"I wonder if you did the disappearances in the last few episodes"

After finishing it, he often picked up the prisoner portrait and gave it to Batman.

"It's not me, these are good things done by blood monsters, and we are also investigating these things."

Batman looked around at the Flash and Diana.

"It seems that you have a new friend, I am very pleased."

Often he turned his head away and sighed.

"You know, I don't want you to..."

But when the director turned his head this time, only The Flash was left.

"It's very rude, but I have to go too."

After speaking, with a burst of lightning, the Flash disappeared in place.

......In the underground of the city is the reservoir, this abandoned air-raid shelter, it is damp and dark, only mice and cockroaches have been together.

At this moment, there is a group of monsters with wings on their backs and red eyes, and in the middle of them, there is a monster more than three meters high, full of terrifying coercion.

"Say, where is the mother box!"

In front of Steppenwolf, there was a group of ordinary people tied to the ground, and at this moment, he directly arrested an ordinary person.

asked fiercely.

"I don't know, I don't know, I have a family beg you."

The ordinary person caught by Steppenwolf was just... scared to pee, and kept begging for mercy.

"Why does every dying person say this?"

There was a dissatisfaction in Steppenwolf's eyes, and then he threw this ordinary person directly to the wall like a garbage dump.

A loud bang.

The rib of the ordinary person who was directly dropped was fractured, and he was lying on the ground unable to move.

"You, tell me where is the mother box."

Steppenwolf grabs a black professor again.

"Don't think about it, I won't tell you if I die."

Although the black professor was caught and felt very uncomfortable, his eyes were vicious.

"Haha, finally there is someone with backbone."

There was a flash of excitement in Steppenwolf's eyes.

"It seems that you should know where the mother box is. If you don't, I'll tear you to pieces and torture you bit by bit."

A bloodthirsty light erupted in Steppenwolf's eyes.

"How can there be so many people, and they are so tall and so big, I am very scared, you guys should go on, I will withdraw first."

The Flash looked at the monsters below, his face turned pale with fright, he took a deep breath, his chest kept heaving and he said to Batman and the others.

"On a."

Batman immediately.

Hold down the Flash.

"What did you say"

The Flash didn't hear clearly.

"I said you just go in and save someone out..."

"and then......"

"Then you'll know how to do it."

Batman said decisively, hearing Batman's words and his serious expression, Flash took a few deep breaths, and then nodded.

"Okay, just one, just one..."

Having said that, The Flash is... immediately.

Stepping forward, with a burst of lightning, it rushed into the monster pile.

"You don't eat or drink for a toast. It seems that I have to give you a good look."

Just when Steppenwolf was about to start, he suddenly felt a pain in his back, followed by a metallic aura exuding from his body, only with a human face on his head, Viktor snatched the black professor from Steppenwolf.

"Are you okay?"

Victor looked at the black professor with concern.

"Oh, here comes a guy at last, you are the product of the mother box."

Steppenwolf looked at Victor with admiration in his eyes.

However, Steppenwolf felt as if it couldn't get out of something, and then the black professor in Victor's hands disappeared.

"Sir, are you okay?"

In another room, The Flash had already settled the black professor.


Chapter 328 The man (please subscribe, please subscribe)

When The Flash returned again, the whole scene was once again chaotic, and war had begun to break out.

Wonder Woman, holding a long sword in her hand and a shield in her right hand, has already fought with Steppenwolf.

The sound of metal delivery kept coming, shaking the space.

Although Wonder Woman's moves are fierce and fast, he still has some difficulty in the face of the very powerful existence of Steppenwolf.

Batman, Victor is always cleaning the bloodthirsty beasts around.

After all, Victor is an inferior product, a mechanical armor, indestructible, whoever said that ordinary people can't delete him, but Batman is an existence beyond the limits of the human body, but after all, he is a mortal body.

Dealing with bloodthirsty beasts is very difficult.

"Fu, give me my war machine."

After punching a beast, Batman immediately.

Talk to the walkie-talkie.

"I thought you didn't need it."

A Fu, who was thousands of miles away in Bruce Wayne Manor, smiled, and then he controlled the instrument in his hand.

"The manual mode has been switched, the young master has handed it over to you."

Then, in a dark corner of the basement, a huge machine like a spider, immediately.

Cowardly, and finally under the operation immediately.

They rushed towards Batman's position.

"Congratulations everyone, I forgot to bring my weapon just now."

Batman beat the school, and then jumped directly into the cabin of the war machine.

Da Da! The crazy turning machine gun immediately cleaned up all the things around Wonder Woman.

"What an annoying product, outdated technology."

Steppenwolf glanced at the war machine that would look like a man in disgust, then slashed Wonder Woman with an axe, jumped, and jumped directly onto what looked like a machine.

"God, he's so tall."

The war machine was shocked, and Batman was also shocked. Looking at the Steppenwolf in front of the cabin screen, he was a little scared.

"Stupid human, you will pay the price."

Steppenwolf picked up the axe and smashed it towards the war machine fiercely, and immediately the root of the war machine broke directly in the middle and fell from the wall.

Bang! A loud bang.

Batman crawled out of the war machine in embarrassment, and at this moment, the Flash also had a leg injury.

"A'Fu, thank you for your hard work, then leave it to me."

Victor jumped out of the air, got into the war machine, and the mechanical arm pointed to him changed instantly, and my wires were... inserted into the war machine.

"Excuse me, do we know each other?"

In the manor thousands of miles away, Ah Fu looked confused, but Victor ignored him and saw him close his eyes.

The supercomputer that can give him the ability to madly calculate the various operating principles of the war machine, but when he opened his eyes, the war machine trembled wildly.


After bursts of sour noises, several shells suddenly appeared on the armor behind him.

Boom! Batman's war machine is equipped with the most fragrance is the missile, I saw a flash of fire, and the shells galloped away.

"Annoying technology, really."

Steppenwolf smiled disdainfully, then reached out and grabbed it, directly grabbing the missile in flight.

Then just throw it away.

Boom! Immediately, the surrounding stone walls in the underground tunnel were broken open.

"What's up with us"

The Flash was stunned, suddenly remembering what Batman had said before.

"Let's get out of here."

Batman immediately.

Holding the Flash next to him, he walked towards the war machine step by step.

The moment they turned their heads, the surging sea water poured into the tunnel from the original hole.

"Go away, I'll stop you."

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