Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Everyone looked up and their eyes were very dignified. This battle was too fierce. Yan Lake evaporated, and it was split into two halves. This piece of landform was completely changed.

"What the **** is going on?" In front of it, there was billows of smoke, thunder and wind and rain. Everyone's hearts were anxious, and everyone could only see the last scene, the two sides collided together.

"Naturally, my grandfather won, grandfather has achieved a congenital realm, how can it be defeated by this mortal." Chen Kaiqiang said confidently.

"Also, that's a congenital realm. What kind of magical abilities we have, we don't know that the appearance of General Chen is really the prosperous age of my martial arts world, which illuminates the road ahead for us."

Compared with Chu Yan, these people are obviously more inclined to Chen Zhantian.

After all, Chen Zhantian is too famous, as if the **** king Zeus is in the underground world. Chen Zhantian is in China, and is the same level as the **** king Zeus.

And now, even some foreign warriors nodded.

They hope that Chen Zhantian will be able to disclose some innate information, but this has created a precedent. At least in their memory, they have never seen innate.

Tang Qifeng's arms were hanging, tied with bandages and plaster, but he was also extraordinary: "General Chen is naturally invincible, that surnamed Chu, I think he was just dying and struggling. This last blow was obviously reluctant to do it."

"That's nature," Master Mu nodded. "After all, it's innate, and it's rumored to have the ability to die, and live with the world."

Tang family, Long family and other families are also waiting. They do not want Chu Yi to win at all, and even hope that he will die here.

The old monk robe shone with a mysterious streamer and showed a smile: "General Chen is worthy of the myth of the world. After entering the innate, he is already undefeated, and I hope that Lao can talk to him."


Master Qingfeng and Master Lei looked at each other, then looked at the smoky place.

I saw a figure there slowly stood up, although everyone could not see clearly, but could vaguely see the man holding a spear in his hand.

"It's General Chen!"

"General Chen is invincible!"

"What **** Zeus, king Chu Yan, in front of General Chen, can't bear a blow!"

"There is also No. 1 in the field, No. 1 in the black list, and when General Chen goes to the island country, he will directly destroy him."

People cheered.

"Teacher Chu is defeated?" Qing Changhong couldn't believe it, but when he thought of Chen Zhantian, he entered the innate, like a devil, he had to believe.

"Relax, General Chen knows that he will not start too hard, and it is also Mr. Chu who has achieved his innate talent." Zhao Peng said.


"Ms. Chu will fail?"

Hu Lai and others were a little stunned.

"Lost, he finally lost, ha ha ha!" Tang Zhentian laughed three times.

His son Tang Qifeng was even more mad, and his body was shaking, and he was about to laugh with tears.

"He was defeated. I will see if I dare to come to my Tang family in the future!"

"Maybe, he is dead!"

Everyone looked at the Tang family, and they all sighed in their hearts. The Tang family was really tenacious, so they didn't fall down.

But at this time, the smoke gradually dissipated, and then all eyes were blank.

I saw a rather embarrassed figure, holding a spear and standing at the bottom of the lake, but the man was not Chen Zhantian, but King Chu Yan!

At the moment of seeing King Chu Yan, everyone froze and could not believe their eyes.

It was King Chu Yan holding a spear?

Chen Zhantian's weapons have been taken away?

How can it be?

One question after another, such as a gust of wind filling their minds, and everyone can't say anything.

That is a congenital realm, a realm of legend, like a god.

How could someone overcome the congenital realm?


The pupil of the old monk Wuliang Quan shrank: "Chen Zhantian is so powerful. The energy he uses is also different from our ordinary energy. It is certain that how could he fail on that road?"

The old monk couldn't imagine that he had seen many things in his life, but there was no one that completely subverted his ideas.

That's Chen Zhantian!

And it was Chen Zhantian who entered the congenital.

"His!" Master Lei's abdomen bulged, his eyes glaring round, he stared at Chu Yi's figure, and finally looked like a deflated ball, the whole person was defeated, and he smiled bitterly.

"I finally understand that some people are born differently, and their talents can make us desperate."

"It's more than despair!" Master Breeze's beautiful eyes rippled. "This is like a monster. Isn't even his congenital opponent?"

"Athena, what do you think?" In the distance, Ares clenched his fists, shaking his muscles.

Athena was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It stands to reason that innate, it is impossible to be defeated by the guru, this is what is recorded in the ancient books."

"Then there is only one explanation."

"Chen Zhantian did not enter into the congenital completely, and King Chu Yan was not far from the congenital, so that was possible."

"It hasn't entered the congenital completely, but it is also very powerful. For such a person, Huaxia will just give out one. At this time, there will be two..." The three looked at each other.

They vowed that they would never provoke Chu Yi again before the envoy came.

The mace, the army, the Tang family, the Long family, the Feng family, the Luo family... everyone, at this moment, was shocked to the extreme.

Some people simply cannot accept it.

"Ka!" Tang Zhentian clenched his fists, his nails piercing his palm deeply, but he didn't have any consciousness.

"Our Tang family is going to be finished?"

"Why did this happen!"

He is not reconciled.

Both Tang Zhentian and Tang Wei are extremely conceited people. In their eyes, Tang Wanru did the wrong thing, and Chu Yi was even more wrong.

Later, even if Chu Yi insulted the Tang family again and again, the Tang family was still confident and able to stand proudly.

But this time, when Chen Zhantian also failed, they were desperate.

Tang Qifeng on the side was dizzy with two eyes, leaned back sharply, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Hahaha, let me just say, when it comes to pretending, Teacher Chu has not lost." Hu Lai patted his thigh.

"It hurts! Don't pat my leg."

"This is your honor."

Class 18, resumed the previous beatings, and everyone was relieved.

The shock on Sun Zhen's face hasn't faded. The whole person stays where he is. What I saw today has refreshed his three views, and it's shocking.

Fu Wenbo looked dignified, but he was thinking of another thing.

"This is troublesome."

"Ms. Luo Family, is a member of the Luo Family, and now is a student of King Chu Yan, even if President Wang wants to rob people, it is extremely troublesome."


Chu Yi slowly walked towards everyone, his face was joyless and sad, and there was no evil, but everyone still took a step backwards.

The men in the army looked at him fiercely.

There seems to be something to do.

"It's Chu, what happened to my grandfather, you killed my grandfather, you don't want to go out alive." Chen Kaiqiang exasperated.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Chen Guoliang scolded, and then respected Chu Yi with respect: "Master Xie Chu's wish to become the father of the whole family."

Chu Yi nodded slightly and poked down with the right hand holding the spear. The spear was inserted into the ground and buzzed.

He crossed the army, walked out of the crowd, and looked at his students.

"What did you learn in this last lesson?"

Hu Lai: "Teacher, you are telling us that this world is very big, don't let yourself be confined to one place, otherwise, after all, it is just a frog at the bottom of the well."

"Teacher, I learned that no matter what, I can't give up. In this way, even the strongest enemy is a paper tiger."

"Stop!" Chu Yi said with a puzzled face. "Why did you learn this? Didn't this last lesson witness my bravery and become your idol?"

"..." Everyone.

They really don't understand, how could there be such a weird teacher, who was clearly still fighting in the war just now, but now he is so rogue.

"Teacher, I understand why you win."

"Because you don't realize how thick your skin is, others can't break your defense."

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