After a rough look, the earth is still calm now, without many disputes in the future, like an ordinary world.

"Daniel, do you have a good recommendation for a good place for vacation?"

Bai Ye looked at Daniel and asked, he didn't know it was better to have a vacation there, and Daniel was a New Yorker, and he had guarded New York for so long, so he knew something.

"Respected Master Bai Ye, if you want to go on vacation, there is a place you must like."

"Let's talk."

Daniel hurriedly said: 'The name of this place, Bai Ye Mage should also know, it is called Hawaii, Hawaii has a good location, and the temperature is comfortable all year round, the sun is soft, and there are many beautiful beaches, it is a good choice to go there for vacation. You can quickly calm your mind. "

Speaking of Hawaii, Daniel's words of praise are endless, and it seems that he can't wait to tell Bai Ye that Hawaii is the best holiday destination in the world.

"Master Daniel, listening to you, you are very familiar with Hawaii. How many times have you been there before?"

Bai Ye smiled.

"To tell the truth from Master Bai Ye, I do often go to Hawaii. When I have a vacation, I will go to the major resorts to have a look. Only Hawaii makes me forget to return."

Daniel said with a smile

It could be heard that he spoke highly of Hawaii, and even Bai Ye felt that Daniel was about to say that all places except Hawaii were rubbish.

"Just listen to you, just go to Hawaii for a walk."

After thinking for a moment, Bai Ye decided to go to Hawaii.

"By the way, Master Daniel, do you want to go together?

Daniel showed a hint of hesitation, and then smiled bitterly.

"Mage Bai Ye, although I really want to go with you, the temple cannot be without its guardian, so I won't go."

He really wanted to go, but the rules of Kama Taj's existence were there, and it couldn't be broken.

"It doesn't matter. I will arrange a reminder magic later. If someone enters the New York Temple, I will send you back as soon as possible."

Bai Ye said calmly.

He is proficient in many kinds of magic, and it is too simple to remind the magic circle to cast like this, and the legendary magic, he can move instantly on the earth, as long as he knows the position, he can analyze the space and come back as soon as possible

So don't worry, because others invaded the temple, and they couldn't teleport over the embarrassing appearance. ,

And his teleportation magic does not require any teleportation rings.

"Really? White Night Mage."

Daniel woke up and said that he hadn't been to Hawaii for a long time, just in time to take a look.


Bai Cheng smiled and nodded. It was a vacation anyway, so bringing a familiar person would be a good choice.

After all, he is not very familiar with Hawaii.

After the two discussed it, Daniel quickly went to pack up.

Bai Ye didn't need to pack anything, after all, he didn't have anything.

After about half an hour, Daniel walked into the hall with a backpack

"Mage Bai Ye, I'm ready."

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled.

Immediately, in the depths of Bai Ye's right hand, a golden light appeared, and an extremely complicated magic circle gradually appeared in Daniel's eyes.


The magic circle expanded and directly covered the entire temple, as if it enveloped the entire temple and penetrated directly into the temple.

"This magic is called the second soul. No matter where you are, you can peep at the scene here, whether it is a person or something else, you can immediately perceive it, just like your second soul. ."

Bai Ye explained, and then directed a hand to point directly on Daniel's forehead

"Now this magic circle has bound you to the temple. If someone comes in, you will only bring it with you at the first time."


The golden light escaped into Daniel's forehead in that instant.

Daniel felt that he had a second pair of eyes and saw two pictures.

At the same time, he found that, as Bai Ye said, he could see many details of the temple, such as the location of the guest room, and even the toilet, he could see clearly.

Suddenly Daniel showed a shocked face.

He had never heard of such magic. He had heard of all kinds of magic in Kama Taj for so many years, but he had never heard of the magic that Bai Ye performed today.

Binding the temple as one's own soul, this kind of magic is really amazing.

No wonder Master Bai Ye, known as the existence that can surpass the ancient one, is really unfathomable.

Daniel exclaimed in his heart.

Not to mention the magic of the second soul, after Bai Ye casts the second soul, there is no change in his expression, which is enough to show that Bai Ye's mental power and magic are extremely amazing.

"How do you feel, Mage Daniel."

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

The second soul is the magic that he made accidentally. In fact, it is not very useful. The inspiration comes from the surveillance camera, but the function is much stronger than that of the surveillance camera. Three hundred and sixty-degree monitoring without dead ends, as long as you step into the temple, you will know your arrival as soon as possible.

"White Night Mage, very powerful magic."

Daniel seemed to be shocked beyond description, only very powerful.

"It's just a little magic, don't worry about it."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, then threw a glass bead to Daniel

"You take this thing. If you want to come back to the temple directly, you can crush this bead. The teleportation array inside will send you back as soon as possible."

Daniel took the glass bead and looked at it, and found that the glass bead engraved such a very small magic circle. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

Master Bai Ye is really unfathomable. *

Chapter 5 Mirror World [[-]]


The blue and pure sky is like a sapphire, bright without a trace of impurities, and the white clouds are like wisps of blue smoke, floating above the sky, adding a bit of beauty to the sky.

The mild but not hot sun fell, covering the sandy beaches of Hawaii, shining the sand like bright gems.

On the beach in Hawaii, people come and go, some people play in the water by the sea, and some lie on the beach and enjoy it, which is a rare sunbathing.

Somewhere on the beach, two figures were lying on beach chairs, looking enjoying themselves.

The two people are Bai Ye and Daniel.

After everything was done, the two came directly to Hawaii.

The way they came is very simple, and the way that countless people envy

Open the portal directly and come to Hawaii.

No need to fly or anything.

"Daniel, what you recommend is really good. Hawaii is indeed a good place."

Wearing sunglasses and lying on a beach chair in the white night, looking at the constantly moving crowd in front of him, he couldn't help sighing.

No wonder Daniel likes this place so much, it's really a good place

Although the weather here is hot all the year round, the sunlight is not too violent, but rather mild. Under the coverage of this sunlight, the cells in the body seem to be energized, bringing endless comfort.

And what makes Bai Ye most sigh is that there are not too many girls in bikinis here, and they are almost exposed, only a little bit of cloth.

What's even more terrifying is that some young ladies don't even need to use cloth, they just lie there and enjoy the sunbathing.

This kind of behavior surprised Bai Ye.

No wonder this guy Daniel came often, it turned out to be such a reason.

At the same time, he also sighed that the West is open.

If he did this in the country where he was before, it is estimated that he would be on the news hot search.

However, it is indeed a very common thing here, and many people have no accidents and are very calm.

"Mage Bai Ye, let me tell you, the beauty of Hawaii is not only a little bit, but there are more comfortable things behind it"

Daniel couldn't open his eyes, and said directly with a look of enjoyment.

He has been guarding the temple, and he rarely has time to come here.

If it weren't for this time Bai Ye said he was going to relax, he wouldn't have this chance.

"Anything more comfortable?"

"Tell me, what is it."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and asked softly

Anyway, just come here to relax, and you have to play with fun things once, so that you can be worthy of yourself.

Bai Ye thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he hadn't come out to play for a long time. When he came to this world, he had been practicing in Kama Taj.

He almost forgot his original intention when he first came to this world.

"Time flies so fast."

Bai Ye sighed in his heart.

Whether you pay attention or not pay attention to this thing, time is invisible to you.

"There is a very good hot spring in Hawaii. Master Bai Ye can try it at night."

Daniel said.

Although Daniel often comes here to play, he is just relaxing, very simple, and there is no such cliché.

For example, for those things that men know, Daniel will not be involved, because cultivating magic is a boring thing, and you need to stick to your own heart, so they will not be involved in many things, because once they are suspected, they will lose their energy. It is difficult to reach higher levels.

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