My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 892: Do you have cervical spondylosis?

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi looked at the girl, it was an instinct. The blood in his body told him that the girl in front of him had a relationship with him!

And the vague idea that came out of his mind made all the pores in his body tremble.

Chu Ling frowned, and took a step back subconsciously. The huge hats fluttered on her head, and she could see the delicate face faintly.

"what's your name?"

Chu Yi swallowed and wanted to ask the girl's name.

However, at this moment, the young snake's arm was suddenly long and turned into a long snake.

"Daofu pinnacle, trouble..." Chu Feng frowned. Although he was powerful, in the final analysis, he only planted the pinnacle of the pinnacle after all, but even if he couldn't beat him, he could calmly leave.

"Sister, strategic retreat!" Chu Feng shouted.

"Want to go, late? Leave your long sword!" The ten fingers of the young man of the green snake all turned into long snakes. The head of the long snake differentiated again, and the dense long snakes came down from the sky, no less than a hundred.

Countless long snakes swept towards Chu Feng and Chu Ling.

"Noisy!" Chu Yi angered, but now at a critical time in his life, there are people coming to disturb him.

As soon as his words fell, in an instant, countless long snakes froze in the void, and then burst one by one.

The young Bishe was horrified, and she ran away.

But at this time Chu Yi, a big hand has been pressed down, killing the other party on the spot.

"It's a pity that so many snakes can still make snake soup." Chu Ling regretted.

Chu Yi was dumbfounded. He already suspected that he might have admitted the wrong person. Ye Yanyu was gentle and virtuous, and was definitely not as lively as the girl in front of him.

Even...too lively.

"Sister, let's go." Chu Feng pulled Chu Ling and was about to leave here, because the people had gathered more and more, maybe there would be any trouble.

Chu Yi looked at Chu Feng with two eyes. From his eyebrows, he seemed to see himself.

"It's them!"

"Absolutely they..."

"Look at their breath of life, they should be about the same age..."

"My son and daughter?"

He could not detect the cause and effect of the other party. Apparently, some masters deliberately blocked it, but the blood relationship in his body would not be fake. Chu Yi believed his instinct.

In particular, he noticed that both of them were wearing swords.

The young man's one-handed sword is not easy, especially, that sword...

"Smoke rain... also nearby?"

Chu Yi was a little flustered.

"That..." He touched his nose and followed him. He was originally heartless, but now he doesn't know what to say.

"This Daoyou, thanks for helping each other, but we still have things, so we left first." Chu Feng looked at the man with vigilance.

"Daoyou?" Chu Yi froze, smirked, and finally gritted his teeth: "I may be your father."


Chu Feng calmly turned his head and looked at Chu Ling: "Sister, have you seen his appearance, causing this person's unconsciousness?"

Chu Ling rolled his eyes under Dou Li: "My father, dare to pee at the door of Daleiyin Temple, do you dare?"

Chu Yi dumbfounded.

Now he really has no skin.

"This Daoist, I know that my appearance stuns you, but you must have a firm heart, don't be fooled by beauty, can't chase me, you must be my father..."

Chu Ling patted his shoulder and sighed.

Chu Feng looked at the other person's face stiffly: "Sister, you're in trouble again, let Uncle Pan help you make it up next time."

The two said that they disappeared quickly in the alley.

Chu Yi stood blankly for a long time.

He wanted to catch up, but he couldn't take the step, and his feet seemed to stick to the ground.

For the first time in this life, his Dao Xin was confused.

It was a kind of fear, more like a cowardly neighbor.

For the first time, he was timid.

"No, the smoke and rain are not beside them. There is no breath of smoke and rain on their bodies."

Chu Yi frowned, and soon returned to calm.

He was hesitating whether to recognize each other, because he found that this was not a good thing.

The more relatives he has, the greater the chance of being exposed to the enemy's eyes, unless he has the strength to shock everyone.

The sky was dark, and the Buddha's light was shining in the night sky.

"Xiaofeng, I feel a little uneasy today." The two returned to the inn, but Panjing had not returned.

"It may be in danger, after all, it is the pinnacle of Daofu, and it is more powerful than the pinnacle of ordinary Daofu."

"You said, why is that man so weird, saying he is our father." Chu Ling exhaled.

"Impossible, rational judgment. Our father is a strong man of the Immortal Venerable level. Even if he is still alive, it should not be a realm of Taoism."

Chu Feng said, "The father's death at that time was known by countless people, and it was impossible to make mistakes. I guess he wanted to get your attention like this."

Chu Feng put the book off.

"I can still see through this little trick. I want to be my brother-in-law. A state of Taoism is not enough."


"Ye Meng, see it. It's a special empty sword."

In a restaurant, three men and women looked at each other.

One of the women, with a pair of fox eyes, did not appear abrupt, but had an invisible charm.

Her body exudes a special flavor, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. If not the monks here are all geniuses, I am afraid they will be fascinated one by one.

But around this, many people's eyes will also fall on her involuntarily.

Ye Meng is a genius at the level of the Taoist government of the ancient world, and it also exists in the top 100 of the monuments in the ancient world.

What a horror, her strength is a few points higher than that of Li Xinghe.

In terms of appearance, they are also the top ten beautiful women in the ancient world.

"Empty sword, how precious is it, the general sword can be forged by the master forging material, but the empty sword can only be forged according to the physique of the practitioner."

A light white gauze was covered on Ye Meng's face, and the beautiful tongue licked the vermilion lips.

"This empty sword is really wasted in the young man's hands. Such a good sword should be matched with a beautiful woman."

"Yeah." Opposite him, a demon nodded and smiled. "His swordsmanship is not pure. If I want to say, Ye Meng is suitable."

"In this case, we will buy this sword." The third purple-haired young man smiled.

Ye Meng wrapped her hands around her hair with slim and delicate jade: "What if the other party doesn't sell?"

"The three of us joined forces, and I was afraid that it would be necessary to retreat when I saw Yuan Ying when I was infancy. What else can I do?"

When the words fell, I saw that the three had disappeared here.


The inn was brightly lit.

Suddenly, the light dimmed.

Chu Feng's hand was placed on the hilt. He came out with a sword and cut it in the air. He saw a figure burst from the void, blood burst, and his heart was pierced.

"The third one." Chu Feng frowned. "Since I exposed the empty sword, this is the third one."

Chu Ling gave him a glance, but still carrying Dou Li: "It's not your fault."

She walked briskly, searched the objects on the other person's body, and then skillfully took out the powder to fall on the body, but in a blink of an eye, the body disappeared.

Chu Feng put down the hilt and looked down at his book again, but mumbled a few words.

"It's just an empty sword. Uncle Pan said that this is his father's most obscure sword, and since he became Yuanying, his father has never used it."

"Where do I know that this humble sword will cause so many people to watch?"

"Is the people in Xianjie so poor? Fortunately, I didn't take out other swords."

Chu Feng shook his head.


Suddenly, he put his hand on the hilt, and at the same time, he stood up.

"Three Dao friends, visiting at night, what's the matter?"

His words fell, but the projection of the lamppost at the door was slowly distorted, and gradually divided into three shadows.

Three people emerged from the ground.

"Huh, a soothing kid, it's so awesome."

Ye Meng looked at Chu Feng with a smile on her face. She was so touching that her voice was so charming that both of her companions were a little crazy.

"Little brother, I want to buy your sword, can I sell it to the little girl."

Ye Meng took off her veil, and in an instant, the atmosphere in the whole room was ambiguous.

She blinked slightly at Chu Feng.

"You just ate Feng Cauliflower?" Chu Feng asked.

Ye Meng laughed more joyfully: "Yes, how does the little brother know, does it say that I have a fragrance all over my body."

Chu Feng Muran: "Because your teeth are still covered with vegetable leaves, and you can buy it, why is the body twisted and twisted, is it cervical spondylosis?"

Ye Meng froze instantly!

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