My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 471: Liberty League decision

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

A wave is unsettled, another wave is rising.

This post by Chu Yi on the Warrior Forum has caused a storm.

"I'll just say, the Twelve Temples can't come up with such an army, otherwise, would they be so laid back in the EU?"

"It really is the EU. I was the witness of that war. The last time I noticed something was wrong. The weapons, although similar to the EU, are still different."

"The European Union is really good."

"No wonder the last post I posted was deleted. It turned out that I was really serious."

There was an uproar, but they didn't take Chu Yi's words seriously.

Chu Yi was able to assassinate the **** king Zeus, even if he killed Chen Zhantian, everyone would not be surprised, because this is after all a matter related to the underground world.

It's just that if you want to kill the president of one country, or even the presidents of many countries, this is almost impossible.

That is the country!

Even China will organize, because if it really happens, the consequences will be too great.

So for these remarks, people only regarded Chu Yi as a threat to the EU. As long as the EU apologizes or negotiates in private, the result will be inconclusive.

Even, even if they do not apologize, they think that King Chu Yan can do nothing about the EU.

"Teacher Chu, you are not optimistic about your actions this time online." Hou Jue was also shocked, brought a cup of tea to Chu Yi, and said with a smile.

"Even if Langfang saw this post, there was not a phone call to ask. It seems that they don't think you will really kill the president of a country."

Chu Yi shook the teacup in his hand and smiled: "That's what they thought, the president is amazing, even if it's the US president, if it really offends me, it's just my prey."

"However, the reason why Spike Fang didn't call on the one hand was because they didn't think I would do this stupid thing. On the other hand, they felt embarrassed."

"Although it is the EU that deals with me, China and the EU have just reached a new trade agreement. It is impossible to fall over at this time, and for the benefit of the country, they will not ask the EU for a statement because of me."

"Instead of doing so, it would be better if you don't see the incident and let me make trouble. After all, I can't really kill European presidents."

Chu Yi gently placed the cup on the table. Pig Bajie beside him learned to take a sip of tea. As a result, he swallowed all the tea leaves, showing a disgusted expression.

"Unfortunately, they forgot my title."

"Chu Yan is not a white man."

"It's just that before going to Europe, the arbor islands have to be resolved."

The American Freedom League, which is comparable to the existence of the Twelve Temples, brings together the warriors from all over the world. Because of the system, their development is also extremely free, although there is no such strongman in the top five on the black list, but the number of guru , But it is quite a lot.

And now, it seems that the Freedom League is under the control of a mysterious "X", the stronger it becomes.

In Huaxia, the rest of the forces heard that Chu Yi was still alive, but they were terrified.

But Freedom League is different.

The Freedom League is already strong, even when it comes to the Twelve Temples, it does not evade it. Since the spirit mine is occupied by them, and the number is so large, they will naturally not give up easily.

After all, the benefits are too great!

Chu Yi is not a natural killer, and the Freedom League is also a well-watered person, but this time, the other party has not yet meant to return it, so Chu Yi can only run once.

"Shen Hongru, it doesn't seem to have a heart of repentance. Really thinks that Freedom League can shelter him?"

Chu Yi smiled, and even the president of a country could not guarantee himself in front of Chu Yi, let alone a Shen Hongru.

What made him somewhat unclear is that behind this Liberal League, it is likely to be the so-called Wang Ying.

One day later, Chu Yi appeared here with Zhu Bajie.

The arbor islands are full of scenery, more and more beautiful, and full of vitality, all because of a fortune here.

Yunmai, the birth of the spirit mine, the spirit mine is also affecting the surrounding environment.

Chu Yi went directly to the original boxing hall, but now, it has become the base camp of spirit mine management and is not open to the public.

"Sorry, this is private territory. If you want to enter, you must know someone inside, or make an appointment in advance."

"Then trouble the brother to go in and tell Shen Hongru, saying that an old man with the surname Chu met and asked him to come out and greet him."

"Supervisor Shen?" The guard was a martial artist, but when he heard that Chu Yi wanted to see Shen Hongru, his attitude was also respectful.

Chu Yi waited quietly, but many guards here were replaced by foreigners.


In the conference room of the boxing hall.

There are ten people sitting at the round table.

All of them were breathtaking, like volcanoes and nine phantoms, unfathomable.

If there are outsiders, you will surely be surprised to find that among these ten people, including Shen Hongru, all are masters.

Among them, mainly a middle-aged man with yellow hair, his breath is steady, his body is strong, a large axe is placed beside him, and there is blood stained on it.

It was a supervisor in the Liberty League, and it was also a three-step guru.

"Everyone, let's talk about it. This king of Chu Yan is in the sky. We occupy his spiritual mine. He will come back sooner or later."

"Is this spirit mine released or not?"

A woman dressed in voluptuous, with a large white chest exposed, smiled and said, "Aren't we just a king of Chu Yan, should we still be afraid of him?"

"The host's side did not say anything."

As soon as the owner was mentioned, there was a look of panic and awe in the eyes of the people around.

That man was so scary, with one person, he subverted the entire Freedom League overnight.

The killing of the killing, the staying, and the strength of all of them has been improved by more than half.

These methods are simply appalling.

The reason why Shen Hongru died down here was that he only became a master after meeting the person.

"Although the congenital has been spread outside, the king of Chu Yan is the first person today, but the master is the real hidden power."

"There is a master behind us, do we still have to fear King Chu?"

In fact, the interests here are too big and too big to start a war, and they can't give up.

"Yes, our Liberty League is not a small role like the Twelve Temples. Nowadays, even the Grand Masters have hundreds of them. Such a huge force can make any country in the world be afraid of it. In front of the owner, it is just a ants."

"Since this is the case, then this spirit mine will not be let go." Supervisor said indifferently, in fact, he did not want to give up the interests here.


Shen Hongru opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he could only wave his hand when he saw everyone's decisive appearance.

Although he knew that the host here was too strong, but for some reason, he still had a strong fear of King Chu Yan.

"He will come as soon as he comes. If we kill King Chu Yan, we will be famous."

"Here, there is the killing array arranged by the master, that even the gods come, they have to drink hate."

Although everyone had never seen the true face of "master", they were all in awe.

While everyone was still discussing, an **** ran in and respectfully said: "Supervisor Shen, there is a young man outside who says that you are your old friend. I want to visit you. I am a Chinese person."

"Young people? Old friends?" Shen Hongru thought about it in his mind. Most of the big people he knew were some years old, and there were really no young people.

And recently, since he developed, there have always been domestic relatives and friends who fled.

"If you don't see me, just say I'm not here." He was still worried about Chu Yi's affairs, and he couldn't keep up his spirits.

"Adult, he seems to say that his surname is Chu."

Shen Hongru was about to yell impatiently, but when he heard the surname, he suddenly stopped.

"Surname Chu?"

"It's him, King Chu Yan is here!" Shen Hongru was horrified, and the whole person ejected from the chair.

The other nine people were startled, their faces pale.

No matter how they despised Chu Yi just now, King Chu Yan really appeared in front of them, and all of them were extremely nervous.

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