My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 871: Demon coming

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The six huge eyes, like a lantern, keep rising, after reaching a certain height, overlooking Chu Yi.

Chu Yi can also judge by the position of his eyes, which is a huge demon.

"Are you calling this king?"

"Release your mind over there, let me settle in and kill you."

"You will feel endless power."

The vast voice seemed to float from the sky, everywhere.

Chu Yi Ling Ran, this is definitely not an immortal level, at least a supreme devil.

He thought about it and did not find a matching supreme in the fairy world.

"Is it the Supreme Powerhouse hidden in the dark?"

"But why is it related to this Youyuan text, what does this mean?"

Chu Yi is difficult to understand, but he also understands that if this time let the other party fall on him, it would be tantamount to death.

He grinned: "Dark Flame Demon, I'm sorry, I just took a look at it, and made you come here in vain."

When Chu Yi finished this sentence, he saw that the six eyes simultaneously uttered an angry roar: "You are playing me, stupid human being!"

"Since I have appeared, I can't help you!"


Endless ripples suddenly erupted and washed away towards Chu Yi's mind.

"Let me take a look at this world. After many years, I can finally see the fairy world!"

"There is too much food here!"

"I'm going to come and come with my people!"

Chu Yi's expression suddenly became tense, and he could feel that there was boundless power that invaded his Daoist House.

These forces are so strange that they pass directly through the flesh and go in the direction of Taoism.


Suddenly, a magic sound erupted in Daofu, where the voice of gods and demons sat, and then, the endless ripples crackled like firecrackers.

"Chaotic Demon Ancestor!"

"You have the skill of Chaos Demon Ancestor!"

A screaming sounded, with fear and fear, but I did not know why, Chu Yi still heard a trace of greed.

But at this time, in the outside world, everyone found that Chu Yi's body was covered with black mist, the entire Xuanyou River was boiling, and the fierce beast inside died almost instantly.

"You can't fall into my mind, go back."

The six eyes roared with anger, but immediately, the breath of terror suddenly turned: "I can find a substitute. This mysterious river was originally bred by the Demon Race."


Xuan Youhe rose up from the sky, and came a violent shock, the will of the Dark Flame Demon seemed to stir the situation.

At this time, in the sky, the dead leaf Taoist emerged from the void.

"Hey, how do I feel magical, is it because this is a demon?" There was a sound of suspense inside the dry leaf Taoist.

"It doesn't matter, take the boy down first, and I will help you get rid of the formation around him."

"Withered leaf Taoist!"

At the same time, Chu Yi and Nether Sect Master also found the dead leaf Taoist.

"Withered leaf Taoist, do you still want to see the portrait of Yan Luo Xianzun?"

Chu Yi raised his head hard, pretending to be easy.

His current body is still filled with the devil's breath, which will be transferred to Xuan Youhe's body.

He is not worried about the dry leaf Taoist now, but is worried about the dark flame demon. The ghost knows that he can exert several strengths of his deity, even if it is only one tenth, it is enough to penetrate the entire Tianchen Continent.

He is now anxious that a bunch of strong men will appear.

"Hand over the star fruit!"

The Dry Leaf Taoist didn't say anything. He stepped forward, and came to Chu Yi's neighborhood instantaneously, slap him in the face with Chu Yi.

At the same time, the palm of his hand was covered with black smoke, easily breaking through the array of methods around Chu Yi.

"Fog Monster?!"

Chu Yi was frightened and startled. The black mist-like creature turned into a grinning smile at him.

"Boy, good eyesight, he knew me without thinking of the realm of Taoism."

"But it's useless, you are dead!"

The fog demon extended his palm towards Chu Yi, and a large amount of smoke turned into a bat, flapping its wings, and quickly wrapped a large void.

But at this moment, the Xuan You River was moving, and the entire Xuan You River shrank at a rapid speed. Even so, it was very huge.

In everyone's shocked eyes, Xuanyou River stood up, thousands of meters high, and the river black.

"Pillar?" Chu Yi had a meal. The fog devil attacked by him was evaporated directly when approaching, so Chu Yi had time to see the changes.

He felt that a large amount of magical energy in his body began to shift, and Xuan Youhe made a crackling noise, constantly deformed, and gradually took shape, like carving a stone statue.

"No, he summoned a demon!" Fog Demon screamed loudly. He manifested the body, nearly 100 meters high, which was too small compared to the Dark Flame Demon.

The demon does not recognize the demon, and the demon is not willing to stay with the demon, so the two sides can basically be said to be incompatible.

The fog demon sacrifices a token, and each token is portrayed with a pose, and those figures rush out, branding and dancing in the void.

They are to suppress the appearance of the dark flame demon.

Chu Yi was moved: "I didn't expect that Senior Wumo and Senior Yeye were so great, they worked hard to solve the trouble for me."

Withered leaves are covered with black lines.

Mist is almost vomiting blood, if he has blood.

"Boy, you have a catastrophe. All the demons are demons that have not evolved completely, or that they have evolved in the wrong direction. There is not much reason at all, and they only believe in killing."

"Your demon summoned, I don't know which tomb came from. Once it came, let's not mention the Tianchen Continent, maybe the entire Qingfeng territory will be finished."

Wu Mo was furious, he was here to **** the star fruit, and he encountered such a change.

If he doesn’t shoot, then everyone is waiting to die.


However, the hundreds of tokens were all shattered by a roar, a large amount of black gas rose, and the water of the Xuanyou River had begun to deform. It was a terrifying demon.

On a huge head, where the original ears were, were replaced by eyes, and six **** eyes looked in all directions.

He has a pair of broken and huge fleshy wings, and his dark body is covered with armor, standing like a human.

The demon is coming!

Everything around was overturned, and many Xuan Youzong disciples were immediately shocked to death.

The Nether Sovereign continued to retreat, and there was no more composure in his eyes.

Zhou Luo was so scared that his face was pale, and he only dared to wait and see.



The huge demon made a loud noise, and every time he said a word, the earth shook.

Chu Yi sharply captured some information.

His legs and feet slipped, he ran away long ago, squatting in one place

"Fortunately, he is just a consciousness, not a deity."

Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "Several seniors, this demon is only able to reach the realm of God. It should not have entered the Immortal Venerable. You must solve it quickly."


The dead leaf Taoist couldn't help but spit out the blood.

He was already injured, and was shocked by the devil qi just now. Now, he is bleeding with a word.

This is not the trouble he caused!

Not Xianzun, but at least it is the pinnacle of Tongshen. For such existence, only Xianzun can come to clean up.


The dark flame demon's tail is formed by the flame condensing, flicking in the direction of Xuan Youzong, the next moment, all the buildings and mountains collapsed, and the endless dark flames overwhelmed the sky.


"Zong Men are gone..."

The Nether Sovereign stared at this scene in a daze, and instantly stood still.

"Sovereign, run away!"

An elder shouted, but it was too late.

The dark flame demon directly trapped the nether sect master and took a big mouthful of breath, even with the entire ruins of the mysterious sect, and sucked into the mouth.

"Good taste, really good taste!"

He smiled with satisfaction, the darkness soared into the sky, covering thousands of kilometers.

"Want to go? Late!"

The fog turned into an arrow, and the dead leaf Taoist hurried away.

The Dry Leaf Taoist looked back and saw the other party's attack coming.

He gritted his teeth, took out the zen stick, and slammed it against the mist.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I can only let you resist for a while."

The Zen stick emits a buddha sound, knocking back the mist demon and flying towards the direction of the dark flame demon.

"Sure enough, humans are the most despicable. My Devil is far less despicable than humans."


The mist demon was torn to pieces in an instant.

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