My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 604: Xiao Wang Ba

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!


Chu Yi pinched his mouth, a little bright blood dripped from his fingertips.

The blood, accompanied by a large number of ancient fairy symbols, fell on the black turtle.

The master-servant contract is a general contract. The requirements are not very strict. The strictest is the slave contract.

Chu Yi didn't have much hope for this black turtle, as long as ten years, his strength would have great development, and it wouldn't be necessary for him to **** him.

Between the two, the red light soared into the sky, and gradually, a chain was formed. The chain was scarlet and connected Chu Yi and Xuan Gui together. This was the constraint of the master-servant contract.

Once the servant betrayed his master, he would be endlessly tortured until he died.

"Okay, now you can unlock the formation. I’ve been here for thousands of years and I’m crazy."

Chu Yi smiled and said nothing. He flicked his fingers, several real elements submerged into the wall, and another fell into the underground river.

Bang Bang Bang!

After a series of loud noises, it seemed that there was a broken chain. Then, the stone platform under the black turtle collapsed and became powder.

"Lao Tzu is finally free, so happy..."

The black turtle came in a big step, its body was huge, and every step was like an earthquake, roaring.

Qingshan and others only felt a small hill and greeted us.

What is a tortoise, rumored to be a descendant of Xuanwu, has a very high talent, even if he sleeps, he can achieve the limit of planting for about ten thousand years, and then he will certainly step into the realm of Taoism.

They are not good kind, but fierce, eat meat, dare to devour the dragon and even Dapeng.

Because of this, talents such as Xu Changfeng will respect him so much.

This is a terrible race, at least on the Tianchen Continent.

"Noisy, noisy, Pharaoh, quickly turn into a humanoid." Chu Yi took his ear.

The black turtle originally wanted to look up to the sky and screamed. When he heard Chu Yi's voice, he suddenly languished. Unwillingly, his body glowed and shrank suddenly.

The fierce beast can be continuously evolved as a fierce beast.

Of course, there are also a lot of fierce beasts that, after thunder and thunder, are transformed into humanoids for cultivation.

After all, although the general strength of the human race is not strong, it is the most suitable form for cultivation.

The black turtle in front of him chose to transform into a humanoid when he entered the Tao.

The white light flickered and kept shrinking. Under the eyes of all eyes, the huge black turtle turned into a teenager.

The young man, about fourteen or five years old, had red lips and white teeth. He wore a brown dress with white arms and legs. He had a black snake coiled around his body and a small turtle shell behind him.

Chu Yi froze.

Qingshan, Liqiu and Xu Changfeng were equally astonished.

They thought that Xuan Gui was an old man, but he didn't expect to turn into a human form, but it turned out like this.

"Look what, haven't you seen a human race as lovely as this king?"

"Hahaha, I thought it was Lao Wang Ba, but I didn't expect to be Xiao Wang Ba..."

Chu Yi rubbed his head with a smile.

Xuan Gui was speechless and wanted to go mad, but Chu Yi could only helplessly accept it.

"You are still a teacher, so you have no culture."

Xuan Gui was old-fashioned and embraced his arms. It seemed that after turning into a humanoid figure, he was not too afraid of Chu Yi. He said, "Are there outside enemies invading, so you broke my formation?"

"Predecessor Xuangui, that's true, and I'll trouble you to be able to shoot tomorrow and shock those people. The old man is very grateful."

The old dean arched karate.

Chu Yi can treat Xuangui as a child, but they dare not, even in Wupinzongmen, Xuangui is also a headache.

The same is the pinnacle of Taoism, it is estimated that Li Qiu will not be the opponent of Xuan Gui.

"It's a trifle." Xuan Gui waved his hand, just the appearance of the teenager, how weird it looked.

"To tell the truth, how long will it take before you can break through the realm of Taoism?" Chu Yi asked.

"If it was before, bound by the formation, it will be about ten years, but now, if everything goes well, it will be able to break through in three or four years."

"Why, what bad idea do you have?" Xuan Gui looked at Chu Yi cautiously.

Chu Yi ignored them and murmured to himself.

"Three or four years, it's almost the same."


On the second day, the entire academy was quiet.

Many students are in the dormitory building, not allowed to go out, they stand on the corridor.

The weather is gloomy, although there is sunshine, but the temperature has not been high.

"Your Majesty will take us to beg for benevolence?"

"What did we do wrong?"

"I heard that it was Mr. Chu who offended His Majesty during His Majesty's birthday. Now, the Imperial City Army is coming to Xingshi for questioning."

Although they were uneasy, they also understood that as long as they did not resist, the Imperial Army would not attack them.

"Brother Qin, what the **** is going on?" Fang Xin looked at Qin Zheng worriedly.

Qin Zheng shook his head: "Teacher Chu said, we don't care about these things, we just need to practice, as for other things, he will handle it."

"Calm down, little sister." Lin Feiyan tilted Erlang's legs, lying on the chair with Youzaiyou, "The teacher is an old traitor, a little Qin Emperor, is not his opponent at all."

He thought to himself that even his own infancy was planted in it, and Emperor Qin was only a realm of cultivation.

"Amitabha, I am watching the sky today, the sky is dim, and the sun and moon are missing, ominous signs."

Liu Dao took off the little monk's sunglasses directly.


Fang Xin only felt that he was worried, and none of these brothers were normal people.


Suddenly, a dull sound rang from the horizon, as if thunder suppressed, and came from the direction of the imperial city.

Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes and looked away.

There was smoke and drums, drums of war roaring, and a cloud of mist rose continuously and moved towards it.

"This is...forbidden!"

"Emperor Qin actually mobilized the forbidden army directly!"

"Brother, what is the forbidden army?" Fang Xin asked.

Qin has a dignified face: "The Forbidden Army is the core combat corps in the entire imperial city. Thirty years ago, it was dispatched once, which directly wiped out the rogues in the north."

"This is also the strongest fighting force of Emperor Qin, and it is still commanded by the national division."

"He really wanted to destroy Qiuren College and force Nanyang Lizong's disciples."

He looked nervous.


"The father emperor shot, or the army is forbidden, this Qiuren Academy, can't escape."

The second prince stood at the gate of the imperial city and was personable.

"It's a pity, the senior executives of Qioren College, I am afraid that all of them will fall, but that is not a small strength." The big prince said with a smile.

"However, the father emperor's move is entirely to deal with the disciple of Nanyang Lizong. According to the strength of his last shot, the remnants of the remnant party are at least a state of cultivation."

The ninth prince stood proudly, his eyes exposed.

"It's been a long time since I saw Emperor Bleeding."

"However, I still want to see that Mr. Chu's item is on top."

"Me too."

The three brothers smiled at each other, not knowing what they were thinking.


"The Emperor Qin's forbidden army is dispatched!"

The imperial capital is huge, and many people looked at the imperial city with horror, but there are also some people inside, their eyes flashing.

Or a spy from a foreign country, or a demon, or even many demon.

"His shot is the most convenient, otherwise we don't even know who is the aftermath of Nanyang Lizong."

"Hey, when the chaos starts, we will fish in muddy water, but that is the inheritance of the Wupinzong Men, and the thing left by that one."

Afterimages fluttered, some creatures sneaked into the vicinity of the college, ready to shoot at any time.

After all, the temptation is too great, and once confirmed, it may lead to war.



"Do you really need our Guild of Blacksmiths?"

The two old men were worried.

"I'm also very surprised. This time, Qiuren College will try to protect Teacher Chu, which is not in their interest."

"And, they didn't even ask for help like the outside world."

"Wait and see, Mr. Chu is not simple. I am afraid that those who can make the forged sect important, I am afraid that they will be prepared."

Just when everyone was nervous, Chu Yi just got up from the bed.

He looked at Yue Chan, who was anxious in front of him, and covered his chest: "You go out first."

"You get up first!"

"You go out first!"

"It's time for the old lady to get up, this thing, because of you, you still have the mood to sleep." Yue Chan broke out, the forehead blue muscles burst.

Picking up Chu Yi directly, he threw it outside the window.

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