Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The Shennian body cannot communicate with the deity, so at this moment Wang Ying’s true body does not know what is happening here.

"Mr. Wang, please meet me for the first time." Chu Yi smiled faintly.

Wang Ying was stunned, but immediately he showed a surprised laugh: "Chu Yan Wang is worthy of being Chu Yan Wang, did not expect that even my identity was not concealed from the past."

Chu Yi with his hands on his back, looked at the other party: "Can I ask you a question?"

"Please say." The smoke was everywhere, the other person's figure was misty, and the pressure was horrified.

But Chu Yi faced this kind of coercion, but there was nothing strange.

"I want to know, which ancestral lineage did you get." Chu Yi's eyes burst out with brilliance, because this Wang Ying is a little special, many means, and some of them can't understand him.

"Feng Shui, deduction together." Wang Ying did not elaborate, but only pointed out the general direction.

Chu Yi frowned, but also lost interest: "Unfortunately, you are just a body of mind, and do not have much self-awareness, I hope to see you in the future."

"That's natural. You and I will meet one day, but now..."


His breath became more and more huge, rising directly into the sky, the white smoke turned into a beam of light, straight into the sky, and the momentum was huge, with a rolling wave, almost sweeping across the arbor islands.

"My God, what happened there." Some foreign tourists looked up in horror.

Many people took out their phones to take pictures.

"Look, look like there is a person in the smoke?"

"No, it's tens of meters high, how is it possible!"

In the high altitude, Wang Ying looked down on Chu Yi. Although his voice was calm, it spread like waves.

"King Chu Yan, I am the God of Divine Mind. Once it appears, there must be a battle, so this battle is inevitable."

"Hua Xia?" Someone was stunned below, because the voice was so horrible that it spread directly across the arbor islands, and there was a gust of wind.

"He said... King Chu Yan?" A warrior heard this, his eyes showing infinite fanaticism.

"Chu Yan is in the China Islands?"

"No... that's my idol... He didn't just fought yesterday, why did he find someone to fight again today?"

"It must be King Chu Yan, I heard that the spirit mine in King Chu Yan's hands is in the Aomu Islands, and was previously occupied by the Freedom League. In this way, is he not fighting with the Freedom League."

"Freedom League, that is the twelve temples after the heyday, did not expect King Chu Yan and Freedom League to do it."

"Our underground world has been silent for several years. Unexpectedly, because of the arrival of King Chu Yan, it was a little more spiritual. It is also a good thing. Recently, the warriors have been diligently practicing one by one. "

"It's just, who is fighting with Chu Yan, I can't see clearly."

The warriors had a lot of discussions. For a time, the warrior forum was full of various posts.

The entire underground world has not yet calmed down from yesterday's storm, and it has risen again, and these times, it was all because of King Chu Yan.


"Mr. Wang, over the Qiaomu Islands..." Fu Wenbo stopped talking.

Wang Ying narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtfully: "I'm there with my mind, let's take a look first, and now, our task is at the Luo family, this spirit mine, if you lose it, just lose it."

Wang Ying doesn't care, he just wants to complete the first step of "The Emperor's Eternal Life".

"The island country has already sent people to start acting?"

Fu Wenbo respectfully said: "Yes, this minefield is also an interesting person, and did not violate your order..."

"What, did it work again?" Qing Changhong was still training a group of new members of the mace, but when he was on the podium, he received the news and was amazed for a while.

There is no quell here, General Chen is still in cultivation, he has made trouble again.

"It's the Liberty League, but I don't know which one of the Liberty League can play against Teacher Chu."

At present, although Chu Yi has not ranked first in the black list and was topped by Jingtian Shangji, it is recognized that Chu Yi is still the first.

"It seems to be King Chu Yan, my idol..." Underneath, many spiked freshmen also knew the news and were very excited.

"I joined Langya just to see King Chu Yan!"

"The Freedom League is really looking for death!"


No matter how the outside world is boiling, Chu Yi at this time is not surprised.

"This Wang wins, deduction, Feng Shui metaphysics, no wonder you want to get some luck."

This is very common in fairyland.

Although Yunmai is more important for a sect, even if it is lost, a sect can not lose much by relying on its powerful strength.

Even a lot of powerful people of this line specially organized groups to steal the luck of each sect.

"It's just why, I always feel inexplicable about this king win, this person is not simple."

Chu Yi frowned.

But at the next moment, he was full of sword energy, several meters in one step, and he went up to the sky. His whole body seemed to be enveloped by countless sword lights, lifted by the sword wind, and climbed up and down.

From a distance, it seemed to rise to the ground like a huge storm.

"What happened there, is it a natural disaster?" Ordinary people were puzzled and looked frightened.

But the warriors are full of fanatical expressions on their faces.

"Chu Yan, the **** is a god!" People were terrified, because Chu Yi showed them the infinite possibilities of warriors, which is like a stimulant to the underground world.



In the air, the wind screamed and the hunting rang.

Surrounded by white smoke, Wang Ying sighed: "Unexpectedly, you have such a deep understanding of the swordsmanship, and it is rumored that your physical body is powerful and can be comparable to the heavenly mysterious stone. I am curious. How to get to this step."

"You can't know your deity," Chu Yi smiled.

"It seems that you also know Shen Nian very well. If I didn't investigate many of your information, I would really suspect that you are not a person on earth." Wang Ying said.

Chu Yi was slightly surprised.

Not a person on earth?

It seems that this person knows that there is a fairyland, otherwise he will not say this.

"I am a god-minded person with insufficient energy, but I can also exert my full blow a few months ago."

Wang Ying stopped talking nonsense. Around him, Bai Yan began to spin wildly. At the end, like a whale sucking Changhong, a terrifying water tornado mixed with white smoke and madly swept the sky.

Gradually, the seawater became white, and there was a roar similar to a beast.

"Which kind of door technique is this?" Chu Yi searched in his mind, but it was unknown.

He shook his head slightly, and finally punched.

Boxing like a sword!

The whole world seemed to be exploded. He was like a god, punishing all beings.

"After all, you are just a body of mind, and even the defense is far inferior to the deity."

The other party's blow was that even the general three-step guru had to hate it, but for Chu Yi, it was nothing.

Boxing style, sword spirit.

Directly cut through the other party's attack and rushed into the white smoke.

With two snorts, the world and the world were quiet, and everything was invisible.

"It seems to be the situation, but it's because on the earth, the suppression of the world here is still too small."

In the fairyland, congenital can only fly briefly in the imperial sky, and the inspired aura is also limited.

Only on the earth, this shackle is much smaller, so even the battle of the masters can be horrified, at least the visual effect is extremely spectacular.

Chu Yi landed peacefully on the ground. For him, there was no surprise in winning the Shennian body.

But today, he knows more about this mysterious President Wang.

In my heart, I was uneasy.

There is a crazy idea, which has been hovering in his mind, but Chu Yi is also not sure.

"The highest Taoism on this earth is nothing more than Wupinzongmen, and even if the Wupinzongmen are the most core inheritance, it cannot allow a person to enter such a terrible state in just one year."

Chu Yi's rebirth was just over a year.

At most, his butterfly effect is produced in this year.

But he did not believe that the other party would have such achievements within a year.

"I heard a word that when all the possibilities are not obtained, then the most unlikely one is the most probable."

"This king wins, probably like me, is a rebirth from the fairy world."

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