Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Although Xia Houcheng roared, fortunately, the distance was so far that the other party did not hear it.

Zhou Second could stare at Xia Houcheng fiercely,

"If you don't shut up, we will just drop you from here,"

Lv Guoxin patted his chest with palpitations,

"It's worthy of being an arrogant beast, born to be able to control the flame, and the flesh is so powerful that no one here is his opponent at all."

"Come on, we keep some distance with them, don't provoke them for the time being,"

Wu Zhen looked dignified,

Immediately, the speed of the people is getting faster and faster. Unconsciously, it has reached the mountainside, which is equivalent to 30,000 steps.

"No wonder the disciples of the Forging Tool Sect are so strong. It turns out that they have to undergo such training every day. The formation on this mountain road is not withdrawn, but they are constantly training them."

Halfway up the mountain, they are basically disciples in the realm of Taoism,

By the time of 50,000 steps, some of the weaker powers of the Eighth or Nine Realm had gradually felt strenuous, and then to the Sixty Thousands Steps. Basically, only the peak speed of the powerful seeding path remained unchanged.

"The pressure is getting bigger and bigger. I estimate that by the time of 80,000 steps, I have already reached the pressure of Daofu. I can only guarantee you to reach 70,000 steps."

"Next, it's up to you,"

Wu Zhen was also a little surprised. He originally thought that this time, he would definitely get the top five, but in fact, there are 20 or 30 people not far from him, and there are 10 people in front of him.

"Forge Sect's reputation is too great, so many powerful people have come, if I continue to take them with them, I'm afraid I can't even enter the first thirty,"

However, in a moment, the crowd had reached the 70,000 steps, and the pressure in front of them was getting bigger and bigger. Even the Aohuo Beast and others, the speed dropped by more than half,

"Just here, the next way, you go by yourself,"

After Wu Zhen finished speaking, he walked up without stopping for a moment,

On this trip, Zhou Miaoke and Lu Guo felt endless coercion,

The two just felt cold sweat coming from behind,

"Would you like to take you," Xia Houcheng said with a hippie smile,

However, Zhou Miaoke sneered: "Also, but you have to come to an end, and the people who want to see the Sovereign of the Forging Tool, definitely have the strength to take us up, otherwise it is not a joke,"

She was satire, and she was violent,

"Take it with you,"

Xia Houcheng didn't care, so he lifted his legs and left.

That week Miao was surprised, and kept thinking: "Is it still possible, I see where you can go,"

Chu Yi frowned slightly,

But he also followed Xia Houcheng,

The mountain road is crooked, and the pressure is quite great, but for him, it is nothing.

"Really go, you really want to see the foreman of the Forge Sect, at least you have to wait for the realm of Taoism," Zhou seconds Ke Yinyang strange air channel,

Her voice was not low, and there were some disciples of the Forging Tool Sect beside him watching the battle.

"It's up to you and you want to come to an end, see my patriarch, save it, I think someone before you brought you up..."

"This kind of mentality simply fails, we will report to Elder Yu later,"

"Your Sovereign, I want to see as soon as I see it, but I don't want to see if I don't want to see it. Why don't you talk more," Chu Yi said lightly.


"Keep bragging, I bet you rolled down when you were on the 80,000 steps, and then my brothers will not follow you,"

Chu Yi's words made several people laugh,

On the other hand, Zhou Miaoke also laughed and felt that he directed a good show,

Only Lu Guo felt a little worried in his heart,

However, when the 80,000 steps were reached, the people were horrified. The two of them were able to go up and watched their breath without any change.

"It must be pretending to be brave," Zhou Miaoke thought.

"Well, it's a brother, he was blocked,"

Everyone looked up and saw that Wu Zhen was blocked by Wuxiu,

Wu Xiu looked at each other coldly, "I said, I will take revenge. Now, I stand here. If you want to pass, leave one eye, otherwise, you die."

The Forge Sect does not taboo to kill people,

Wu Zhen stood on the spot, his eyes full of anger,

"It's almost at the end here, and then upward, it's simply the intimidation of Shennian. As long as it is not a particularly strong person in Shennian, no one can withstand the realm of planting. The same is true for the proud fire beast, Ying Tianhua,"

"There are already 13 people on the 80,000 steps, and we are all below. When 30 people arrive, you will be eliminated naturally."

Wuxiu sneered,

"Either apologize, remove one of your eyes, or just roll back from here,"

Everyone is watching good dramas, and around this, there are disciples and deacons of the Forge Sect,

Although the forging sect is dominated by forging, it also needs strong strength, otherwise, it will be bullied.

"Brother, are you okay," Zhou Miaoke asked worriedly.

"How did you come here," Wu Zhen turned around and looked at several people with some horror,

It’s just that soon, he doesn’t have too many thoughts, because more and more people have surpassed them and walked toward the 80,000 steps.

"You talk slowly, I will go first," Xia Houcheng waved his hand,

"You can't go either, you are all waiting here," Wu Xiu said arrogantly, sitting alone, suppressing the five or six people,

"This brother, they have nothing to do with us," Chu Yi laughed.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, I just see that you came together,"

"We will go up, how about you," Chu Yi took a step forward,

"This is no generation, it is a generation of talents. I estimate that one hundred years later, you will be able to enter the realm of the Taoist government. This person is in conflict with him and can't help himself."

A deacon said lightly that the people around him nodded similarly,

They also roughly understand the strength of Wuxiu, and they are among the best in the same realm as the Forging Tool Sect.


Watching Chu Yi take that step, Wuxi's expression dimmed, with his fingers as a knife, and attacked Chu Yi's chest,

"Heaven helps me, if these two can fight for your life and death, even if you consume some real elements without repair, I will pass smoothly,"

Wu Zhen smiled in his heart,

"Do not control," Zhou Miaoke shook his head,

But Lu Guo can only worry on the side. His strength is too bad compared to the people here.

But Chu Yi didn't pay any attention. He took another step upward. This step was extremely heavy, like a giant elephant, stepping on the earth, a muscle was relaxed and whined, and whined, turning the power to the extreme. ,

Around him, it seemed to be surrounded by an invisible gas wall. At the next moment, the whole person without repair was flicked out and rolled down a dozen steps.

Everyone was silent,

Even the Austrian Fire Beast? Huo, Ying Tianhua and Hou Mingliang were surprised,

"A good use of power has reached the point where it runs smoothly. It seems that this man is very skilled in skills, and he has lost money without any care," Ying Tianhua had a little interest.

But that week Miao Ke and Wu Zhen were dull,

"A coincidence, it must be a coincidence, that no repair may not be as powerful as we imagined,"

The deacon around was also stunned,

"I'm careless, come again," Wu Xiu stood up, a little embarrassed,

It’s just that they stopped in the next second,

Because Chu Yi and Xia Houcheng were two, no one else walked towards the front,

Soon, they came to the 80,000 steps, just like the arrogant beast, but the next step, under the eyes of everyone, they stepped over,

"They are going to hit the next 20,000 steps,"

"How is this possible, even I can't take this step, but this is completely shocked by the mind, without the protection of the Taoist House, I can't walk through it at all," the proud fire beast and Ying Tianhua's eyes were dull,

"They are about to roll off, not to control their own strength, really thought that our forging sect was so easy to pass," the deacon sneered before,

Many people are waiting to read jokes,

"Does anyone want to challenge the 20,000 steps behind?" I don't know when Elder Yu also appeared, with great interest,

"Challenge," Chu Yi was undecided,

"Go straight to the top of the mountain,"

"Brother Chu, you live," Xia Houcheng asked.

Chu Yi glared at him, and his figure disappeared immediately. The next second, he appeared on the top of the mountain.

"It's my brother, there are two brushes," Xia Houcheng smiled and took a step. When he appeared again, he had already reached the top of the mountain.

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