My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 489: Late secondary disease

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Looking at Chu Yi and leaving without looking back, the entire field of Qianxia Qianxia was bad.

Who is she?

The island's first beauty, the family's industry is all over the world, and it is the granddaughter of No. 1 Ida on the black list. The combination of various titles makes her have countless auras, and almost all boys love and fear it.

But for Chu Yi, he softened his voice just now, but the other party didn't even look at it. This arrogant look almost made her mad.

Chiada's teeth bite lightly, revealing a look of weakness and distress to the boys around him.

However, when turning around, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of this charming girl.

"I didn't expect that even a high concentration of spirit stone essence was found in the hands of a Chinese person. I am afraid he has a lot of hands."

"If I can dedicate these things to my grandfather... In this case, maybe grandfather will give me the position of chairman of the group directly with pleasure."

This is very likely to happen. After all, Ieda Noji is now the No. 1 black list, and no one in the entire island country has achieved such an achievement.

So much so that Ikeda's words are absolute authority.

"If you want to kill someone, it's still a bit troublesome. After all, it's a Chinese, but if you just let people steal things back, it's simple."

Various strategies quickly flashed through Ikeda’s mind, and in the end, they rejected it one by one, and chose a more stable plan.


At this moment, a black shadow flashed in an eight Qi shrine in the island country, and a woman was **** with real yuan on his body.

"It's finally here." Infield Jinji looked up and looked at this somewhat rugged Yachi Shrine, with a weird smile on his vicissitudes.

"Although the so-called mysterious master is powerful, he can point me and let me advance by leaps and bounds, and now I can enter the congenital half a step away, but what about."

Jingtian Shangji was standing there, his eyes exposed, and the surrounding flowers and trees seemed to be under some pressure. Most of the small beasts around him were trembling and trembling, crying out in horror.

"I'm the No. 1 in the black list, how can I win under the people!

"And the mysterious man didn't even know that the three great shrines of our island country are so useful."

Ida Ueki laughed twice.

From a long time ago, he discovered that whenever he brought some tribute to the Baqi Idol, there will be a special cold escape, which can promote the cultivation of Cui Jin and even change his physique, reaching an extreme The degree of terror.

This time, even if there was no plan for the mysterious master, Ichida Iichi knew about its needs through the image of the Eight Qi Gods.

This special Chinese girl will become a tribute this time, and you will also get the benefits of the heavens, even entering the innate realm or even a higher realm at a time.

"At that time, what Chu Yan, what mysterious person, are not my opponents, the entire earth, must obey my orders."

He laughed twice.

"Zhonger disease." At this moment, a cold voice came from behind him.

"What?!" Jingtian frowned, putting Luo on the ground, a pair of sullen eyes, narrowing his eyes at each other.

Luo Luo rolled his eyes, there was no trace of fear as a kidnapped person.

She sorted out her clothes, chose a suitable and comfortable position, and said calmly: "I said you are a secondary disease. See more of the comics of the island country."

"And uncle, you are still in the late stage of the second disease of the villain, and you want to conquer the earth and rule the world?"

"You see all the comics, the villains in the movie are this dream, and then they all failed, and the ending is terrible."

"I said, as a new villain in the new era, can you have a little of your own dreams and don't follow suit, this is too cliché."

Luoluo's Island Mandarin is fluent, and I understand all of it in the second time.

It was precisely because he understood that he stayed where he was, and in a trance he thought the other party said something very reasonable.

Only when he shook his head, he came awake.

"Little girl, you don't understand my dreams. You have such a look now, you can only blame your bad life, hehe." The second fierce **** on the field said evilly.

"The big demon in the second stage of the second illness." Luo Luo sighed, and then looked at Jingtian Shangji with pity.

"Little girl, don't look at me with this look!" Er Tian Shang Er said, he was the first in the black list, no need for other people's pity.

"Are you sure you want to kidnap me? If you let me go back now, it shouldn't be too late." Luo Luo shook his head helplessly.

"Impossible, but there is something you need in the image of Baqi."

Luo Luo counted his fingers and said: "From small to large, I also experienced countless kidnappings, disasters..."

"The first time was when I was four years old, and a group of traffickers kidnapped me. As a result, I hadn't walked out 100 meters, and the three were killed by a runaway truck."

"When I was ten years old, my family's competitors also wanted to kidnap me. As a result, they didn't even send people that day, and their mansion was on fire."

"When I was a little older, they weren't easy to kidnap, and they sent someone to kill me."

"Guess what?"

"What's wrong?" Ikeda asked subconsciously.

"The killer stepped on the skin of the watermelon I ate, and the back of his head fell to the ground, and he died."


"Last year, a person from the Chinese martial arts world, taking advantage of the crisis in my Luo family, wanted to force a marriage. I was all about to jump off the building. As a result, the building did not jump. The boy who was going to marry me over there fell off the cliff. When they came down, his family sent people to search for people to rescue him. Unfortunately, a huge mudslide happened..."

Jintian Shangji looked at Luo Luo's serious and sympathetic eyes and could not help but shudder.

Is this Fuxing?

It looks like a disaster star in any way.

Luo Luo sighed and asked sincerely: "This uncle, are you sure you want to continue kidnapping me?"

"Hey, I was almost fooled by you little girl." Ikeda Ueji smiled awkwardly, "I know, in this world, I have some luck."

"Your luck is strong, so anyone who wants to deal with you will be unlucky."

"But after all, the thing of luck is too illusory, as long as it is powerful, it can withstand all bad luck, and I, now the most powerful person on earth, not to mention, in the place of the Baqi Shrine, your luck will also be Be suppressed."

"Little girl, don't say more, it's useless, follow me into the Yachi Shrine."

Luo Luo shrugged and continued, "Are you sure you want to enter?"

"According to the general pattern of the plot, a character like uncle you is definitely not the last big devil, and the big devil should be this eight Qi snake."

"As you said, I reasoned a bit."

"You provide sacrifices for it and get some special energy. When more and more sacrifices are made, it even reaches a certain level. This mighty snake might really come alive."

"Stupid uncle, do you think that if something like this really appears, will you have any benefit?"

"No, it will swallow you the first time, and then it will conquer the world. This is the real problem."

"I think you should also know that the breath on you is very cold and cold. Do you think this Baqi snake will be a good person?"

This time, Ida Shoji paused. He wanted to be a congenital powerhouse, but he forgot the potential danger inside.

This image of Baqi is incredible. If it continues, will it be so strong that it will devour itself one day.

He stepped on the door with half a foot and didn't go in. After a while, he slowly retreated.

Such things must be very cautious.

"I have to think about it, go back and read through the ancient books." He had decided that he didn't want to act rashly.

Upon seeing this, Luo Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief, and she was not sure, in case this person was stubborn, it would be difficult.

"Is this uncle really believe? Isn't I talking about all the routines of TV dramas and anime?" She threw out her tongue, and all she can do is this.

I hope these delays are enough.

That night, Ikeda Ijiro took Luoluo out of here and went to a national library, but he read some materials inside.

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