My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 859: Unparalleled in the world

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Eleven House? Daofu Peak?" At this moment, Ye Linguo only felt that his soul was extremely cold, like someone throwing him to the pole, his body was horrified.

"How is it possible that he planted Taoism ten years ago. Even if the opportunity is good, he can enter Daofu, it is already good, but Daofu is at its peak..."

This is beyond the scope of what he can imagine.

Emperor Qin, who was in office that year, used a lot of means in pursuit of entering the Taoist government. However, until his death, he only managed to enter.

But now, this teacher of Chu State, in just ten years, has far surpassed the space that Ye Linguo can imagine.

Daofu peak, after one step. This is Yuanying!

Those strong players can already become one-sided overlords.

At this moment, Ye Linguo was dumbfounded, and a touch of remorse haunted him.

As for the son and daughter next to him, he was speechless.

especially. When he saw that Deacon Kong of Qianfanzong knelt down, that shock was hard to describe.

"Mr. Chu, the peak of the Taoist government?" The king of Zhenbei shuddered, squeezing his thigh hard, and Qi Wuliang next to him jumped up directly.

"I said you have to make sure if you are dreaming. Don't pinch my leg."

Having said that, he was equally shocked and kept pumping air-conditioners.

"Fortunately, we didn't go back, this demon, this demon!"

"I heard that it was at the Hundred Flowers Conference. It showed its limelight, but nowadays, those geniuses, but they have all entered the Taoist government at first, and it is also the state of the second government at most, but Mr. Chu..."

"Freak! Freak!"

Continue like this. I'm afraid it won't take long to break through to Yuanying, and then go on, it will be psychic.

Qi Wuliang thought wildly.

"Guo Shi, there is no match in the world!" The courtiers on Chu Yi's side burst into tears, excited.

"You actually let me kneel!"

Deacon Kong recovered, and stood up instantly, his forehead twitching, and his teeth grinned.

"Even if you are the pinnacle of Daofu, I am the deacon of Qianfanzong. You are nothing but a practice, whether it is Gongfa, Xinfa, or even the implement, it is far from my opponent."

"Oh?" Chu Yi glanced at each other with a smile, "The deacon Kong, do you think I can take another step?"

Wen Yan, Deacon Kong's pupil suddenly locked. The sweat on his face was rolling down, this step was taken, it was the infancy, and such a strong man, no matter what sect, even the second-class sect, are the mainstay of existence.

However, when he saw Chu Yi's joking expression, he immediately knew he was fooled.

"You fool me!"

Deacon Kong was furious. He was black and formed a thread. Each thread was like a long whip. At the end of each whip, there was an unreal villain dancing a long whip.

Thousands of black long whips interweave into a huge net, which directly enveloped Chu Yi's head.

A Taoist house emerged, infused with energy, and instantly doubled the attack.

I have to say that Deacon Kong is indeed a deacon of Qianfanzong.

This trick, each long whip is a different attack method, after forming a giant net, it is a more terrifying superposition.

He is even more powerful himself, and he is practicing the "Hei Lian Xin Fa" of Qian Fanzong. This kind of Xin Fa is unpredictable. Once he uses the exercises, he can make many moves.

He continued this move, regardless of disregard, covering the entire imperial city.

For him, these ordinary people's life and death do not need to care at all.

But he is facing Chu Yi, an existence that can make the geniuses in the total list desperate, and an existence that the Qing Emperor is extremely fancy.

But I saw Chu Yi's palms shining brightly like jade, and he was scratching towards the void.

Endless Void was held in the hand.

The huge black net was instantly thrown into the void.

"The power of space. It's impossible! You can't use the power of space without Yuanying!"

Deacon Kong was overwhelmed and could not believe it.

Chu Yi said lightly: "What is there, the power of space is just a form of energy, and the reason why the Yuan baby period can be mastered. It is also because there is a Yuan baby, which can communicate with the world in a deeper level than the Taoist government."

"I'm just a little bit more powerful." Chu Yi said "modestly."

Is this a small thing?

Even if it is a genius of the first level, it is almost impossible to control the space in the realm of Taoism, unless you get the power against the sky.

"He is better than me!"

This hand alone made Deacon Kong understand. You are not an opponent of the other party.

"Just run away, he can't kill me!"

Deacon Kong instantly burst out like a shell.

His figure turned into a black wave, and then disappeared in front of everyone.


Chu Yi, however, was not unhurried, referring to the sword, pointing towards the distance.

In an instant everyone saw that the floating cloud that fell on the sky was pressed down.

No, to be precise, it is down.

Deacon Kong only felt that Han Mang was on his back, and as soon as he turned around, he instantly shuddered.

He only felt that from the clouds, a dense sword gas appeared.

This kind of sword spirit seems to be a strong swordsman facing the sect.


"Daoist, Rao Ming, I am the deacon of Qianfanzong. Now, we have an elder on the Tianchen Continent. If you kill me, Taoist, our elder Qianfanzong will definitely come over!"

"At that time, not only will you die, but your loved ones, friends, and even the entire empire will be destroyed in an instant."

"You don't kill me, this thing is over, you want to kill me, your entire empire, you must be buried!"

"Qianfanzong. Whatever, even if Qianfan's old thief came, he would have to die."

Chu Yi snorted coldly, and immediately, the large piece of floating cloud was cut off.

I only heard a loud bang, and the sky was falling apart. That was Deacon Kong's counterattack. The terrifying energy dissipated, and the sky on that side appeared distorted.

It's a pity that the clouds are too dense for the other party to rush out.

At the next moment, everyone was shocked to find that the white cloud turned blood, quietly floating on the sky.

"You killed Elder Kong!" The gloomy man was horrified, but soon he was speechless, because Qin Zheng did not know when, a sword pierced his head from behind.

The blood was permeating, the lunar star in the distance appeared, the radiance was scattered, and the whole sky was strange.

There was silence in the field, and no one spoke.

Until a long time later, that Ye Linguo rattled and sat directly on the ground.

"How could this be?"

"That's the strong man of Qianfanzong!"

"It's over!" Ye Cang couldn't bear the blow anymore. The original injury, combined with today's shock, spurted out a spit of blood and died on the spot.

Everyone's face was dignified, and everyone on Chu Yi's side looked at Chu Yi with a very respectful look.

Where did this person reach?

On the Tianchen Continent, is there any more evil spirit than him?

Chu Yi looked at Ye Linguo indifferently.

"Master Ye, are you going to commit suicide, or am I doing it?"

"Do not!"

"Don't kill us!"

"Your Majesty. I beg you, don't kill us, but for the sake of my child Chong'er!" Ye Xinlihua directly asked Qin Zheng for mercy with rain.

Qin Zheng closed his son's perception, and then said coldly: "Your life is not in my hands."

Ye Xin froze. Trembling in the cold wind.

"Forgiveness, my country's teacher, Your Majesty, we are compelled."

"Yeah, we were threatened by Ye Linguo."

Those group ministers kept kowtowing.

"Haha! Haha!"

suddenly. Ye Linguo laughed loudly, "If you die, you will die, don't forget, Qianfanzong, there is another elder, and that elder is in infancy."

"Even without the elder, Qianfanzong is the first sect. They can't avoid revenge!"

"Church name, I'll wait for you below."

After that, he picked up a knife and inserted it into his own heart.

Chu Yi was indifferent.

This kind of scene is nothing to him at all.

He is firm in his heart and has his own principles, and he will not be scared by three words.

He glanced at the courtiers. In an instant, all eyes were loose, and then lost his breath of life.

The whole imperial city, this night, blood stained the sky.

"No one dared to rebel after today." The king of Zhenbei muttered, his eyes full of fear.

Even him, in the face of Chu Yi, did not feel at ease before.

"Teacher, he has done all the bad things himself, but he is still soft to himself." Qin Zheng thought secretly.

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