My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 721: Suppression repair

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Let me do it……"

In the end, a deacon in the realm of the Five Governments stood up, and he really couldn't stand it any more. If this kid really let him pick the entire forging sect alone, it would be a shame for the forging sect,

Bu Lesheng gave a strange look at the other party and said, "In fact, you can use a deacon in the realm of the Six Houses, maybe you can win me,"

Using the realm of the Six Houses,

Everyone felt blush without feeling,

They feel embarrassed in the situation of the Five Palaces. If the Deacon of the Six Palaces really comes out, they won’t have any pride even if they win.

"No, I'm enough," this deacon's face was black and bright, holding a war halberd, the whole person was very tall, and the armor was brushed on his body, and it was stretched out.

"Deacon Du has reached the state of the Five Houses, and should be able to win,"

Sun Licheng and others also waited anxiously,

Facing the genius disciples of Sipinzongmen, they have to be cautious, even if they bully the small,

"Deacon Du, who has gone through hundreds of battles, is the deacon of the War Department. He is experienced and should be fine," Elder Yu said.

But he saw that Deacon Du had a halberd in the sky. When he came up, he opened the Five Mansions. Five towering mansions were prominent behind him. In front of each mansion, there was a blood corpse guarding,

Taoist House is a powerful symbol of the monks,

Every Taoist house contains the mysteries of the monks, and different monks have different strengths.

Daofu is so important, because future infants will be born in it,

The five Taoist palaces are like hills, suppressing the Quartet, and landing with the halberd. In an instant, countless brilliance, the space is turbulent. If the strong men with the infant period are sitting in the town, I am afraid this neighborhood will become a wasteland.

This battle is indeed wonderful,

Bu Lesheng stood, one by one rosary, continuously ejected by him, in the air, showing the light,

But by the tenth rosary, the deacon was invincible, he was bombarded into the mountain, and passed out.

Everyone was silent, and there was only smoke in the scene. The young man walked in the dust, like a god, standing high above,

Is this a domain-level genius,

Everyone was stunned, their eyes were horrified, and they almost looked at the teenager with a pilgrimage.

"Forge Sovereign Sovereign, let the strong men in the realm of the Six Houses be dispatched. You haven't found out that even a Taoist House has not come out of me,"

Elder Wude chuckled, free and easy,

Everyone was horrified. They only knew that Bu Lesheng was very powerful, but they were too invested just now, and they didn't find out that the other party hadn't even come out.

Wu Zhen stunned: "It's really heaven and there are people outside. I originally thought that the disciple of the forge was strong enough. I was so crushed by a teenager that I couldn't lift my head."

"Junior, let me ask you, how old are you today," Sovereign Forge Sky asked,

"Unwise, 150 years old," Bu Lesheng respectfully said.


One hundred and fifty years old,

Goose bumps all over the body,

One hundred and fifty years old, not to mention the Daofu realm, even the innate strong, are quite young. Entering the Daofu realm at this age, the shock level is equivalent to birth congenital The strong,

"Bai Chongzong, it's really good luck to find such a genius,"

"The Tianchen Continent is a remote place, and it is naturally inferior to us,"

Elder Wude laughed, "If none of you are opponents of my disciples, then hand over the solar furnace,"

Forging Sky hesitated for a while,

The whole forging sect also fell silent,

Today is still the day of recruiting deacons, many people are present, so it is humiliated by being blocked at the door of the house, it is a naked face,

"Otherwise, I'll let the girl go out," Elder Yu said.

Sect Master Dingtian shook his head: "That girl is not her opponent,"

He said this, but Yu Guang swept to Chu Yi, and his eyes lit up.

"Maybe, there is hope..."

"Even if Chu Yi can't compare with the genius of this domain level, at least, he can save some face, and even if the other party presses the realm to the peak of the cultivation road, we may win on our side,"

As soon as one thought, Sovereign Sovereign is Shen Nian's voice,

"Little Chu Chu..."

Chu Yi smiled helplessly: "Sovereign Master, you will not let me go up,"

"Exactly, as long as Chu Xiaoyou can go up, no matter whether he wins or loses, I will promise Chu Xiaoyou one thing, what do you think,"

The favor of a monk in her infancy,

Chu Yi thought about it, it was also worth it, not to mention, if the sun melting furnace was really taken by this guy, he could not go to Bai Chongzong to grab it now,

"it is good,"

Chu Yi laughed lightly and handed Zhu Bajie to Xia Houcheng, and then fell in front of Bu Lesheng under the public attention.

"He is going,"

Wu Zhen frowned, could not help but sneer,

"His strongest point is in his mind, but the other party's mind is even more terrifying. Without this advantage, he will not be the opponent of this genius,"

Even if Chu Yi shocked them more, it could not be compared to this one-level genius,

"Ask yourself for bitterness," the Proud Fire Beast frowned slightly.

Elder Yu touched his head instead: "How do I think I should know this kid...what is going on,"


"This brother, please," Bu Lesheng is still unscathed and calm, and with this path, almost his mood has reached an unparalleled level,

The elder Wude chuckled and shook his head, apparently did not put Chu Yi in his eyes,

"You first entered the Taoist House," Chu Yi asked.

"Yes," Bu Lesheng replied obediently, but he was a little proud, of course, he also had this capital,

"You have defeated the realm of the Six Houses before,"

"A fluke is better than one,"

"This fellow, if you are in the realm of planting Dao, then I will suppress my strength at the peak of planting Dao," Bu Lesheng said.

"No, you don't have to control me. I ask you this, I want to determine your strength,"

Chu Yi stood generously without being sullen,

"I estimated it. If I try my best, you won't have any chance of winning,"

"Ah," Bu Lesheng glanced suspiciously at Chu Yi. He didn't expect to meet such an arrogant person here.

Chu Yi smiled and said, "Well, I won't suppress my realm of peak cultivation, but I will suppress half of my mind and half of my speed... Hey... In short, I will suppress all of my overall strength by half, and will not Use precious magic tools, so that our winning rate will only be five or five, otherwise it will be boring to fight."


When Chu Yi said this, the whole sky was quiet,

Immediately, Zhou Miaoke's sharp voice suddenly sounded: "Who do you think you are, that is a genius disciple of the Sipinzong Men, and it is a peerless demon of a domain level, you are a realm of Taoism, even suppressing strength and opponents Fighting, bragging doesn't take you like this, the cattle are being blown to heaven by you,"

Although her voice was very noisy, all disciples of the Forging Tool Sect thought this way,

The Proud Fire Beast shook his head: "I thought he just talked in private, but I didn't expect to dare to talk to a genius of a domain level like this,"

It’s just that the most disappointing is still behind,

Chu Yi said: "I see your twelve rosary beads, which represent your twelve ways,"

"It's true, but our mind illusion is a special one, which can simulate these words, but it does not mean that I am proficient,"

Bu Lesheng thought that the people in front of him were quite interesting. Even on the mainland of Lanhai, no one among his peers dared to talk to him like this.

Chu Yi sighed: "That's too great, indicating that you have a high level of understanding, otherwise you can't do this,"

"I see kendo, poison, sword in your prayer beads..."

"I use the one you use,"

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he found that the opposite Bu Lesheng looked extremely strange,

"Brother, are you sure? You suppress half of your cultivation behavior and let me go all out. You will definitely lose," Bu Lesheng felt a little unhappy and felt that he was being ridiculed.

Even Sect Master Tianting, his mouth twitching,

He knew that Chu Yi was very arrogant in doing things, but he didn't expect that, even facing this level of genius, he had such an attitude.

"It's over..." He looked black, and he didn't dare to look down,

"Lesheng, since some people dare to say this, then you can do it," the elder Wude sneered aside, unless he was a genius of the first level, who would dare to say this,

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