My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 877: Heavenly arm

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Chu Yi didn't care at all. He leaned against the window and looked at the distance lightly. Shen Nian started carefully, not daring to use it on a large scale.

This is Yukun City, the geniuses of the two domains, from planting Tao to Yuanying fivefold, all here, who knows what kind of perverts will be encountered.

Even Chu Yi needs to be cautious. This is a fear of heaven and earth. He will not be arrogant and repeat the mistakes of the previous life.

The appearance of the Daguangmingjian's body, although he was a little surprised, but what he cared about more was his intuition telling him that there was a gaze that had been vaguely looking at him since he entered Yukun City .

This look is very obscure, and Chu Yi can't tell whether it is hostile or other meaning, but it has been nothing.

"Mr. Chu, you have been targeted by demons!"

"Demon?" Chu Yi stunned.

The dark flame demon smiled and said: "This avatar of this king, when it comes, is also the pinnacle of the gods. As long as the demon of your world, as long as you are in this ancient world, you can feel it more or less, and then follow the investigation, naturally Will be able to find your head."

Chu Yi was furious: "You didn't tell me earlier, do you know how dangerous this is..."

"Wait, you guy is intentional."

Chu Yi suddenly realized.

Although the dark flame demon is a creature of a different universe, it is also a family of demon after all, and the demon of the fairy world will not be close to him anyway. In this way, I am afraid that it will be myself who suffers the last.

In case the other party uses any means to control him, it will only benefit from the dark flame demon.


Chu Yi secretly scolded.

"You are all supreme, you are so mean? It's not ashamed!"

The dark flame demon shook his legs: "Speaking of meanness, are you qualified to say me?"

"I'm weak, and I can only use strategy to gain space for survival."

"Bah, even if you say this, you don't believe it." The six eyes of the dark flame demon closed at the same time, and they no longer ignored Chu Yi.

A person who pioneered Kendo even talked to him about his weakness. Once such a person achieves supremacy with Kendo, I am afraid that even his own deity will not be his opponent.

Chu Yi's hand holding the glass was tight.

"How about, Brother Chu is not satisfied with this restaurant. If this restaurant does not have a certain background, it can't come in." Ye Qingsong smiled.

Among the monks, there are also high and low points.

In the case of similar strength, monks with background are obviously much higher than the status of casual repair.

Meng Changqiang said with a long smile: "That might be, but the other party pressed Tianxuan Sect Master at the Hundred Flowers Conference, maybe he didn't like this restaurant at all."

He wanted to pull Wang Ying into the water, but Wang Ying smiled and said nothing.

He didn't know the other party's thoughts. Ye Qingsong was proud and arrogant. Especially after having master Lanti Taoist, he was a little dissatisfied with himself.

Wang Ying is known as the first genius of the mainland of Kyushu. This name has made Ye Qingsong feel bad.

Although Ye Qingsong depreciated Chu Yi, he also taunted Wang Ying in secret.

Because at the Hundred Flowers Conference, Wang Ying thought he was not as good as Chu Yi.

"It seems that a few of them are deliberately trying to find me trouble, it is better to draw out the way." Chu Yi sneered, he was just pitted by the dark flame demon, he was unhappy.


Ye Qingsong slammed the glass in his hand on the table, and all the people in the room were startled.

"Why, did Brother Chu have an opinion, didn't I look upset?"

"If you are upset, call your parents and my parents to see who makes sense."


His elder Ye Qingsong was naturally the famous Lanti Taoist.

This is known as the most promising existence in Qingfengyu.

Of course, in this case, we need to wait for tens of thousands of years, or even longer time, or even forever.

Mei Qingfeng chuckled and said, "We are the neighbors of Kyushu mainland and Tianchen continent, but this time when we come out, we should also fight with the enemy, Brother Ye, you can bring Lan ahead of us, we can't stand it, he is a person of Tianchen continent. , No background?"

"This matter, just forget it."

Mei Qingfeng satirized Chu Yi secretly. She asked her to accept Kong You as a disciple, but she knelt down for a month, but she was refused. Therefore, she had a mustache in her heart.

"Well, since the sister said, I will not care about the villain."

Everyone passed by with a smile, but they were even more disdainful to Chu Yi, and even a few people nearby looked at Chu Yi funny.

Most of these people know the name of the Lanti Taoist, and as a result, they kept coming to toast.

The monk can't avoid the world, Ye Qingsong straightened his chest and felt very respectful.

"Which Tianxuan Sect Master, what genius of Tianchen Continent? In front of me, but so." Ye Qingsong thought proudly in his heart.

His reputation is more famous than Wang Ying in the entire Qingfeng domain.

"Brother Ye is really a master." Mei Qingfeng praised.

Xia Yang frowned a little, and only felt that his brother and sister were too utilitarian in nature.

I am afraid that these two people can only stay at the peak of Daofu in their entire lives.

"Sorry, my dear, your meal time is up, and people are here for a party." The restaurant owner came out, a little sorry.

"The big man said, all your expenses are on his head."

The big one?

Everyone had a slight meal, and some people have stood up and can be called big names by the restaurant owner. I am afraid that their status is really not low. They do not need to find trouble here.

"What big man?"

At this moment, Ye Qingsong's dissatisfied voice slowly sounded.

"The whole Yukun City, this time, the most powerful thing is only Yuanying Wuzhong. My master is also Yuanying Wuzhong. I just want to know what character is more powerful than my master."

"Tell him to get out, let me see, if not a big man, let him get out of me."

Ye Qingsongyun’s breezy appearance makes everyone feel a little calmer and envious. If he has such a master, he may be able to walk sideways.

"You all sit down and let's see, which big man is it."


"Boss, why did you come down again? Why, the people above refuse to leave?" A strong man with four arms waited downstairs.

The restaurant owner was cold and sweating, and he really could not offend the one above.

"This Daoist, there is an apprentice of the Lanti Taoist. The Lanti Taoist is now a popular figure in the Qingfeng domain. It is also a peerless strongman in this infant period. Please give me a bottom. , What the **** is going to come over."

"Landi Taoist?" The four-armed brawler sneered. "Who am I, just a little boy with a five-year-old childhood? His Lanti Taoist is just famous, and his disciples dare to stand in front of me. Yaowu Yangwei."

"My track number is the heavenly arm."

"Sky Arm..." The restaurant owner thought about it for a moment, and his face suddenly changed. "Are you a Bai Chongzong's Sky Arm Taoist?"

Behind the owner of the restaurant, it instantly became wet.

"This one is my younger brother Park Lesheng."

Park Lesheng nodded calmly.

The restaurant owner said: "Original Park Daoyou, I have heard that you are already in the top five on the list of geniuses in Qingfengyu."

This ranking is already quite scary.

In the future, it will surely become a strong infant.

Tianbi Taoist sneered: "This time, it wasn't us who came to the venue, but our patriarch came over in person to feast the senior Jiuxing."

"Bai Chong Sect Master?"

"Senior Nine Stars?"

The restaurant owner froze directly.

Sovereign of Bai Chong, but the veteran of the Yuanying period is the strongest.

The Nine-Star Taoist is even more terrifying.

If it is said that the Lanti Taoist is known as the next most powerful man in the Qingfeng domain, the Nine-Star Taoist is the most promising person in the ancient world.

"Understood." Heavenly Arm Dao tapped his fingers on the table.

"Yes." The restaurant owner was terrified. Naranti Taoist was really nothing in the eyes of the two.

"Why, don't the people in the package have the courage to come up?" Ye Qingsong's mocking voice came from above the restaurant.

"Since you dare not come up, let's go."

The Heavenly Arm Daoist changed dramatically, but he was addicted to killing. In the past few years, he was almost lost. It was also because the Patriarch Sect Master shot that he had gone to the Devil, so he entered the Bai Chongzong.

But the killing heart has not diminished at all.

"It's a real death." The Heavenly Arm Daoist chuckled and strode forward.

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