in my eyes and other eyes, in Master Chu's eyes, is at his fingertips."

Chen Zhantian is already quasi-innate. It is only a matter of time before he enters the congenital and reborn.

But now, the pride in his heart was broken by Chu Yi's words.

He originally thought that he was walking at the forefront of this road, but he could see Chu Yi's appearance. The other party knew this road long ago.

"However, I am already quasi-innate, Master Chu, will you continue this battle?"

Chen Zhantian has strong self-confidence. In his eyes, Chu Yi has no secrets at all.

"Although you have condensed the true element, after all, it is a temporary breakthrough. Most of the energy has not yet been fully converted, and the attack power is limited."

"Even if I don't take the initiative to attack, just consume, you will definitely lose."

"And I can also absorb the aura between heaven and earth without worrying about consumption."

Chen Zhantian sighed, after entering the quasi-innate, his heart was vast, thinking that the world was invincible, and no one was his opponent.

As for Chu Yi, although he is tough, he is not in his eyes either.

Chu Yi smiled and said, "Naturally, it's just a matter of nature. General Chen, you are so proud, innate is not equal to invincibility."

"I said, I am undefeated at the same level, quasi-innate, and have not completely separated from the acquired day. How can I beat me."

"Not to mention, I condensed the true element."

Chu Yi, who possesses true elements, has been able to use many more terrifying methods.

"Since that is the case, it will be a battle!" Chen Zhantian looked up to the sky and washed away some of the heart dust. His blood was too full, and the horror heat wave swept nine days and ten places.

He punched with a punch, as if there was a Taishan mountain, which was crushed directly.

Throughout the capital, there was a roar, and various sirens suddenly sounded, and for a time, there was chaos.

Chu Yi stepped on the sky with a violent kick. In an instant, the terrifying energy spread directly to the bottom of the lake. A large number of rocks cracked and collapsed, and then turned into a pillar of stone.

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