My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 890: Have you ever had milk tea

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When Chu Yi was watching Master Yuan Kong, the latter was also watching him.

The breeze is blowing, the sound of the Buddha is curling, the incense is rising, and everything in the Leiyin Temple can calm the incoming souls.

"He saw me, not even surprised, not arrogant, not humble."

"Although the gods and demons are weird, but their vision is good. The gods and demons are afraid that they can be comparable to those gods."

"Fairyland is in chaos, evil spirits are overgrown, there is the king of sin first, then there is the **** demon leader..."

Master Yuan Kong had a murderous heart, but his face was unsurprised.

Being murderous does not mean that the other party will be killed now.

He is more concerned about why Chu Yi can become the **** and demon leader, what is the difference between him?

Is it just talented?

The gods and demons have gone through a long period of time. To speak of peerless evils, they must have seen a lot. It cannot be the cause of talent.

If no specific reason can be found, even if a **** demon is killed, the **** demon will find another one.

In front of Chu Yi, two glasses were placed.

"I don't know what the **** demon leader likes to drink. This cup is made of green tea, but made of green locust leaves, and it has a sweet aftertaste."

"This cup is soy milk... made with Tianling beans."

Whether it is green locust leaves or celestial beans, they are all precious things that most people cannot drink.

"God demon master, you can taste both." Master Yuankong smiled with a deep meaning.

"Then you are welcome."

Chu Yi took a sip of tea with a sweet aftertaste, and the blood in his body seemed to reverberate in the spring stream.

This cup of tea, ordinary people can take a sip, you can enter the innate, but for them, it is just tea.

"Good tea."

Chu Yi praised, "Tea is good tea, but the people who make tea are also good hands. It seems that Master Yuan Kong has also studied the tea ceremony."

"Fair praise." Master Yuankong folded his hands together, "Then ask the **** demon to taste this soy milk."

Chu Yi took a sip and praised again and again and said nothing else.

Master Yuan Kong said rightly: "Tea is tea and soy milk is soy milk. These two tastes are completely different, each has its own precious points, and is sought after in their own fields."

"If someone forcibly mixes them together, wouldn't it be nonsensical and counterintuitive."

Chu Yi nodded.

He knew what the other party said.

The Protoss is the Protoss, and the Demons are the Demons. Although the Protoss and the Demons are hostile, they are also in their respective camps. The two are balanced with each other and the balance of the whole fairyland.

But now, the gods and demons are pulling two mutually exclusive, distinct races together, which will cause great chaos.

"Everything goes its own way, everything has its own reason,"

"Look at the wild grass in my garden, one year old and one year old."

"Look at the egret in the sky. When it is spring, it will go to the blue sky."

"God speaks at four o'clock, and earth speaks and all things are born."

"These are rules and rules of heaven and earth. Only by observing them can the heaven and the earth be completed."

Master Yuan Kong looked at Chu Yi, but his eyes were peaceful but powerful.

"Even monk, the so-called go against the sky is just the rules of heaven and earth."

"Against the sky, it's the sky."

At the level of Master Yuan Kong, he was too lazy to Chu Yi, if he could reverse the mind of the **** and demon, the **** and demon would not break through.

Chu Yi touched his chin and pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "Master Yuankong, have you tried to mix soy milk and tea together to drink?"

Master Yuan Kong frowned: "How can this be, these are two very different flavors."

However, Chu Yi didn't say anything, he started directly, and debugged the two cups together according to a certain proportion.

He grinned: "Master Yuankong might as well try it, I named it-milk tea."

So, the first cup of milk tea in Xianjie appeared in Chu Yi's hands.

Master Yuan Kong frowned, somewhat unhappy: "Tea is tea, milk is milk, a kind of sweet and bittersweet, a kind is full of rich milk..."

But he took it and tasted it.


Unexpectedly, some delicious...


Master Yuan Kong was silent.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Master Yuankong, look, this is not a thing. You stick to the rules, but you don't know the beauty of fusion."

"I admit that heaven and earth have their own laws, but how do you determine that you all know the laws of heaven and earth?"

"I said that God Prophet and Mozu are the same person, do you believe it?"

"Impossible!" Master Yuan Kong shook his head firmly.

Buddha and God are close, and they repel the devil. This is the tradition passed down through the ages. If the **** and the deity are one, then what they did before is counted.

"I said that the land of sin is not the traitor that Heaven Court said, Master Yuankong, do you believe it?"

Master Yuan Kong still shook his head.

Chu Yi chuckled: "In this world, there is nothing terrible about right or wrong. What is scary is that there is only one standard for judging right or wrong."

"Da Leiyin Temple, do you want to set that standard, do that ruler, and beat the world?"

Master Yuan Kong became more and more silent.

Daleiyin Temple cannot do this, nor can Tianting.

"Then why do you think that the gods and demons are evil, and you, the Leiyin Temple, are good? The gods are good?"

"I really want to kill you." Master Yuankong suddenly said, "You remind me of a person, Yan Luo Xianzun."

"In the beginning, I reasoned with him, and he closed my mouth with fists."

"Now, you just shut me up with reason."

"Your presence is more troublesome..."

Chu Yi took a sip of milk tea: "But you can't kill me."

"Yes." Master Yuankong admitted, "I killed you, it means that my way was wrong. I wanted to kill you because of shame."

"I don't kill you, I still have room to go out."

Master Yuan Kong stood up and paced slowly: "I heard you want to challenge Yuan infantile?"

"It's not that I challenge them, it's that they challenge me!" Chu Yi gave birth to invincible confidence.

"I am a monument standing in front of them, but insurmountable."

Master Yuan Kong saw Chu Yi's eyes full of faith, and his heart was slightly awe-inspiring.

"Go ahead, if you don't go anymore, I'm afraid I can't kill you." Master Yuan Kong looked serious.

Chu Yi nodded.

"Master Yuankong, knowing the Great Leiyin Temple, why don't there be strong men at the level of Immortal Venerable?"

"Because none of you know how to leave the apostasy, the scriptures are dead, and people are alive... Although the old abbot understood this truth, it was too late to eat."

"Look, how good I am to you. If you become an immortal statue in the future, don't forget to set up a golden statue for me at Daleiyin Temple."

"go with!"

Master Yuan Kong could no longer hear anything, and quickly sent Chu Yi away.

"By the way, let's say one more thing, there are people of my demon religion in Daleiyin Temple. Master Yuankong might as well guess which one."

Chu Yi's voice came from the void.

For a long time, Master Yuan Kong stood on the spot without moving, and a face resembled a thousand-year-old mural.

"Abbot, what is this **** and demon master? How young is this? It seems to be very easy to master." Xuanqing Taoist came out, if Chu Yi was there, he would certainly recognize that this person was the old monk who was infested in sin.

Master Yuan Kong's eyes were a little loose: "The gods and demons are really extraordinary."

"I originally invited him to come over to change his mind, so that the gods and demons would collapse."

"Unexpectedly, I was almost changed."

Xuanqing Taoist was puzzled. He heard every word that Chu Yi said, but even when it was connected, he didn't understand it at all.

"You don't understand, the realm is too low." Master Yuankong didn't force it.

He looked at the milk tea on the table and said, "Xuan Qing, you try this milk tea."

The Xuanqing Taoist took a sip according to his words and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Good, amazing taste, if this thing is sold in Fairy World, there is definitely a market."

Master Yuan Kong looked at the cup of milk tea as if he had seen the demon religion.

"Don't be different!" He turned angrily in his heart and turned away.

"I think it's pretty good." Xuanqing Taoist confused.

Master Yuan Kong was disturbed by Chu Yi's words. He needed to go to the Buddha statue and read the meditation.

But saw the night sky halfway.

"Master Yuankong, you came just right. I think there are a few chickens here, but they were cooked... and got some eggs or something, and made a hodgepodge..."

Master Yuan Kong twitched his skin, which was the pet he had kept for hundreds of years.

He smelled a strong aroma of meat.

"Eh, don't go, my name is Buddha jumping over the wall, my teacher taught me, do you want to try it."

That night, the sound of the wooden fish in front of the Golden Buddha rang through the entire Leiyin Temple.

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