Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Bai Weng Taoist was stunned...Tianxianzi was also stunned...

The devil's eyes widened, and after watching for a long time, his heart was turned over and over. He suddenly flashed a tremor, and if he met him, I am afraid he could only end this way.

Who knows what's in this guy's talisman.

It was the geniuses Zhou Luo, Dongfangliang, and Fang Yaoyao who were hit hardest.

The gap is too big!

"How is this possible, those who are strong in the five-year-old period of the Yuan infant period, the picture depicts characters of the Xianzun level. If their own strength does not reach the Yuan infant period, they can only exert less than half of their strength. ."

Zhou Luo shouted in his heart.

Even if the other party borrows treasures, think in empathy. If you own these treasures, it is absolutely impossible to do this step with so many powerful chases.

If it wasn’t for the fleet that suddenly appeared, Chu Yi didn’t even have to take out the final picture.

More importantly, it is difficult for them to understand why the other party was very safe after beating many Yuan infants, as if they had done an ordinary thing.

If you change yourself, as long as you can kill a baby, you are afraid to dance all over, making it hard to control yourself.

"Dao Xin is too strong!" Fang Yaoya gritted his teeth, no wonder the other party would not be tempted by himself.

All of them suddenly developed a feeling of powerlessness. This feeling made them even desperately hope that Chu Yi would immediately enter the Yuan baby stage.

"The grand events of all ages are going to be held, and he is probably going to shine."

Daofu peak?

How many years of hard work will it take for oneself and others to reach this step, for a lifetime? Or never reach.

But at this time, in the realm of Yuan Ying, the last regret is Bai Weng Taoist.

She stood there dumb, never seeming to have such a desperate mood, recalling everything she had just done, couldn't help but regret it.

If the other party really wants to deal with themselves, then the current self will die.

She wished to pull her eyes out, Quan Dang had never seen this scene.

In the realm of Daofu, it is already so powerful, that after entering Yuanying, he is not his opponent at all.

"It seems that I am leaving Tianchen Continent."

No one laughed, and even Sovereign Sovereign was stern and stunned.

"This kid, great..."

"Do you really want to reproduce Yan Luoxianzun's time?"


Chu Yi received the spoils, then turned around and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Forge Sovereign Lord, long time no see."

"The demon son is also here. Have you studied the Devil Scroll? You shouldn't grab my star fruit."

The demon shuddered, his face shaking, and the kid smiled like that when he used the scroll.

"The energy of the star fruit conflicts with my mentality, let's forget it, but the magic roll of the earth..."

"Tian Moju, it is enough for you to enter the Yuanying period, and it will not be too late to wait for you to enter." Chu Yi replied, but did not lie this time.

Some people with unsettled Taoism, if they first read the Earth Demon Scroll, I am afraid they will not be able to enter the psychic life forever.

Successively, this is the rule of the magic scroll of heaven and earth.

"I won't chat with the two of you. This star fruit has to settle down. I'll talk about it later."

The barbarian shouted and left Chu Yi quickly.

"Damn, he didn't even greet us at all!" A few anger flashed in the hearts of Taoist Bai Weng.

Chu Yi did not look at them from beginning to end.

Obviously they are also strong in Yuanying level.

"But it's Daofu!" a tiger-headed man said angrily, "how many geniuses are stuck at this stage, maybe thousands of years, ten thousand years later, he is still Daofu!"

"Yeah, the more arrogant, the faster the final fall. Look at Yan Luoxianzun. If you are low-key, you will not die early. It is still our old guys who survived."

However, a few people also knew that in the face of such evildoers, Yuan Ying was just a breakthrough for him.

"Wait, if you find out, the barbarian actually took him back." Suddenly, the Forged Sect Master was stunned.

In a flash, everyone stopped.

Is a strong infantile willing to become a mount?

Bai Wengdao was so popular that he blushed and had a thick neck: "Where is the system, what is the system."

"The barbarians are really depraved!"

The strong men with their own strength can only become mounts, they are inevitably sad.

"I can only go to the conventions of the heavens of the ancient world, and I hope to be taken by Da Zongmen."

"Maybe in the future, we will be able to take a few more steps during the infancy."

These powerful people glanced at the last bit of struggle.

And Zhou Luo and others also secretly clenched their fists.

"Grand Meetings!"

"Perhaps my ability will be seen by some more powerful and powerful people, and there are also historical records. Those who are able to choose disciples are more concerned about the eyes."

This is their last chance to surpass Chu Yi.

In space, a battleship slowly moved.

Wang Ying stood in front of the battleship and sighed sadly.

"I knew it was this guy again..." He had noticed something wrong earlier, and he rushed over immediately, but when he saw Chu Yi, he didn't let his own people do it.

It must be said that Xingchenguo's temptation to him is also quite large.

If he can, he will **** it.

Only when Chu Yi took out Yan Luoxianzun's scroll, he stopped immediately.

"It's really shameless... to attack the enemy with his portrait."

Wang Ying's face was complicated, and finally he could only sigh aloud and give up immediately.

"Forget it, according to the truth, this star fruit was also bred because of him, and it was originally his."

His eyes were firm, and since he gave up, he would not think about it there.

"I am now at the pinnacle of the Taoist House, but it is still impossible to break through to the Yuan infantry before the conventions of the heavens in the ancient world.

"In this case, I can only enhance my strength in the realm of Taoism, waiting for the 36 worlds to shine."

In the ancient world, all creatures are planning, and the peerless evildoer gradually has a movement, for a time, the waves are rough.


"Run away!"

In the void, the dead leaf Taoist hardly had any pause, his heart was squeezed into a piece, and the blood inside was to be ejected.

His forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was filled with horror.

In the face of Yan Luoxianzun, he collapsed, Dao heart split, Dao Fu was even more uncertain.

The great consummation of the Yuan infant period is the integration of the ten prefectures, and the ten Yuan infants are united into the Dantian.

But now, the only Yuan Ying showed a terrified look.

If you go on like this, I am afraid that the Tao will die.


Suddenly, in his body, a voice rang out, with a dark chill.

"How could I choose someone like you!"

A mist manifested, and the black mist turned into a vague human figure, like a skeleton, breathing out the magical energy.

"Teacher..." The dry leaf Taoist smiled bitterly, but when he saw this Demon Race, his heart finally calmed down.

Dao Xin no longer vibrates.

He wiped the sweat from his face, respectfully.

This demon, among the demon clan, belongs to the fog demon, no entity, floating in the void.

The dead leaf Taoists met by accident in those days, they worshipped him as a teacher, and then changed from Buddhism to evil Buddhism.

This is where the dead leaf Taoist now exists.

"Teacher, you are finally awake."

Black Wu heard a cold laughter, and immediately said: "A realm of Taoism, which has caused you to lose a square inch, is really insulting my teaching."

"But that was a portrait of Yan Luo Xianzun. I was disturbed for a while."


The sound of Wu Mo's speech seemed to be uncomfortable when someone's throat was filled with sand.

"That's just a picture scroll. After using the picture scroll, it's just to disturb your mind. That picture scroll is not enough to kill you."

"You go back immediately now, taking advantage of the fact that the star fruit has not yet taken root in his Daofu, directly beheaded him, and have a chance to get it back."

Withered leaf Taoist meal: "But in case, he has other treasures..."

"I'm afraid of anything. I'm in a haze, even the gang of people at Daleiyin Temple will kill you, let alone some treasures."

Withered leaf Taoist surprise: "Teacher, are you ready to shoot?"

"The star fruit is useful to you. If you enter the realm of psychic, I will have the opportunity to use your Yuanying to own the flesh, go... kill him..."

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