Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

When Chu Yi appeared, countless auras were like crazy, and hungry wolves poured into Chu Yi's body.

There was a vortex of terror.

After the transformation of Chu Yi Dantian, these auras will be transformed into thick real elements, which will double the combat power of the innate realm.

"It's such a long absence." Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

Although he had reached the Immortal Venerable in his last life, after all, in the congenital realm, in some of the Sixth and Seventh Grade Sects, they are already the mainstay of the main.

In some imperial colleges, some innate realms can become mentors.

In short, this state is completely different from the acquired master, and there have been qualitative changes.

The first time Chu Yi came out, he saw Zhu Bajie, and then swept towards Hou Ju, Sun Shang, Tang Feiyan and others.

What makes them strange is that this group of people, especially Tang Feiyan's group of Xu Sheng, suddenly breathed faster when they saw themselves, blushing and beating, showing their peach blossoms.

"What are you looking at?"


Tang Feiyan and others didn't seem to hear it, but looked at Chu Yi with a little nympho.

They all took a breath.

How can this man be so beautiful.

At the moment, Chu Yi has a slender body, a straight nose, and a pair of peach blossoms in his eyes, yet he is as firm as sword and eyebrows.

His skin is so delicate that even female stars have to be jealous.

It was not until Chu Yi walked in that all the girls in Tang Feiyan recovered, but their faces were even more crimson, and they didn't even dare to look directly at Chu Yi's eyes.

"Ms. Chu, is this you?"


Chu Yi suddenly realized that every time he tapped his head, everyone would have a certain change in appearance after they became congenital, but most people only slightly adjusted up, but they seemed to have changed a lot.

"Don't you see what I used to look like, that's how handsome and handsome you are, and you are deeply intoxicated, but I didn't expect that this ugly face can charm you now."

Chu Yi shook his head deeply, he really did not like this face, so that when the last life used the identity of King Chu Yan to do bad things, he always stood up to this face, and only in front of many relatives and friends, he will change back to the previous one. appearance.


Chu Yi's thoughts moved back to his previous appearance.

"It's still handsome now."

Everyone: "..."

"Absolutely not!"

This wonderful aesthetic, and this narcissist.

Hou Ju wiped his cold sweat, and suddenly asked cautiously, "Mr. Chu, have you really entered the innate realm?"

Chu Yi smiled calmly.

Everyone was in an uproar, and their eyes became more eager.

This is true congenital... The legendary congenital strongman has not appeared on the earth for many years, so it has become a legend.

"General Chen didn't enter the congenital, I didn't expect Teacher Chu to take a step forward."

"Teacher Chu, I adore you so much. How do you think I am, a talented person, is it suitable for your brother-in-law..." Sun Shanghe smiled.

"Go!" Chu Yi didn't have a good airway. When he was about to say something, suddenly, he twitched and his pupils shrank.

The breath on his body suddenly skyrocketed, his eyes sharp, and he almost pierced the sky.

Not to mention Sun Gang's gang of fangs, even Hou Jue is backing up again and again.

Congenital anger, how terrifying, Zhenyuan almost burst out, forming a thousand swordsmanship.

"what happened?"

Chu Yi's eyes narrowed: "Something went wrong. The jade pendant I gave to Luoluo was destroyed. I was able to destroy my jade pendant. This person's strength must be at least close to the congenital realm."

Sure enough, it took only a minute before Chu Yi's cell phone rang.

The number was Luo Luo's number, but it was the voice of his father Luo Yan.

"Teacher Chu, Luo Luo was turned away by a master..."

"I'll be there soon." Chu Yi didn't talk nonsense. In fact, the last time he saw Luo Luo, he noticed something wrong.

The other party's luck is too strong, the only explanation is that there is a luck in her body.

This is not a good thing.

Generally speaking, the fortunes of a sect or an empire are all located in mountains, rivers or underground, but there are also extremely rare cases where the fortunes will be transferred to the souls.

For ordinary people, they wouldn't fight their ideas, but for monks who practice Feng Shui metaphysics, this is the best resource for cultivation.

If Luo Luo is strong enough, this is okay, but she has very little strength.

"Is it you?" Chu Yi thought of Wang Ying, a person he didn't understand so far, why did he get so many inheritances?

On the same day, Chu Yi flew to Beijing.


The Luo family is located in the western suburbs of the capital. The environment here is quite quiet. Large and small villas all belong to the Luo family.

Just now, this piece of villa collapsed, the gravel rolled, and from time to time soldiers transported the wounded from inside.


When Chu Yi saw Luoyan, this usually personable Luo family head was quite embarrassed, with bandages on his forehead.

Come with Luo Yan, and Qing Changhong.

After all, it was attacked by a warrior here, and it is usually the wolf teeth to deal with this kind of thing.

"What's going on?" Chu Yi asked with a frown.

Luo Yan did not lose his position, and said in detail: "We don’t know. Suddenly a mysterious strong man in black directly attacked our Luo family. Our martial arts master of the Luo family made all his efforts, but it was not his blow. enemy."

"That man, too powerful, just broke the house with his palm..."

For China Power, it is impossible to warn such a strong man.

Just like before Chu Yi, trying to kill a president of a country is easy.

And now, his strength is even more terrifying.

"His purpose is to take Luo Luo away." Qing Changhong said with a certain tone.

"Did you have any performance?" Chu Yi looked at him.

Qing Changhong nodded and said: "My strength is low, it is difficult to fully perform, but one thing is certain, the other person's breath is very similar to the islanders."

"Island people?" Chu Yi frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chu, Senior Changhong, Lord Luo." Zhao Peng came out of the ruins. "It has been checked. The other party did not take any flights or take private planes."

"That should be him." Chu Yi immediately judged.


Chu Yi said: "The islanders have no record of flying, so the strength is so powerful that they can fly across the sea, and only the No. 1 on the black list is temporarily ranked first."

"Jintian Shangjiu, it's him!" Qing Changhong gasped. "That's trouble. This former Jingtian Shangji's strength was strong. But not long ago, it rose rapidly, even if it was the three-step guru. In his hand, he can't pass the three strokes. It is rumored that he once challenged the current **** king Zeus. It is said that he also won, and this is the first place in the black list."

Qing Changhong frowned, the other party's strength has been unpredictable, it seems that no one has seen his true strength.

"Buy a ticket for me and I go directly to the island country. Whether it is the person he robbed or not, he is the strongest island country."

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, and some people dared to hijack his students.

"Teacher Chu, this is too dangerous. I think it is still going through the country." Qing Changhong shook his head.

"Although the island country is small, I have been in Langya for many years and I know some of the secrets there, like some shrines, seem to have a history of thousands of years and existed long ago."

He is worried about Chu Yi's safety.

Everyone is likely to fall, if Chu Yi is attacked by the army again like last time, it will be troublesome.


Chu Yi chuckled.

He carried his hands on his back and walked up to the sky, instantly disappearing into the night sky.

"I will go directly to the airport and wait, you will arrange it as soon as possible."

Zhao Peng and Luo Yan looked at each other.

However, Qingqing Changhong suddenly had a good body, and his face turned red very crimsonly: "Mr. Chu, he and he..."

"What's wrong, Senior? Is it to stop Teacher Chu?" Zhao Peng even said.

Qing Changhong looked at where Chu Yi disappeared for a long time, and finally took a deep breath, his eyes full of excitement.

"If not unexpectedly, Teacher Chu has entered the innate state."

what? !

Zhao Peng and others were horrified, and they suddenly looked up.

The setting sun fell, there seemed to be a figure there, disappearing and disappearing at the end of the world.

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