The man asked tentatively.

"He died, he died bravely."

Bai Ye sighed.

"We wouldn't have won this battle if it wasn't for the two of them trying to block the Shadow Demon and the Dark Demon General."

Bai Ye glanced at the man and said, "What, do you have any problems?"

"no no"

The man shook his head.

Bai Ye glanced at it, the Purple Jade Corps was still alive under the leadership of the Nine Chains, there were three people looking into their eyes, in addition to the obvious reverence, there was a trace of reluctance and suspicion.

At first glance, all three have a strong sword spirit, and the meaning of the sword is very similar to the way of forging the Valley of Swords.

"You three, Sword Valley"

Yes, all three of us are in Sword Valley.

Besides...the three of us, the Ziyu Army has two hundred disciples.

When a leading old man heard this sentence, he couldn't help saying: "What did the general say?"

"No, very good, the disciples of Forging Sword Valley, they are all very good."

Bai Ye said solemnly: "Your generals are also good, remember to report to your valley master, and treat the descendants of the two generals well. We Ziyu will also allocate some resources to the mercy of the two generals."

"Thank you, General!"

When the three people heard this, Qi Qi thanked him, and he looked a little grateful.

"No, this great victory is also the work of the two generals."

There was a smile on Bai Ye's face, but his heart smiled coldly.

Sword Valley has not been in charge of the army since ancient times, and now it has matched itself and can only be regarded as their doom.

"Oh, reinforcements are coming. Unfortunately, when I work late, I must retreat."

In the distance, one after another, two huge warships approached this road.


The huge purple battleship was released, and tens of thousands of soldiers flew into the cabin like locusts before turning to leave the battlefield.

Perhaps, because the powerful dark demon legion had just been destroyed, the two demon armies were a little scared and did not catch up with them, but gathered some remnants of the legion in the distance.

Chapter 548 A little leisurely

Chapter 548 A bit leisurely "Ziyu Legion hehe, is it necessary to continue to be a nurse here?"

In the hut, Bai Ye took a boring wine glass and gently shook the tallest bamboo-white-green wine inside.

"Unfortunately, I still have important things to do.

I can't waste it here.

Otherwise, it is not impossible to become a general."

Shaking his head, he took out the clock and poured it into the clock.

"I wanted to see what was so special about this amazing girl."

"Yo, a little leisurely."

At this time, some special changes have taken place in the spiritual space of the dome clock.

The originally chaotic and dark part of the spiritual space turned out to be a small piece of land, a reddish-brown land, where the magical girl sat very leisurely.

This sentence seems easy, but there is a vague despair deep in his eyes.

The change in the spiritual space of the fairy musical instrument, Bai Ye already knew, after entering the devil purgatory, Bai Ye kept killing several strong people with this bell, and the soul bell would have a breakthrough, and the original quality and strength of the soul bell would be greatly improved Improvement, the musical instrument spiritual space has its own continent.

Similarly, the original magic weapon of Bai Ye, the Nine Suns Splitting the Heaven Sword, has been improved in many ways, and its quality is no longer comparable to that of ordinary fairies, but now it has just formed the spiritual space of a fairy musical instrument.

Hearing Bai Ye's voice, this... charming woman raised her watery eyes, looked at her head, and whispered her small mouth.

"Didn't you say, little brother, are you serious about others? Is it your heart to imprison someone?"

The devil looks aggrieved, if others see it, it will be very soft.

On the surface, this demon girl is about the same as a little human girl between fifteen and six years old.

It's a bit like the big face of a deer trotting child, but this wonderful fairy is more exciting, the whole body seems to have no bones, and it seems to have a feeling of wanting bones to be brittle.

"Oh, of course I mean it, or you think you can survive."

Bai Ye said with a smile.

"Then why don't you let me go?"

The witch asked with a wink and a smile.

"You think I'm stupid, you can't."

Bai Ye smiled.

"You let me go, I promise to tell you Bai Ye: "Nonsense, if I believe you, it would be too stupid, wild cat, let you go, can you be safe?"

"If you kill and don't kill, let it go, why are you holding me"

That... the devil girl hummed coldly.

"Who said I'm going to lock you up and I'm going to let you go."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll let you go right away."

"what do you want"

Demon Girl's subconscious felt something was wrong.

Strange sound waves shook her soul violently.

"Ah, thief, kill me if you can."

The bell of the soul rings again and again.

Screaming again and again.

After a while, the eyes of this...wonderful fairy were white.

Completely fainted.

"Small things are cheaper for you."

A hot blood floated into the camera clock.

This is not the first time Bai Ye has done such a thing.

Bai Ye is naturally familiar with this.

When the blood spirit entered the magic girl, Bai Ye exited the soul and left her.

A trace of the forcibly separated soul is the soul symbol of blood, but it has no small impact on Bai Ye.

Soul Sting "It seems best to use this blood soul symbol sparingly."

Bai Ye shook his head slightly.

The plate sits in the core cabin of the purple jade boat to practice.

"Just a little bit, meat can break through to the realm of purification."

The power of the nine-day starlight came to Bai Ye's body and blew into his body.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Ye's bones began to wriggle, like earthworms without bone segments, wriggling and shrinking, and the power of the whole body was constantly changing.

"What iron jade, iron, blue died and the purple jade army won"

White Night, the nearest major city in their region, is in the City of Swords.

In the towering city palace, an elderly man with... fiery red hair, bathed in terrifying purple flames, suddenly opened his eyes, the purple flames around his body erupted instantly, and the space around the purple fire suddenly distorted stand up.

The Sword City is one of the 15 major cities currently controlled by the Fairy Alliance.

50 years ago, it beat the previous city to win the city's owner status.

There are fifteen major cities on the battlefield of the Demon World, and the cultivation of the owner of each city is the existence of the virtual boundary of the cave.

And, if you want to sit firmly in the seat of the city master, the average virtual extreme guru isn't very good.

This shows the power of this golden wing.

Jin Furong was born in Jiangu, this Jiangu is now very famous, because their rise is too fast, especially the mysterious and unpredictable master of the valley, this power can be said to be legendary.

Jin Fuyi is the founding sword valley that exists under the main force of the first three.

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