Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The water of the holy pool is to collect the essence of the sun star and the lunar star, condensed into a mouth for a million years, and it needs to be condensed by a secret method.

This is undoubtedly a genius treasure, even if the immortal Venerable, they will be greedy for it.

The sin land has existed for so long, there will naturally be some treasures.


Yun Sheng sits in the holy pool, and the pool of yin and yang begins to boil violently, and the sun and the moon are emptied, illuminating his body and easing the passing of his life.

"Hoo..." The Soul Witch exhaled, and the sadness on his face stretched slightly.

However, everyone is still very nervous.

"This is just a way to slow down the soldiers." Chu Yi sighed, "If Senior Yun doesn't do it, three years later, it will disappear."

"Everywhere in the world, no one can live forever. Even if he lives to the present, he breaks the rules, but it is also limited." Wang Ying thought deeply.

He turned his head to look at Chu Yi: "In the past few days, I found that the fortune of the entire Jade Dragon City was not very good. The air pressure outside was getting bigger and bigger. I am afraid that within a few days, a big enemy would come."

The two walked into the moon, and there was only night outside. Outside the Jade Dragon City, it was even more horrible. The darkness retreated from the house, showing how many strong men were hidden, who were watching the Jade Dragon City.

"Arch enemy?"

"Don't be the supreme, if the supreme shot, Senior Yun's body can't resist."

"Even if many immortal respects join forces, it is quite troublesome."

This time, it was far beyond Chu Yi's control. Even if he arrived in the realm of Immortal Venerable, he would feel an unusual headache.

There are even creatures who live from Taikoo to the present. What a temptation is that those who are close to longevity may be unable to hold back.

They dare not attack the Qing Emperor. After all, the other party is still at its peak, but Senior Yun, it is different.

It was almost dawn, and the two huge figures outside the city skyrocketed to an incredible speed. Chu Yi and Wang Ying's current strengths could not see the other's real body.

However, just as they were about to enter the Jade Dragon City, a roar sounded.

The big yellow dog opened his mouth and bit the other bite. With a terrible bite, he directly tore a large piece of meat off the other side.

There was a scream over there.

At the same time, the black steel gun turned into billowing smoke, which covered another psychic strongman, and the sound of slaughter came from inside.

After a while, the two lost, retreating, leaving only thick blood on the ground, eroding the surface.

"Crazy, this group of people is really crazy, do you want to provoke the war of sin land and immortal world?" Wang Ying shocked, every day, there is a realm of invading gods, and every day, there are powerful people die .

Remnant soil, because of the curse, almost no one can break through to psychic, but Wang Ying they know that if they really want to die, the other party will not feel good, just that price, too painful, eighteen cities, all To break and sink to the ground.

By that time, the dead will be countless.

"The Eight Commandments have been discovered, I can only hope that the Immortal Venerables are afraid, and do not appear."

"Blood, blood, all blood..." Suddenly, a shadow flashed by the wall, constantly collecting fresh blood.

"The blood of the psychic realm, Gee, this is rare. It can be sold for a good price. If it is sold to those researchers, it is even more expensive." Xia Houcheng grinned.

"Blood..." Chu Yi groaned, his eyes lit up and walked quickly.

"Xiao Jiu, have you collected all the blood of these powerful men recently?"

"Teacher, what are you doing, this is my gambling money." Xia Houcheng warned.

"Don't talk nonsense, let me use it, and by the way, let them all come.

"Brother Wang, trouble you too. With my current strength, it is not enough to arrange that formation, and then call a dozen soul witches..."

Xia Houcheng's eyes widened: "Teacher, you really want to arrange that sword array, but this is the famous sword array you used. Once exposed, some people might be aware of certain problems. Although the risk is not great, but again Small is also a risk."

"Otherwise, let's get Brother 2 to take action. Their family is strong after all."

Chu Yi shook his head: "It's useless, Yejia can't resist it, and will even affect them."

"Moreover, relying on the weapons of the big yellow dog and Senior Yun, it is estimated that they can only guard for one month. Senior Yun is still in the holy pool. It will take at least two months to fully absorb the energy of the holy pool. This one month is empty, It's too dangerous, only rely on formation."

"You and I are in the Heart Sword Realm, and with the help of everyone, the formation of the formation in a month's time is barely enough."

Chu Yi shrugged.

At that time, he had thoughts for a while, but unfortunately now, it takes a month to unite many people, plus a lot of blood in the magical realm, it can be completed.

"Brother Chu, what you said shouldn't be..." Wang Ying's eyes narrowed, and he seemed to think of something.

"Inspiring Sword Formation!"

Wang Ying gasped, Chu Yi, leaning on this sword array, was hailed as a ghost.

Just listening to the name, you know that it is not a good sword array.


A few days later, above the city walls, there were already blood stains and a desolate breath, which spread out and covered the sky.

There was a vision in the sky, blood and rain continued, the clouds were low, the ground was chapped, and no grass grew.

"There are too many strong dead, they are all in the realm of gods, so that heaven will cry for them." Sect Master Qianfan carried his hands on his back, but he was more and more calm. Long time.

The twelve prescriptions of the psychic, the twelve celestial world in the body, the biggest difference between the psychic realm and Yuanying is that because the formation of the world in the body can use the power of the world.

With a single blow, the stars collapse, which is the power to disintegrate the world.

"The realm of telepathy will gather more and more, and the holy weapon, and the big yellow dog, if no one supports it, there will eventually be a weak day."

"It seems that the supreme strong man may be dead soon."

Countless people looked up, the blood of the holy organ was mottled, standing on the city wall, the fur of the big yellow dog was covered with blood, and the walking posture was no longer correct.


Suddenly, the Paladin fell and lost his luster. The energy given to him by Yun Sheng had been exhausted. Unless Yun Sheng shot again, the Paladin would rest for a few days.

The yellow dog is smoking, and the sound of mechanical gears is heard inside.

"good chance!"

The strong eyes of all races shine.

"They are powerless, but the Supreme has not yet come forward, fearing it is powerless to fight again!"

"This is our opportunity!"

"Extreme inheritance, eight commandments, supreme corpse!"

Outside the city, the breath was turbulent. Although no creature could be seen, it was extremely restless.

Some strong ones are already eager to try.

Sovereign Qianfan stood across the sky, and all around him flashed.

There are giant giant clan like a mountain, the gods, the sea monster with the head and the tail, the devil with the head and the horns, and the clan of the heavens...

"Senior, I'll ask if you have any questions. Please come forward and give advice." Qianfan Dao said loudly.

But a moment later, a figure appeared above the city wall.

It is Chu Yi.

"Sin Tudou, your talent is powerful, but you are not qualified to talk to us. Tell your lord to come out."

Sect Master Qianfan said indifferently.

The rest of the psychic realm is silent one by one, their bodies are transparent, most of them are hidden in the void, and the mist around them is difficult to see, and the energy emitted inadvertently can easily tear the space.

Sovereign Qianfan is a family of heaven and humans, and its wings have been completely transformed into immortals and dazzling.

Chu Yi drew his ears and smiled, "I said that you can't do this. If you don't come to Yulong City for tens of thousands of years, now you are short of dog food, and all of you are in a hurry, so it's very shameless to know not."

As soon as this statement came out, all the surrounding creatures were taken aback.

No one thought that this king of sin land should have such guts!

"Dog food..." A strong man with a straight hair like a steel needle angered slightly.

"Really dismiss the younger?"

Chu Yi glanced, startled: "Yo, this powerful person in the realm of God, you have just been struck by thunder, or are you going to go to Thunder."

There were dramatic spatial fluctuations around the strong man.

The strong man was obviously upset.

"The air-dry Daoist, if it were me, I would have killed him...hehe..."

A brutal beast of a fierce beast smiled badly.

Chu Yi clapped: "This senior, why are you talking to others with your ass, it's very impolite..."


The surroundings were extremely quiet, and countless people looked at the fierce beast, but they saw each other's faces, and they looked at them as if they were ass.

"Awesome man, dare to tease a lot of psychic gods!"

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