My teacher is the ancient one Author: Yun Dian丨Dark Night

Traveled to the white night of the Marvel world and became a student of the Supreme Mage Ancient One,

From then on, an invincible mage was born, the supreme mage who punched Dormammu and stepped on Thanos.

: The introduction is scumbag, please read the main text, the invincible text will never disappoint you

Chapter 1 Mage White Night【[-]】

"Unfortunately, it's still a little bit."

Kama Taj, in a deep space, a man with black hair and black pupils showed a helpless look in his eyes.

He has been in the heavenly Father's estate for several years, during these years.

He felt that he was very close to the single universe level countless times, just one step away.

But it was just one step away, and it was directly stuck for several years.

"Why doesn't it work, obviously it feels like it's already here."

Bai Ye was a little irritable and rubbed his hair.

Years, thousands of days and nights, countless times within reach.

But every time, it was a little bit worse.

The encounter with the wall again and again made Bai Ye almost think that all this was his illusion.

"System, is there really no way to deduce the method of distance from the single universe level?"

Bai Ye secretly said in his heart.

是 的

You are right

Bai Ye is a traverser, a traverser from the earth, although this is also the earth.

After watching Avengers IV, he encountered a car accident and accidentally crossed here.

Coming to the Marvel World

And he became the apprentice of the Supreme Master Gu Yi in Marvel, that is, the future master of Doctor Strange.

But the Master Gu Yi he saw was in the movie, not in the comics

The ancient one in the comics is an old male mage, and the one in the movie is a woman.

After becoming a student of Master Gu Yi, Bai Ye accidentally discovered that he had awakened a system.

It's called deduction.

The deduction system, relying on data points, can deduce anything, whether it is spells, the future, or various abilities

As long as you want something, he can deduce it, even the unthinkable, it can still be

And the result of the deduction, if the ability and these things, Bai Ye can directly obtain it.

Relying on Goldfinger and his own talent, in just three years, Bai Ye went from an ordinary person to a powerhouse at the level of Heavenly Father comparable to Master Gu Yi.

"Ding, there are not enough data points for the deduction to be successful."

The icy voice sounded, which suddenly woke up the irritable Bai Ye.

He almost forgot to use up all the data points just to deduce a spell, resulting in him having no data points to deduce the road behind the realm

"Some Shi Lezhi."

Bai Ye shook his head helplessly, his desire for a single universe level made him a little out of control recently.

Some things are forgotten.


at the same time.

Behind Bai Ye, the space split open, and a figure wearing a golden robe walked in.

And this person is Bai Ye's teacher, Master Gu Yi.

The only Supreme Mage on Earth.

"Teacher, you are here."

Bai Ye turned his head and said softly.

Looking at Bai Ye's face with exhaustion and red eyes, Gu Yi sighed in his heart.

No need for Bai Ye to say anything, she already knew the result.

"Failed again?"

Although it was a bit bitter, Bai Ye nodded and said softly.

"Failed, although every time I feel like I can just step over it, I can't step over it every time. The realm of the single universe level is still a bit difficult."

Looking at his best disciple, Gu Yi was speechless.

In three years, from an ordinary person to the peak Heavenly Father level, this kind of speed and talent has already surpassed countless creatures.

Even so, she was almost scared to death by Bai Ye, because the speed was so fast that she couldn't imagine it.

"What should come will always come, maybe all of this is because you are too anxious, you can consider stopping for a while.

The single-universe level is a realm that Master Gu Yi herself has not reached, so she does not have any good suggestions for this.

But in these days, Gu Yi could see that Bai Ye was a little obsessed, as if he would not give up until he reached the state of a single universe.

"And you didn't say before that you have to experience life well, go out and experience the world well, maybe your mood has changed, you can break through directly, and Kama Taj has me here, Doram you don't either. Need to worry."

Master Gu Yi advised.

The reason why Bai Ye wants to break through the single universe level is nothing more than wanting to solve the crisis of Doram, so he is obsessed.

And now she was afraid that Doram had not solved it, and Bai Ye walked directly into the strange circle.

And although Doram is very threatening, with her around, Doram can't cause any waves.

Therefore, there is enough time to prepare for the white night.

"Want to go out to relax?"

Bai Ye touched his chin and fell into thought.

Maybe the teacher is right, it's good to go out to relax and adjust your mood.

Recently, I have really been possessed, and my whole person has become irritable, and my mood is not as calm as before.

"Teacher, your proposal is good, then I'll prepare and go out to relax."

Hearing this, Master Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid of not going out in Baiye, she kept looking for a breakthrough, and then fell into a vicious circle.

It's really bad when Bai Ye loses control at that time.

A peak Heavenly Father-level creature is out of control, and the threat is even more terrifying than Doram.

At the same time, Gu Yi found that Bai Ye's eyebrows were wrinkled, and he was shocked and asked.

"Bai Ye, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye regained his senses, and then said

"Teacher, it's nothing for me to relax, but if I'm gone, Doram will have a chance to contact Mordo."

Carmodu, Gu Yi's first disciple, is also Bai Ye's eldest brother. , *

Chapter 2 Calmodo【[-]】

Gu Yi received quite a few disciples.

But the development behind each disciple is very strange, because except for Doctor Strange, they all become villains.

Among them, Calmodo is the biggest villain among them.

He is a very talented and ambitious person. In order to get the position of the supreme mage of the ancient one, he even wants to murder the ancient one. However, because of the unequal strength, and the ancient one has long known, many conspiracy cursed.

Later, Stephen, also known as Doctor Strange, was regarded as a successor by the ancient master who valued his talent. After being designated as a successor, Karmodo wanted to kill Stephen because of jealousy. He had used countless conspiracies, but they were all cracked by Doctor Strange.

At the back, in order to gain strength, Mordo directly dedicated himself to Doram, the biggest enemy of the Earth Mage.

Bai Ye is not at all interested in the role of Carmodo, because this guy has always been hostile to him after he showed his talent, and he wanted to do something to him many times, but he was often stopped by Gu Yi. .

Otherwise, by taking the opportunity of Mordo's shot, he can get rid of Mordo.

Speaking of Modu, Master Gu Yi was also a little helpless.

She is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. Otherwise, Carmodo has done so many things, and if she were someone else, she would have been killed a long time ago, and there are some virgins in the ancient one, so she has stayed.

I saw Master Gu Yi's sympathy and compassion.

Bai Ye already knew what she was going to say.

He replied directly: "Teacher, I said in advance that if Mordo is thinking about me, or has bad thoughts about Kama Taj, I will do it mercilessly.

"No matter who it is, you can't stop it, even if it's you, teacher."

"Kal Modu's thinking is no longer suitable for staying in Kama Taj, and with him in Kama Taj, it will become hell sooner or later."

Bai Ye's tone was very firm, and it did not change because Gu Yi was his teacher.

In fact, if it wasn't for Gu Yi, Mo Du would have turned to ashes long ago.

Gu Yi opened his mouth slightly and looked at Bai Ye's firm eyes.

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

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