Victor followed close behind, and at full speed he slammed into Superman, but Superman remained motionless like a nail in his foot.

The Flash started fast and wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack, but Superman only flicked lightly, and the three of Wonder Woman, Aquaman Victor 3 were directly sent flying.

On the edge of the speed force, it is also a well-deserved existence, but at this moment, Superman not only perceives the existence of Flash, but also can keep up with its speed.

With just one stride, the Flash panicked and suffered minor injuries.

"What should we do if it's over, we can't help him at all."

"How could he be so strong? I never saw him have such strength before."

"Because he used to have compassion in the past, and now he has just been resurrected and has not recovered his memory yet. He has no mercy at all. This is his true strength."

I don't know when Batman has rushed to stand not far away and said.

"I know you."

There was a rare trace of anger in Superman's eyes, and a flash flashed in front of Batman.

"Enough, Clark."

At the moment when Superman was about to start, a voice suddenly sounded.

To make a voice, The Flash looked stunned, but Diana and Aquaman showed joy in their eyes.


Chapter 330 Superman vs White Night (please subscribe, please subscribe)

At this moment, Superman, who saw Batman, was already in a state of rage.

Suddenly looking up, I saw a door to the void opened in the sky, followed by a thin figure stepping out of it.

"Mr. Bai Ye is really you."

"Mr. Bai Ye didn't expect to see you again."

Diana and Aquaman burst into surprise voices.

"Why does this name sound so familiar, but forget it, if you want me, I will kill you."

Superman was puzzled, then anger flooded his brain.

"Kill me, there are many people who want to do this, but they have not succeeded. Why don't you give Clark a try now and you can burst out with real strength."

Facing the threat of Superman, Bai Ye just stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly.


Superman gritted his teeth, at this moment he has long lost the kindness and kindness he had before.

The feet stomped on the ground violently, the pattern of large patches of cement, etc., and the invisible air rod exploded towards the surroundings.

Cutting a white line in the air, Superman slammed into Bai Ye.

"Haha, interesting."

In Bai Ye's eyes, there was a look of old interest.

Then the right hand is gently grasped, and the beautiful purple light bursts out, and the endless power will be close to Bai Ye's right hand.

Immediately followed by a thud.

Boom! The sound of an explosion resounding through the whole city.

Superman's body flew out faster than when he came, directly across the building complex, the glass curtain wall of the tall building, because of the wind of Superman's backwards, they were collapsing one after another.

Om! After flying two or three kilometers, the superhuman paused in the air, shook his head fiercely, and there was a trace of chaos in his eyes when he raised his head.

"What a powerful force..."

Although anger is not a serious problem, the powerful force still makes Superman's steel body numb.

It was the first time he felt threatened since his resurrection.

If it took two or three seconds for his consciousness to gradually recover, just as Superman was about to fight back, he suddenly glanced from the corner of his eye, and a portal suddenly appeared beside him.

At this moment, Superman has seen the power of Bai Ye, he dare not underestimate the enemy, he really exerts his strength and leaves the position just now.

The speed of Superman can be said to exceed the speed of sound, but the moment he was dodging, he felt a pain in his back.

"As expected of a superman, the reaction is quite fast."

Behind Superman, Bai Ye smiled slightly, and slowly looked at the sword in his hand, which was condensed by mana.

The position of the sword at this moment is exactly where Superman was just now.

"You want to kill me too!"

It seems to have evoked some bad memory Superman, and the anger in his eyes flooded into his heart.

With a loud scream, the strong sound waves directly shattered the glass curtain walls of all high-rise buildings within one kilometer.

The strong sound waves made Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Flash on the ground all have severe headaches, and couldn't help covering their ears.

"It's terrible, is this the Superman who unleashes his true strength!"

Looking at Superman in the sky, Wonder Woman's heart trembled.

The other three nodded their heads one after another, shocked in their hearts, the horror shown by Superman was no longer on the same level as them.

If they're just bombs, then Superman is...nukes aren't an order of magnitude at all.

"Isn't the guy more scary?"

Batman does offer a different perspective, and as the brains of the Justice League, she keeps her cool.

While talking about Batman, he pointed to the white night in the sky.

At this moment, Bai Ye in the sky looked at the angry and roaring Superman holding the magic sword in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, as if the opposite was not a super strong man who could destroy the world, but just a kindergarten child playing around.

"I am going to kill you."

Superman roaring wildly, when you disappeared in a flash and reappeared, you have come to the white night.

Raising his fist, his fist as hard as steel is like a gust of wind and rain, generally heading towards the west of the white night.

Bang bang bang! Like an earthquake eruption, the roar of the speed of sound is constantly heard in the sky, and at the same time, waves of terrifying energy fluctuations are transmitted from the sky to the ground.

The wind pressure of the two of them at an altitude of [-] meters was also constantly blowing the ground, pressing the pedestrians on the ground to the ground.

The surrounding ground, cars and large trucks were swarmed, blown to and fro like a tornado passing through.

The attack in Superman's hands could not be clearly seen, forming several afterimages, as if the gods had descended into the world, and they were majestic and mighty.

"The energy poured out of his fist is estimated to be equivalent to dozens of atomic bombs!"

With the help of satellites in the sky,,, Batman immediately.

After analyzing the bursting energy of the man in it, a cold sweat could not get on his back.

"The speed is good, but the posture is a little wrong."

That terrifying coercion, the corner of Bai Ye's mouth was still lightly waving the magic sword in his hand, the speed was not fast, but he could block Superman's attack every time.


Superman once again burst out with the strength of his whole body. For the first time, he felt such a suffocating battle, and every attack was easily resolved by Bai Ye.

It was as if he had hit the water, and he had no real courage at all.

At this moment, Superman seemed to have transformed into a mindless reckless man, attacking for more than two hours.

At this moment, there is not a single intact car on the ground of the city, and even the road has been blown away by the wind pressure, with traces of silicon cracks inch by inch.

Batman had already hid in his Batmobile and barely escaped the catastrophe. As for Diana Aquaman Flash, with his superhuman qualities, he was barely able to stand firm in the aftermath.


Superman's chest continued to rise and fall violently, and at this moment, he was already sweating profusely, and his face was pale.

Even if Superman released the energy equivalent to tens of thousands of nuclear bombs within two hours, it was already the end of the shot.

"Is it over? It's up to me."

Looking at Superman in front of him who could barely even fly, Bai Ye smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.

"Imagination Thousands of Hands!"

Hundreds of White Night's clones spread around Superman.

"what are you doing"

At this moment, the superman who was regarded as a god actually felt an unfamiliar emotion welling up in his heart.


"Don't worry, it's just... let you sleep."

Bai Ye smiled, but in Superman's eyes it looked like a butcher's grin.

In the sky, hundreds of White Night's whips condensed with mana, all tied together towards Superman.

It looks like a wave blooming in the air.

Boom! With a loud bang, Superman's body slammed straight down from the sky.

Not far away, in a large pit with a diameter of 50 meters, Superman lay peacefully in it.

Chapter 331 The Tragic Steppenwolf

"Mr. Bai Ye, did you kill Superman?"

The Flash was the first to arrive here. Although it was the first time I saw Bai Ye, but he persisted until Bai Ye's terrifying skills, the Flash directly used the honorific title.

"You have worked so hard to resurrect him, do you think I will kill him like this?"

Bai Ye gently fell from the sky, at the edge of the huge crater.

Without paying attention to his eyelids, he looked at Superman in the deep pit and said.

"Then you didn't kill him."

The Flash looked at the white night in awe.

"Don't worry, Clark is fine, he just passed out."

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