It was Bai Ye who walked out of the train slowly, but the moment he stepped out of the train, the train door behind him suddenly closed.

"Come here."

In the dark, a voice lingered in Bai Ye's ears, as if to bewitch her.

Bai Ye smiled slightly, then snapped his fingers lightly, and then the sound disappeared without a trace.

Afterwards, Bai Ye walked around in the courtyard and watched, as if he was on a vacation.

"Well, it's well designed here."

"No, the design here is too ugly, we should add another thing."

Bai Ye just walked so casually, not only very leisurely, but also strolling leisurely, expressing some of his own opinions on the buildings in the cave from time to time, and also revising it from time to time.

After half an hour, the voice seemed to be impatient, and it appeared in Bai Ye's ears again.

However, he had already put a magic shield on Bai Ye's ears, no matter how the sound seemed to break through, it could not reach Bai Ye's ears.

"Damn, what's the matter, why the magic doesn't work? Could it be that thousands of years have passed, and the magic has failed?"

Feeling his own magic, it seems that it did not reach the child. An old man in the depths of the cave looked at his staff in amazement.

"No, I have to try again!"

The old man patted his staff again.

In the end, the sound had a set: it was in Bai Ye's ear, but it was bounced off by its protective shield again.

"What's going on, I still don't believe it!"

The old man in the cave wrinkled his brows, and suddenly became unhappy, and then increased his mana, but no matter how much he increased his mana, he couldn't feel his law book getting Bai Ye's ears Inside.

"I'm going, what the hell is going on here!"

The old man scratched his head and scratched his cheeks, unable to believe the facts in front of him.

And Bai Ye, who was watching the cave inside at the moment, was about to go further and further, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, when he turned his head around every month, he saw that inside the cave, a broken and filthy old man with his own crutches rushed towards him.

He grabbed Bai Ye's hand indiscriminately, and then dragged him directly into the cave.

"It's really weird. What's the matter, I have to come out and call someone in person."

Bai Ye also understood the identity of the old man at this moment, and let her hold her to the depths of the cave.

Walking to the depths of the cave entrance, there is a throne inside the cave, the old man brought Bai Ye into the hall, and then sat on the throne.

He coughed and said in a dignified voice.

"I am the one who called you here, are sincere and kind to help others, you are entitled to my power..., wait..., what is your name?"

Originally, according to the routine, the old man didn't want Ye's name, but the moment he said it, he suddenly found that his magic could not see through Bai Ye, and he couldn't show it.

What's the matter? "My name is Bai Ye."

Bai Ye said the words very honestly.

"Oh, well, because of your honesty and kindness, you're entitled to my power, call my name, and you're going to be: different."

After speaking, the old mage stretched out his hand kindly and looked at Bai Ye.

At this moment, suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the side, like a whisper of a demon.

"Come on, don't believe him, this guy is lying to you, what you should get is our power!"

"Yes, our power is truly powerful. As long as you gain the power of our seven deadly sins, you can completely become the king of this world!"

"Come on, boy, I can see you're a born king, and you need that power!"

......The constant whispers echoed throughout the space, Bai Ye turned his head, and on the other side of the freezer, there were 7 huge statues, these...... The statue is ugly and looks like a devil.

The source of these sounds is from these...... statues.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, these guys are all demons in ancient times, the people of a city have been destroyed because of them, they are evil beings!"

The old mage glared at these...... statues and roared loudly at Bai Ye.

"Hehe, we just follow their desires, it's them who really destroy them!"

These......the demon let out a gloomy laugh.

At this moment, Bai Ye, as if possessed by demons, slowly walked towards the statues.

"Children can't, can't go there. Although they are sealed, they are still very dangerous!"

The old mage opened his hands and wanted to stop it, but he had no ability to stop it.

"Yes, yes, that's what it looks like!"

Seeing Bai Ye walking towards them, the seven demons burst into joy and encouraged Bai Ye with more energy.

"Have you seen this little ball in front of you, take it up, there is our strength in it, as long as you have it, you will be invincible in the world!"

Seeing Bai Ye walking to the table in front of them, the 7 demons were happy, and quickly encouraged Bai Ye to pick up the ball on the table! The ball on the table looks simple and complicated, like a kaleidoscope, this is the way to seal them "No, it's still too late for the child's assistant!"

The old mage was distraught, stared at Bai Ye, picked up the magic weapon, and then turned it gently.

"Do not!"

With the compassion of the old mage and the laughter of the seven demons, endless black mist emerged from the magic weapon.

Immediately afterwards, these... Statues walked out in great strides as if they had come to life.

"Okay, I haven't breathed such air in years!"

"Yeah, how many years have we been horny!"

"Haha, I didn't expect it, we are better!"

......Several demons laughed wildly, and the old mage couldn't....... looked at the white night in disbelief, and the old tears flowed.

"I don't know what you did, you brought destruction to this world!"

"Oh, really"

Bai Ye looked relaxed, then walked to a muscular demon and stretched out his hand.

"Hehehe, how do you feel my power! We can rule this world together!"

Furiously, he split his big mouth, looked at Bai Ye, and showed his muscles.

It was Bai Ye who ignored him, stretched out his hand gently, and then touched her muscle. Before she could react with rage, she saw Bai Ye squeeze lightly.

There was a loud bang! Then, a scream and a roar sounded! "My hand, my hand! Are you crazy, you dare to break my hand!"


Chapter 344 Shazan Apprentice

The sudden change made the laughter of the seven demons around stop abruptly.

And the old mage looked at Bai Ye in disbelief.

"What's the matter? It seems that the body of the devil is not so strong."

Bai Ye said with some doubts, and the other hand stretched out his right hand and squeezed it lightly.

The sound of a broken body sounded again! The rage is almost crying, do you think my arm is noodles? At this moment, she is rolling on the ground with pain. Although it is an ancient demon, there are very few things in the world that can hurt him.

Therefore, he is rarely injured, and the pain is 10 points sensitive to him! "How is this possible, even I can't hurt these demons so badly, at most they can only be sealed!"

The old master is incredible, his eyes are really big, looking at Bai Ye! "It seems that you have not been beaten, forget it, the next one."

After saying that, Bai Ye walked directly to another monster.

"You...what are you doing..."

At this moment, Greedy looked at the white night in front of him, and immediately panicked.

"Nothing, just try to see if your wings are firm."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, then slowly extended his hand.

"Boy, I fought with you!"

Although he also thinks that this guy looks unremarkable, but at the moment of greed, he really dares to tell him that he must not be caught by this guy, otherwise the consequences will be serious! White night! In ancient times, he used this sharp claw to directly scrape open the ancient Egyptian pyramid, a metal gate more than one meter thick! Forcibly slaughtered an elite guard of 500 people! And when it put its claws on the white night, it did go directly to him, blowing up sparks.

With a bang, it was as if a knife had slashed into a stone.

The greedy claws were unexpectedly broken in response, while Bai Ye's body was actually unscathed, not even his clothes were broken.

"My paws, how is this possible..."


The greed that was frightening in ancient times, looking at his broken claws at this moment, widened his eyes, and said incredulously.

"Nothing incredible, next."

Bai Ye didn't say anything, just slapped the past, directly smashing half of his greedy cheek.

With a plop, the greedy body was driven into the ground, forming a deep pit.

"Brothers, let's go together and kill this kid!"

The remaining five demons all roared, took firm steps, and hurried away towards Bai Ye with their huge bodies.

Around them, there is a black, powerful magic incarnation! The old mage, seeing that at this moment, he is also retreating three points, forming a barrier to protect himself! "Young people, be careful, come to my protection!"

The old mage looked at him worriedly, but after 10 seconds, the worry in his eyes turned into deep shock and inconceivable.

I saw Bai Ye, facing the 5 powerful demons who rushed over, without even looking at them, they slapped each other directly, and slapped each other.

Clap clap clap... The crisp slaps resounded throughout the secret room, and the five murderous demons, who were still fierce and murderous, were all knocked to the ground by Bai Ye at this moment.

His cheeks were high and swollen, and there were even two weak demons, who were directly slapped by Bai Ye and his head exploded, and died instantly! "The skin is thick enough, my hand hurts a little..."

Bai Ye frowned, rubbed his palm, and looked at the demon on the ground with disgust.

At this moment, the demon on the ground couldn't help groaning.

It hurts, it hurts too much. They have never suffered more pain than this in the thousands of years since they were born.

This is just a slap, they can't bear it with just a slap, what kind of pervert is this kid! As for the other two demons who were directly killed, they have no spare time to manage.

Demons are all greedy for life and fear of death, bullying the weak. At this moment, they have been slaughtered by the white night, and they don't want anything else at all.

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