My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 487: You are not welcome here

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

As soon as he got off the plane, Wu Chujie gave Chu Yi a look that a man could understand, but the smoke disappeared.

For this weird little fat man, Chu Yi was quite fond of being able to be friends with him.

After all, Yuko Matsushima is the child of a big business. When Chu Yi got off the plane, a longer version of Lincoln picked up.

Matsushima Yuko asked Chu Yi shyly to get in the car, his heart thumped.

"Mr. Chu, you said that you are a Chinese teacher at Huaxia High School?" Yuko Matsushima said in surprise, "I have liked Huaxia since childhood and I also like Huaxia's questions. My mother often talks to me about Huaxia. She is also a Teacher, it’s just teaching math."

"Mr. Chu, can I talk to you about Huaxia's literature?"

"Okay!" Chu Yi would not be bored with a beautiful woman.

Soon, the two chatted all the way to their destination.

When Chu Yi and Matsushima Yuko came down from the car, there were a couple of men and women who also walked down from a luxury car.

The woman is extremely charming, all over the body, every cell reveals the charm that makes the man crazy.

A low-necked red dress, **** and mature, the V-neck can almost see a full, sultry spring.

She had a branded handbag in her hand, and stepped on red high-heeled shoes with a proud expression on her face, which is common to many upstarts.

It's just that when I saw Chu Yi, a strange color suddenly appeared in my eyes, and my eyes were forgotten.

So handsome!

This is the first time she has seen such a handsome guy. The facial features are exquisite and she can't pick out any flaws, just like a beautiful piece of art.

"Nanako, what do you think?" The elite man next to him was dissatisfied and gave Chu Yi a hard look.

"Well? Yuko, I didn't expect you to be here. I heard you didn't go back to China. Why did you think of coming back? Is it that the company in your family is back to life?"

Matsushima Yuko is a noble school, so most of the people she knows are also the upper class of the island country.

Like Cai Caizi in front of him, his family runs the island's largest amusement park and some real estate.

"Ha ha!"

Matsushima raised her chin proudly, ignoring her, and walked directly to Chu Yi's side, grabbed Chu Yi's arm, and smiled sweetly: "Mr. Chu, you laughed, not all The islanders speak so bitterly."

"Let's go advanced."


"Yu Zi, is this your new boyfriend?" Cai Naizi's face suddenly changed.

In those days, the business of Matsushima’s family could be regarded as the top three largest companies in the island country, so these people seem to be very good to her, but secretly, they are jealous.

But now, since the rise of the Ida Group, the Songdao family has fallen, especially with the presence of Ikeda Shangji, no one dares to compete with the Ida Group in the ranks of electronics.

"It's not yet." Yuko Matsushima said with a smile, looking at his enemies with a rueful face, and the mood was suddenly better.

She and Chu Yi had discussed it long ago, and tonight they were pretending to be lovers or ambiguous.

"Huh, this Yuzi dare to come over." Nanako stomped her feet and looked at her husband beside her. Compared with Chu Yi, she felt even more unhappy.

"Isn't it just to find a handsome boyfriend, but this man has a little white face at first glance, he has no skill."

"Matsushima's home is about to fall, I think she will deal with others later."


Chu Yi walked from time to time, he could hear the exclamation of the girls passing by him, hot eyes were constantly cast, and some even flirted at him.

Chu Yi sighed in his heart: "A group of mortals fight for power every day, but they don't know how to cultivate immortals, they don't know longevity, they float on the skin."

"Mr. Chu, you have also seen my environment." Yuko Matsushima said, "Here, I have few real friends, my company, and because Ida is almost going bankrupt... This is probably the last time I participated in this Party."

Matsushima Yuko smiled and shook his head bitterly, born in such an environment, in fact, no easier than ordinary people.

Chu Yi and Songdo Yuko walked in, noble and elegant, playing the piano.

"Miss Matsushima, long time no see."

"Beautiful again..."

The boys started complimenting that when Yuko Matsushima was at school, she was a goddess-level character. Everyone was out of my reach, but now, my family is going bankrupt, so some people start to have a commotion.

But when he saw Chu Yi, his pupils shrank.

"What's this gentleman?" A sullen-looking young man had no good intentions towards Chu Yi.

"This is my friend, Mr. Chu Yichu. He is a Chinese and a teacher. He came to our country for the first time."

"Hua Xia?"

Everyone heard it, frowning.

Things between China and the island country are still quite complicated, so that when these young people heard that Chu Yi was a Chinese, there was a trace of hostility on their faces.

That is the part of the **** girl, at this time the desire for Chu Yi is also much lower.

"Yuzi, I think your taste is getting worse and worse. Don't you know that the recent relationship between our country and Huaxia is very tense. You are still bringing this person over here. Isn't it annoying to trouble us." Came from.

Matsushima’s face changed, and she forgot about this kind of thing. After all, she had no prejudice to Chinese people.

"Ichida Chika, don't spit on people, we will be a private party this time."


The crowd dispersed, a beautiful girl, as noble as a princess, and slowly appeared in the company of several men.

Chita Ida, the granddaughter of Ichijo Ida, is probably the most respected girl in the island nation.

The crowd is free to let go.

Everyone knows that Ida No.2 is the first in the black list. At least on the black list, his strength is even stronger than that of King Chu Yan.

"I said that private is private, and I say that Chinese people can't come if they can't come, and my words are rules!"

Matsushima Yuko's face was flushed.

She was about to say something, but saw the other person sneer: "Yu Zi, the reason why your family has not been bankrupt so far is because I think you are my former classmate."

"Do you believe it or not, now I will make your family bankrupt!"

The scene was quiet throughout.

In the island country, no one dared to refute what Ikeda said.

"This friend of China, welcome you to the island country, but the party here does not welcome you."

"Mr. Chu, sorry."

Chu Yi smiled and didn't care: "It's okay, then I will take a step first."

"What's wrong? The atmosphere is so dignified." At this moment, Cai Caizi, who had just met Chu Yi, also walked in. She glanced at her eyes and knew what was happening, but when she just wanted to take two steps, she was As soon as his body was soft, the whole person directly rushed to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi was not hiding, nor was he hiding, so he was covered.

The most important thing is that the other party still presses himself with his chest.

"Big breast sign!"

What Chu Chujie said quickly flashed in Chu Yi's mind, with a black line.

Every time I meet the other party, I have a big chest sign, which is really a hell.

However, Chu Yi immediately noticed something was wrong while holding the other party.

The girl's body was cold and guilty.

"Nanako, what's going on?"


"The old problem has been committed again!"

Soon, the special doctor here came, but after the examination, his face was silent.

"Miss Ida, I can do nothing."

"What?!" Ikeda Chika's face changed suddenly. Although the other party was old, dying in his own site was not a problem, but after all, Cai Naizi's family was also a person with a face and a face. Once troubled, his reputation was not very good. One angered Grandpa.

Chiada Ida dare not imagine.

Grandpa was too majestic and too distant in her eyes.

"It's not dead yet, what's it called." Chu Yi pulled Cai Caizi's husband away, speechless.

"Let me see." Chu Yi crouched down.

"What a Chinese person knows, you should not use the messy Chinese medicine." The doctor here scolded.

He tried to push Chu Yi away with his hands, but unexpectedly, as if he touched the current, the whole person was instantly bounced off, his head hit the dining table, and blood was flowing.

"If you don't want to die one by one, don't talk!" Chu Yi frowned aloud, because he found these unusual cold.

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