"By the way, a small private matter, a business deal with the boy."

Bai Ye smiled.

Kyushu Xingchen Pavilion can be a golden sign in Jiuding Continent, the young master of Kyushu Xingchen Pavilion, not to mention the size of a patriarchal family, even if the patriarchal master comes, he should be polite and live a good life.

After all, establishing a good relationship with Kyushu Xingchen Pavilion is conducive to the development of a great force.

"I don't know, the moon fairy and the cloud are both."

Zongsheng established two polite sentences, and finally, he couldn't help but bring the topic to Dan Taiqingyue.

It can be seen that this... Zongsheng was stunned by the moon.

"Oh, you said Moon Fairy, she talked to me about a business, just for a while..."

Bai Ye smiled.

Zongsheng heard this sentence, but said with joy: "Ah, that's very good, very good."

“Fine okay, what”

Bai Ye smiled fiercely and said, "If you let Gongyang Xueying know that you care so much about his mother, woo woo, woo woo."

"Oh, Young Master Yun is joking"

Zongsheng stammered, "If Yun Shao has nothing to do, let's go first."

"please continue."

Bai Ye waved his hands indifferently, as was the style of everyone's young master.

"what do you want, boy"

Bai Ye looked at Ouyang boy curiously.

"Go in and talk"

Ouyang boy said with a sensitive face.

Oh Ye looked at the boy in surprise, turned and walked into the room.

"Master, this sect is actually a member of the evil temple. This time he is here to persuade me to come."

Ouyang boy spoke in a low voice.


Bai Ye was taken aback, a little surprised.

"The evil temple deliberately infiltrated and wooed the clan, but it didn't seem to go well, so I chose the sage, and wanted to secretly support the sage to control the entire clan."

Ouyang boy spoke in a low voice.

Bai Ye nodded and said, "Oh, did you promise them just now?"

"By my master's order, I promise to join the temple of evil."

Ouyang boy said with a heavy expression: "moreover, his subordinates also received a message."

"what news"

Bai Ye smiled.

"The evil temple doesn't look like me anymore, does it?"


Ouyang boy nodded solemnly and said.

Bai Ye shook his head slightly, it looked like the evil temple and Jiuzhou Xingchen Pavilion were really going to die, but the girl was not lucky, and people killed her everywhere.

"Master, this time the evil temple paid a lot of money, is the Kyushu Xingchen Pavilion there?"

"No, I have my own way."

A sneer flashed across Bai Ye's face.

"Well, I should go too.

Staying in your home for a long time can easily be debunked.

You continue to follow news from far and wide.

If you know the whereabouts of my master, immediately.

contact me."

"Yes, Master, take care of yourself."

In the blue sky for more than nine days, a silver-white airship is flying by.

In the space capsule of the spaceship, Bai Ye lay lazily, holding a pot of the highest bamboo white in his hand.

From time to time, he poured his mouth into his body, swallowed the heavenly palace, ran with confidence, and soon absorbed the great vitality brought by the bamboo white and green wine.

This boat was bought by Bai Ye at the price of Wulingjing at the branch of Jiuzhou Xingchen Pavilion in Jieyun City.

The best quality magic weapon.

With this thing, travel is convenient, just need to part with a wisp of divine control and the boat can move on its own.

Much more comfortable than me alone.

After Bai Ye came out of Xieyun City, he walked all the way to the south, towards the direction of Devil Purgatory.

During this trip, I could not find the whereabouts of Ouyang Min, Master Fairy, and Fu Siyun in Yuncheng.

White Night is basically sure they chose to take risks in a dangerous place.

As a result, Bai Ye simply chose Purgatory, preparing to do another explosion to speed up.

On the opposite platform, Qingyue sat quietly, delicately facing the transpiration of the water mist, her slender hands, and the clenched Xuanpei water elite.

Driven by the spirit of pure water, her breath rose a trace.

At first, Bai Ye was ready to leave Dan Tai Qingyue.

After all, Dan Tai's identity has not been revealed yet, but Tai Wan Mingyue is reluctant to give up and is forced to follow.

Chapter 511 Who Are You (Subscribe)

Chapter 51 Who Are You Subscribe Suddenly, Bai Ye's face changed slightly.

In front of the boat, three strong men in black armor and black skull masks suddenly appeared.

"Who are you"

Dantai's clear moon shape gleamed, parked in front of the Silver Dragon spaceship, and stared coldly at the triple black armor. These three people are well maintained, and there is a period of insufficiency.

This kind of power is a big difference from Dan Qingyue, a recognized strong person, but it can't afford any wind and waves, but if it's just against Maureen, it's also enough.

"Fairy Moon, I didn't expect you to be here,"

Just then, a black smoke flashed in front of the three strong men.

A man in a black robe looks like black before the moon.

"Who are you"

Dantai clear moon eye for a minute.

"Gentlemen, men of the evil temple, do you want to pick up the cloud head?"

As soon as Bai Ye opened his mouth, he flew out of the warehouse and waved the boat.

"Fairy Yun misunderstood, I just want to invite the fairy to come back as a guest!"

Ghost Shadow laughed and said, "Please also admire the fairy's face."

Obviously, this ghost knows the identity of the woman, she is the master of the cloud.

This information is not difficult to find through the Temple of Evil.

"Let me go back, then you have to ask the Moon Fairy if she agreed."

Bai Ye has a corner of his mouth.

"Moon Fairy Haha"

Ghost Shadow laughed and looked very disdainful.

"Sir, I advise you to leave. Now that Master Yun's safety is under my protection, I don't want to do this anymore."

Dan Qingyue sneered.

"Oh, fairy, we're family, isn't it bad for you to do this to me?"

But the ghost is laughing.


Bai Ye pretended to change his face.

However, it is puzzling to clear the moon.

"Fairy, let's see this."

The ghost smirked, turned his big hand over, and a piece of crystal clear ice and snow appeared in his hand.

"How can Xue Ying order you?"

The face of the moon has changed at the right time.

Bai Ye's face also turned ugly.

"Oh, of course this was given to his subordinates by General White Eagle himself."

The ghost smiles and looks at the moon.

"Now, General White Eagle has become the elder of my temple, and he is in power.

He was very concerned about the Moon Fairy, but since he was related to it, he gave me the order of the Snow Eagle.

I hope you understand Moon Fairy."

Now, we are a family."

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