Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The emperor of a country is not as good as a Yuanying.

Everyone understands this truth, but it is easy to know.

Even if it is like Ye Linguo, he thinks the same way, otherwise, he will not try his best to let his descendants into Qianfanzong.

But besides that, he also expected the empire.

He has to get the fish and bear paws, which is still in the shackles, it is difficult to jump out.

Those geniuses, the Tao heart is firm, how terrible, should be broken.

Even if it is murderous, it is a kind of firmness, and there will be no fear of murder.

Qin Zheng was chic and took off the emperor's robe, which was just plain plain clothes.

"This dress. For me, it's just shackles, Master Ye, if you want it, take it, but I can tell you in advance. Governing the country is more headache than you think."

With a big wave of his hand, the emperor's robe fluttered down beside Ye Linguo.

Ye Linguo is stupid.

For him, how important this position is, otherwise, the last time he won the throne. It won't make the city stormy.

But the other party, if you don’t, don’t.

The civil and military officials are also stunned!

Qin Zhengjian's eyebrows were staring, his breath calm, and he held his son in one hand and carried it on his shoulders.

"This Emperor Qin is really nothing. It's ridiculous to say that he abdicated!" The gloomy man laughed.

But Deacon Kong inhaled gently: "Don't be fooled by his appearance."

"He is not a fool, but he knows exactly what he wants. I once heard the elders say that if you want to enter Yuanying, you must have a firm heart."

"What is Daoxin. This is Daoxin, every choice in life."

"The Dao is uncertain, and will be confused by the outside world, and it is impossible to successfully enter Yuanying anyway."

"The Qin Ling Empire is amazing. The girl just now, now this Emperor Qin, placed in our Qianfanzong, will shine a lot. Is it true that the feng shui of this empire is very good?"

Deacon Kong whispered in his heart, but he didn't shoot immediately.

On the other side, Qin Zheng has come to Chu Yi's side.

"Teacher, let's go, there are thousands of people who can rule the country, and one-tenth of thousands of strong people. I have also learned some truths in these ten years of experience."

"Bee babble!" Xiao Qinchong sat on Qin Zheng's shoulder and yelled babble.

He is stunted. The outside world said that it is a talented body that will erupt at some time, but Chu Yi knows that the other party is affected by the poison in his body, so his IQ is affected. Now he is five years old, but his ability to speak has declined within half a year. .

Liu Dao narrowed his eyes and clearly saw something.


"Qin Zheng, you can go, but the child must stay!"

Ye Xin looked back. At this moment, his face had been torn apart anyway.

"Chong'er, but was selected by Qianfanzong, you also know that Qianfanzong is the Sanpinzong door. In the entire Qingfeng region, it is the first existence."

"Let Chong'er enter Qianfanzong, my brother is in charge of the empire, so that the empire will prosper forever, and even be able to unify the major sects in one fell swoop!"

Group of ministers awe-inspiring.

Especially the Zhenbei King, Pharmacist Guild and Forge Master Guild, etc. were shocked.



They are all monks, and they have made small achievements. Although they are not clear about the situation outside Qingfeng, they also know a lot about Qianfanzong.

This is the overlord of Qingfeng domain!

Qin Zheng turned his head and looked at Ye Xin: "Chong'er is my son. I won't let him go to Qianfanzong and I won't need you to control it."

"She can't control it, but we can always manage it."

Everyone was stunned, but they saw that the three figures did not know when they had appeared in the center of the Jin Luan Temple.

The three figures did not escape with the slightest breath, but stood there. It makes it hard for everyone to breathe.

The deacon Kong was the pinnacle of Daofu, almost half a step into the infancy.

Two disciples, one is the realm of three houses, and the other is the realm of one house.

Deacon Kong laughed lightly and said, "We are disciples of Qianfanzong. This time, someone has agreed to accept this child as a disciple. Therefore, he is my disciple of Qianfanzong, but you are not alone. Calculated."


Zhenbei Wang et al. They were all awe-inspiring and aired.

"Really the legendary Qianfanzong!"

"How is this good?"

"Offended Qianfanzong, they sent a few people casually, and our empire was finished!"

At this moment, many courtiers standing on the side of Qin Zheng also began to shake.

It has to be said that the three words Qianfanzong represent absolute strength.

This is the overlord of Qingfeng domain!

Ye Cang smiled coldly, holding back the pain, and said to Chu Yi: "Guo Shi, I told you, you better surrender obediently, otherwise, you will die terribly."

"Deacon Kong, if you can, please hand me that surnamed Chu to hand him over."

"This is easy to say." Deacon Kong said leisurely.

He looked at Chu Yi and others, the horrible coercion, rising up little by little, the whole Jin Luan Temple was shaking.

"Leave your son, you can go, otherwise, you can only die."

"The general trend is gone, it seems that the Qin Ling Empire is about to change its dynasty!"

An old minister sighed aloud.

These strong men, one person can subvert a dynasty, even if they support Qin Zheng, it is impossible to overturn.

"The National Teacher is not strong enough after all."

Some people also mocked.

"What stuff, before was very arrogant, now facing Qian Fanzong, but dare not say a word."

"Big Thousand Worlds. With so many strong men, he can only bully ordinary people like us."

It's just that Chu Yi's eyes are still calm.

"Brother, what is Qianfanzong, is it powerful?" Fang Xin asked in a low voice.

"In their sect, there is a realm of magical power, which seems to be reluctant, so so."

"That's just a realm that can communicate with God." Wu Ming said, "You don't have to look at the whole fairy world, and put it in the ancient world, it's just the last stream in the Sanpinzong gate."

Their words, although quiet, were present, many were strong.

In an instant, the gloomy man was furious: "Bald, you insulted me Qianfanzong, and died!"

The gloomy man is the state of a house, palms into claws, and directly grabbed the past, a large amount of black smoke filled, the speed increased sharply.

"What baldness, poor monk is bald!"

Wu Ming was furious.

What kind of eyesight, no knowledge at all.

"Amitabha, the monk will beat you directly without swearing!"

He shot it with a golden palm, and a buddha pattern appeared on it. With a hum, he grabbed the opponent's paw.

Although the young monk was only in five ways, he was a disciple of Daleiyin Temple after all.

Judging from his inheritance, the Daleiyin Temple is also extremely top-notch, and coupled with Chu Yi's teaching, it is naturally extraordinary.


The black smoke dissipated, and the other party's body shuddered sharply, taking a step back, revealing surprise in his eyes.

But soon. The man sacrificed a Taoist palace, and a black crescent flashed inside. In an instant, the entire Luang Temple was cut and collapsed.

The crowd fled, and they were shocked to find. The black moon is like a sword, hanging from the sky.

"This is the realm of Taoism of Qianfanzong!" Some monks dumbfounded.


The black moon swings down. If this knife falls on the ground, I am afraid that the whole imperial city will be split in half.

"What kind of garbage Qianfanzong forced the young monk to swear."

Wu Ming folded his hands together, suddenly behind him. A Buddha image flashed, and each arm protruded toward the black moon and crushed directly.

The man was scratched in one arm, broke the body protection skill on the spot, and kept coughing up blood.

"Thousand-handed Buddha!"

"You are from the Leiyin Temple!"

Everyone was puzzled, but Deacon Kong was utterly horrified.

Daleiyin Temple, that is one of the overlords of the entire ages, Qianfanzong is indeed garbage in front of it!

"No, I have heard that Daleiyin Temple is offering a reward to a disciple, it seems that it is you!"

"Catch you, there will be a lot of rewards, enough for me to enter Yuanying!"

Deacon Kong was so excited in his eyes, he was even impatient, but he threw a rope and the golden light was dazzling.

Only at this time. A chair smashed towards his rope and made him attack.

"You seem to have forgotten, and I am still there." Chu Yi said indifferently.

"You? But a guy who has entered the realm of Daofu!" Deacon Kong didn't even take Chu Yi into his eyes.

Chu Yi smiled: "You Qianfan Zong, I was so disappointed. I thought I could wait for your Yuanying strong to appear, but only these few shrimps, I almost couldn't be bothered."

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