"Moon Fairy"

That... the ghost man turned his head fiercely.

"Just now, why didn't you shoot? If you shoot, the child will never escape."

"Are you questioning me?"

The moon is humming.

"Welcome we didn't stop you, you'll let me help you."

"Don't forget, that ram snow eagle."

"Well, the ram white eagle is an eagle.

We haven't joined your evil temple yet.

You don't have to impose your authority on me, otherwise, I wouldn't mind killing you now."

"Just now, if I wasn't here, you thought you could scare Young Master Maureen.

I'm afraid your head is with your three now,"

said the cold hum of the moon.

"I don't know if I'm here.

I'm afraid your head is with your three.

I don't know if you're alive or dead!"

Chapter 513 Magic City (Subscribe)

Chapter 53 The ghost man got angry and met the clear moon on the platform with cold eyes, immediately.

Swallowed half a breath.

Yes, Dan Qingyue is right.

It doesn't seem difficult for him to show his strength and challenge himself.

Plus, he's been hit so hard by Sunflower Water that he's less than half the fighting power of his heyday.

If it weren't for Taiwan and Qingyue, I'm afraid it was him who died today.

Dan Qingyue looked at the ghost, turned around and left.

"Fairy Moon, where are you going?"

The ghost man calmed down and asked hastily.

"What else do you have to teach?"

Dantai Qingyue snorted coldly.

"Okay, General Xue Ying sent a message, I hope you can go back."

"I understand"

The ghost figure watched the clear moon disappear, and her face gradually sank, "A good cloud glass, a good Kyushu Star Pavilion has no owner, only lacked such power in the early years, if she grew up, it was not another way. The owner of a Yimeng attic, no, the matter must be reported to the master of the monastery immediately."


After flying for a certain distance, Bai Ye released the silver dragon ship easily in his spare time, flew into the ship, did not change his route, and continued to escape in the direction of purgatory.

Initially, there was no problem killing the ghost man, even if the avatar's means were not needed to bless the shot.

However, in order to get rid of the relationship with Dantai Qingyue, Bai Ye still let go of the ghost man.

"Boy Ouyang, with the bright moon on the roof, Bai Ye said with a cold smile, "Gongyang Xueying, don't think that if you help me, I won't be able to cure you, I will wait for you."

After Bai Ye regained consciousness, he remembered the battle just now.

The ultimate meaning of the Qing Dynasty is gasification, because the strength of the bonus is still there: second, and most importantly, the speed of the bonus, the sudden explosion, almost surprised Bai Ye himself.

The Silver Dragon spaceship galloped all the way, and there were no more obstacles.

Five days later, I finally came to the Magic City.

City Magic City, as the name suggests, is a place to suppress demons.

The boundary of this Jiuding, like the world of ancient Kyushu, is haunted by external demons.

In ancient times, gods and monsters united to fight against the invading outer demons, finally forcing them to purgatory.

The town was built at the entrance to the Demon Battlefield.

Unlike other places, City Magic City does not belong to any power.

However, all powerful forces on the Jiuding Continent will send strongmen to guard against the attacks of foreign demons.

At the same time, by the way, he presided over the battle of the Demon Battlefield.

Although the devil purgatory is dangerous, there are a large number of fairy practitioners every year, monsters enter it, more than half of these people work hard to break through, get stuck in a bottleneck, or the big time comes, and want to fight for a crazy life , take a chance.

The city where fish and dragons live, the monsters in shape, the monks of people, the monks of fairies, the monks of the magic road are all mixed together completely, from the golden elixir to the hollow of the cave.

You can occasionally see it.

Due to the large flow of people, the devil purgatory often produces some magical wealth outside, so the city's magic city is also very prosperous, and the shops are well known.

However, Bai Ye has no plans to go shopping.

After entering the city, he went straight to the entrance of the demon battlefield.

City Hall This is a black auditorium three miles in diameter, a wide hall full of monks preparing to enter the demonic battlefield.

"Jindan, go this way,"

Chapter 514 Demon Battlefield (Subscription)

The 54th Demon Battlefield please subscribe "In the East of the Fairy Period, the Taoist friend of God, the far left.

Ah, old man, please come with me."

As soon as Bai Ye entered the hall, a soldier in fiery red armor appeared.

"Are the elders going to the demon battlefield?"

In the later period of the fairy's birth, the soldier's cultivation was brilliant, and in the face of the existence of Bai Ye, he was naturally a little in awe.


Bai Ye said with a smile.

"The older generation, generally speaking, the strong man Jindan of the fairyland has entered the demon battlefield and must join the army and act in unity, but the ancestors above the change king can act freely.

However, I suggest you find a regular team to join, the stronger you help each other, the higher your chances of surviving in purgatory."

Bai Ye has known these rules for a long time.

The battlefield of purgatory, for the existence of Jindan, the land of fairy babies, is completely a huge meat grinder, not joining the army, illegally trespassing, it is no different from seeking death.

The horrors of purgatory are not only demons, but also a dangerous environment, the most dangerous of which is the killing of races.

Except...a small number of fairy practitioners who entered purgatory, most of them came with a mentality of determined death, failure and benevolence.

With this mindset, anything can be done.

Plunder, fight with heaven for fate, and fight with man for fate.

However, when they join the military and go to war, there are few such concerns.

However, joining the army to fight is a bit troublesome, that is, you must have enough military achievements before you can leave the army.

In addition to the... army, there are some strong people, three or five groups of people come out together.

Dare to go to purgatory alone, that is to have enough confidence in one's own strength and means.

"No, I'll do it myself."

Bai Ye said that his eyes glanced, but he saw a team of 1 fairies, the fairies practitioners in the golden core period, arranged really evenly.

There are men and women, many of them seem to be wrinkled, at first glance it is... the coming of the big time.

More than half of the people, facing the cold choice, have a kind of tragedy that the strong people will not repay when they are together.

"I don't know how many people will come back alive."

Bai Ye shook his head slightly.

In the human world, the existence of the Fairy Gate, the Golden Core series is even the mainstream, and the existence of the Fairy Baby series is the level of the master.

And among these nine 9 tripods, on this demonic battlefield, they are only the lowest level of existence, as for those who... exercise gas and lay the foundation for existence, they are not even qualified to enter this The magic city of the city.

"Okay, please come with me, my ex."

The waiter glanced at Bai Ye in surprise.

The option to run alone in a virtual environment isn't really that much.

"Older generation, this is your ID card, remember, you can't lose your ID card, otherwise, it will be difficult to think of purgatory in the future."

The waiter said: "This is the ID card of the early days of purgatory.

According to the regulations, the ancestors of purgatory entered purgatory.

Whether or not there is a breakthrough, they must master enough military skills to open purgatory."

"One Hundred Thousand Soldiers Made Meritorious Service"

Bai Ye was a little shocked.

"How Do You Calculate Military Skills"

After the death of the purgatory demon, a special crystal will be formed, the Jindan series of demons will form a white crystal after death, and the white crystal will be a small military skill.

"Just a little bit"

Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly.

If you specialize in slaughtering jindan demons, you don't need to kill 10 people with blood and it seems that the existence of the peak of jindan doesn't seem to be much different from the early days of jindan, which is a bit unfair.

"Yes, just a little."

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