Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Oh my god, this idiot." Zhang Yuqi covered her eyes, and even she felt blushing.

Sect Master Xianyin, what kind of person is that, who has become famous for tens of thousands of years, calling for wind and rain, she can make the entire Tianchen Continent shake with one sentence.

What is Emperor Qin in front of her?

"He thought he could face Qin Emperor. Is he really arrogant enough to stand against a monk who was an infant?"

"If this is heard by outsiders, I am afraid that the other party will kill him with a thought."

"I don't know if it's thick and thick."

Su Yiyi looked weird, with a hint of horror. Those characters should try not to mention them, let alone provocative.

"Xiaochen, I told you long ago that this person is not very reliable. Although he has some skills, he is sometimes too arrogant."

"I had let him converge a little bit before, but he didn't expect that he would get worse..."

Jian Wangchen's face was red: "Maybe, Mr. Chu didn't understand the strength of Sect Master Xianyin."

The King of Zhennan smiled and said nothing, and even the King of Zhenbei was frightened.

The second prince grinned.

He knew that as long as Chu Yi offended Princess Chang, the next thing wouldn't bother them. After all, that was the disciple of Xianyinzong.

If it goes on, it might lead to the strong of the Xianyinzong.

"Director Xu, do you think it's a little bit to ease the atmosphere? It's not so good to be in trouble like this." Pharmacist Kong said hesitantly.

Although he was bought by Chu Yi, he could speak to Qin Zheng when he won the emperor, but in the face of the anger of the entire Xianyin Sect, even the Dongxuzong, who is also the Wupinzongmen, must be afraid of three points.

However, Xu Changfeng and Qingshan both have a good expression.

"Dr. Kong, don't worry, the Sect Master Xianyin is not here anymore. It doesn't matter what, even if she comes, it's just like that."

Xu Changfeng's confidence in the past few years.

I think that when Nanyang Lizong was in its heyday, the Sect Master Xianyin personally visited Nanyang Lizong every year.

What's more, the person in front of him, but Yan Luo Xianzun, as long as he is given some time, it will be enough to become a strong player in this world.

Master Kong was stunned, speechless.

Qin Yufeng's ice-cold face was full of anger, and his voice fell deep in an instant.

"Do you know who is the Sect Master Xianyin?"

"You know, she is a hundred miles away, and a thought can kill you."

"Don't think that you are just a small person, Master Sovereign will not care about you, she does not care, but our Xianyin Sect up and down tens of thousands of people, if you come out alone, you will all die."

"Even if it is me, I can easily kill you."

"Oh?" Chu Yi smiled calmly. "Then you can do it. Although you are a woman, I will not be weak."

"Good!" Qin Yufeng was really angry. She grew up, almost came over in a crushing attitude, even the eldest prince, they should be afraid of her.

Now, as a disciple of Xianyinzong, there are people who dare to be so arrogant.

"It seems that I have been away from the empire for too long, and many people have forgotten how powerful this princess is."

Su Yiyi and others heard the words, his face changed and changed.

Princess Chang, with extraordinary strength, entered the realm of Taoism as early as a few years ago, and now it is even more unfathomable.

"Princess, the occasions here are not suitable for martial arts, but your majesty has to come out at any time." King Zhenbei advised.

If it was before, the King of Zhenbei was not so worried about Qin Yufeng, but now, the backing behind her is too big and too big.

Although Xianyinzong doesn't care about these things, as long as Qin Yufeng is called Senior Sister and Senior Brother, then no one can keep Chu Yi.

The Ninth Prince sneered and yelled loudly: "Chu Yi, I haven't apologized to Princess Chang, otherwise, you can't live tomorrow."

"Apologize, insult my royal family, it doesn't matter, but insults Xianyinzong, God can't save you."

" don't apologize anymore, I'm afraid the people of Xianyinzong will know about it." Zhang Yuqi smiled coldly.

"Relax, the disciples of Xianyinzong will not bully others. I am alone enough to deal with you."

Qin Yufeng was suddenly interested in lacking, "Also, I am noble, why should I care about people like you, you can't climb to my height in your life."

"As long as you kneel down and apologize today, I will spare you."

"Princess..." Qin Zheng quickly came forward.

"What do you count, don't think I don't know, your body shed blood of the devil, this Qin family's world is not the devil's world." Qin Yufeng turned around and scolded.

"At that time, I thought your mother was a demon, and I also persuaded the father emperor to kill him."

"The demon charms and confuses the father and emperor, and now, the son of the demon actually wants to seize the throne, which is ridiculous."

Qin Zheng clenched his fists and stood on the spot.

Qin Yufeng scolded for playing Qin Zheng, and continued to look at Chu Yi: "Take a shot, with your strength, if you don't take the lead, it is not my enemy at first blow."

Chu Yi smiled indifferently. For him, this kind of scene was like playing a house.

"Why don't you dare to shoot?"

"Not dare, but disdain... You alone are not worth my shot." Chu Yi smiled.

"Oh, I heard that it was the Flying God Pig on your back. So, I shot it by myself. It was really difficult to take you down in a short time." Qin Yufeng seemed to laugh.

"Then add me, how?" The Nine Prince took a step forward.

"You? Not enough! You can't even beat Qin Zheng..." Chu Yi glanced.

Nine Crown Prince stared, how could he not beat Qin Zheng, only when Chu Yi was insulting himself.

"What about me?"

"And me..." The first and second princes spoke out one after another.

"The royal family is majestic and cannot be violated."

Chu Yi was undecided: "Unbearable."


"Several, look at my face, just stop here." Qi Wuliang, president of the forging division, went up with a scalp.

He was also sullen, and Chu Yi dared to disrespect Xianyin Zong, but the forging master was also on Chu Yi's side, and he had to come forward.

"Not enough!" Qin Yufeng said coldly. She used to be afraid of the Forge Guild, but now she ignores it, because Xianyinzong is directly related to the Forging Sect.

"What about the husband..."

Qin Yufeng was about to refuse, but suddenly saw a vague shadow and almost floated in the air.

She felt a strong threat. When the words were swallowed, the arrogance on her face had calmed down a lot. She respectfully said, "The old gentleman is the one in the dark world."

"Little girl, although Xianyinzong is powerful, but after all, it's unmatched."

Qin Yufeng nodded silently: "Today, looking at the old man's face, let you go."

"Old gentleman, the juniors also follow the orders of the elders, and want to invite the king of the dark world to go to Xianyinzong to discuss kendo together."

"Oh?" Li Qiu gave Chu Yi a strange look.

A month ago, the assassination was indeed a secret shot by Chu Yi.

And with Chu Yi's attainments on swordsmanship, don't talk about the house, even Yuanyingtongshen's realm, have to be willing to worship.

"This matter can be considered."

Qin Yufeng was overjoyed: "Sir, do not know that the king of the dark world is better than you?"

Li Qiu smiled: "Naturally stronger than the old husband...Don't ask, little girl, you'll see you later."

Qin Yufeng heard the words and stood obediently, converging all his arrogance.

Everyone saw it, there was no discoloration.

This is the respect of the strong.

In the dark world, even if it is not as good as Wupinzongmen, there is a king who has no bottom, and even the deacon of Xianyinzong should be moved, not to mention Qin Yufeng, a disciple like this?

"It's really cheap for him." Zhang Yuqi gave Chu Yi a glance.

"Teacher Chu, you will still converge after a while and watch the changes." Yue Chan walked to Chu Yi and said softly.

Chu Yi smiled instead: "It seems that your Dao Xin has been broken."

The latter nodded.

The two of them wanted to say something, but they suddenly saw that the old **** came to Jin Luan Temple.

"Your Majesty is already in the Jin Luan Hall, everyone, please come in."


The door of the Jin Luan Temple slowly opened, and from the throne, a figure leaned against it, overlooking all beings.

"Teacher..." Qin Zheng took a deep breath.

"It's okay, but it's just an emperor. Your experience of using this position as a road to the strong will be of great benefit to you in the future."

The road to no one is flat, and the other students of Qin Zheng and Chu Yi have just opened their way to the strong.

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