"Small things, don't worry about them."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, then touched the Scarlet Witch's hair and said with a smile, "The Hydra has been dealt with, what are your plans?"

"This is not there yet, and it is estimated that it will be wandering around."

The Scarlet Witch thought about it, they really had nowhere to go.

She actually.... wants to join Bai Ye, but she just doesn't understand it, and because Bai Ye has helped him so much, she is a little embarrassed to say, "Since there's nowhere to go, then join us, it's a gift. A place for you to stay"

"And do you want to learn the membrane method?"


Chapter 152 Three choices [2]

"I would like to learn magic if I can.

The Scarlet Witch pondered for a moment, looked at Bai Ye softly, and said slowly.

She didn't learn magic for herself, but to increase her strength and help Bai Ye in the future.

After all, Bai Ye has helped her a lot. If it weren't for Bai Ye's help, it would seem impossible for her and Kuaiyin to escape the clutches of Hydra.

Moreover, Bai Ye's help is basically no different from the life-saving grace. "If you want to learn it, it's right. I will take you to a place later, and someone will teach you to learn magic."

Scarlet Witch's chaotic magic is indeed a very terrifying ability. If someone guides her, her future achievements will not be low. The single-universe level may only be the beginning of it.

The speed of Quicksilver's solution to Hydra is still very fast.

After about a few minutes, Kuaiyin walked out slowly with blood in the shower.

Scarlet Witch was overjoyed to see Quicksilver come out.

Introduce to Quicksilver directly.

"Brother, this one is called Bai Ye, and he is a magician."

"Bai Ye, this is my brother, called Kuaiyin."

Hearing this, Bai Ye glanced at Kuaiyin and said indifferently, "I know this, no need to introduce it."

Quicksilver's abilities are actually somewhat similar to The Flash, both possess extremely terrifying speed, so fast that it is outrageous, and any speed of sound is a pediatrician in front of him.

Although the speed is fast, the combat power is not high.

"Hello, my name is Kuaiyin, thank you for your help."

Although Bai Ye said that there was no need for an introduction, Kuaiyin still politely extended his hand to greet him.

Seeing this, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, stretched out his hand, and said, "Bai Ye, don't thank me, these are all small things, let's get out of here first,"

"Where to get out of here."

Kuaiyin was a little puzzled, it basically had no permanent home and didn't know where to go.

"Brother, Master Bai Ye arranged a place to live with us."

At this time, the Scarlet Witch came out and explained.

"Let's talk about this later."

"Get out of here first."

Bai Ye snapped his fingers, and ripples appeared in the surrounding space, and a three-meter-high space appeared.

Immediately after Bai Ye's right hand came out, the space of the entire Hydra base was instantly shattered, and the entire base collapsed directly, and the smoke and dust flew up, covering the entire base.

"Let's go."

Bai Ye walked in, and the Scarlet Witch and Kuaiyin were a little surprised when they saw it, but they still followed Bai Ye in.

It didn't take long for the space crack to heal and return to normal.

And the huge sphere in the sky also landed directly, and smashed directly to the ground to instantly form a rough.

No two people went to their home in the night.

After all, Quicksilver now smells of blood, which is quite unpleasant.

He took the two directly to the temple in New York.

When the three of them came back, they happened to bump into Daniel walking over to see Bai Ye himself, and Daniel quickly said respectfully, "Venerable Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded and said, "Daniel, do you have any extra clothes here? Put them on for this guy. The smell of blood is quite unpleasant."


"Go take a shower first, and wait: we're talking about something else."

Kuaiyin did not refuse, and followed Daniel directly, ready to take a good shower, after all, he was covered in blood, and his body was really uncomfortable.

Afterwards, Bai Ye brought the Scarlet Witch to the hall.

'Sit down and don't be nervous.

"The Scarlet Witch sat down and looked at the surrounding environment, her eyes glowing, because the decoration in front of her is really attractive, and the surrounding exudes a vicissitudes of time, which makes people know that it is extraordinary at a glance.

It's like being in a palace for hundreds of years.

"Mage Bai Ye, here is."

The Scarlet Witch looked at it for a while, then looked at Bai Ye and asked.

"This is the temple, a place in Kama Taj, you can understand it as a temple for magicians, but there are generally not many people here."

Bai Ye explained: "By the way, I will take you to Kama Taj later, where is the magic temple, and the magicians of the planet all come out from there at this moment."

"Is the White Night Mage too?" "Of course."

Bai Ye smiled and said: "Instead of... saying that the magicians of the earth came out of Kama Taj, it is better to say that basically all the magicians are cultivated by one person."

"It's impossible for one person to cultivate it.

Scarlet Witch covered her mouth and opened her eyes wide.

She couldn't imagine that the magic of the earth was cultivated by one person.

In fact, it can be considered. Although Gu Yi is not the originator of magic, all the magicians on the earth are related to her, and they have basically taught them. Don’t look at Gu Yi as the supreme mage, in fact, she has quite a lot of disciples. , it's just a matter of teaching more and less. According to the general novels, it is only the difference between named disciples and core disciples. Bai Ye and Mo Du are all core disciples. As for others, they are basically named disciples, and Tony is not considered a core disciple. .

"You'll know this when the time comes, anyway... you can see her too."

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

Anyway... it's impossible for him to teach people, so he can only throw it to Gu Yi.

After all, in terms of teaching ability, no one can match the ability of the ancient one.

Besides, the Scarlet Witch possesses Chaos Magic, and he believes that Gu Yi will not refuse it.

It is estimated that they will be happy, because those are the three supreme powers.

Immediately, the two chatted for a while, mostly Bai Ye explained the magic to the Scarlet Witch, so that she could understand.

..After a long time, Kuaiyin also washed and came here in new clothes.

Seeing Kuaiyin coming over, Bai Ye was not polite and went straight to the point.

"Quicksilver, you now have three choices, one is like your sister and I used to learn magic, and the other is to let you join S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., become their organization called the Avengers, and the other is... wherever you go, I won't arrange it here."

If you learn magic, although you don't know Quicksilver's qualifications, you can give it a try. As for Aegis, there is no way he can arrange it, so he threw him somewhere. After all, it is impossible for Tony to arrange Quicksilver.

Chapter 153 Spiritual Core [3]

"You choose that...!"

Bai Ye looked calm, looked at Kuaiyin and asked.

In fact, it doesn't matter to Bai Ye which choice he chooses, the reason why he arranges him is only because of the relationship between the Scarlet Witch and he will arrange Quick Silver.

There are three options, except......the third one, the other two options are actually good, the first one becomes a member of Kama Taj, although it is not to say that it is rich and noble, but it is also To increase one's own chance, after all, the magic of this world is still very good, although it will not destroy the world, but it is not an ordinary ability as for S.H.I.E.L.D.


....maybe even better, learning magic is boring, but in S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... should be considered very easy, plus the ability of Quicksilver, it is estimated that S.H.I.E.L.D.


....they will pay attention to Quicksilver.

As for the third type, if Kuaiyin didn't choose the other two, then Bai Ye didn't force it, and giving him some money would be enough for him to be cool outside.

"elder brother!"

Hearing Bai Ye's three options, the Scarlet Witch looked at Kuaiyin with some worry. She was worried that Kuaiyin's brain would be overheated, so she chose the third option and returned to her old life, then it would be very troublesome. After all, she is a wanderer. For so many years, the Scarlet Witch knew very well that the suffering of this kind of life was not something ordinary people could bear.

As for the three options, she definitely doesn't want Quicksilver to choose the third option. As for the first and second options, she thinks it's okay.

"How about learning magic and living."

Kuaiyin didn't know how to choose, so he just wanted to ask Bai Ye to see how his life would be with several options. Of course, he wouldn't learn the third one, after all, he didn't want to be a wanderer, that kind of life would be painful.

"If you learn magic, life will be boring. Basically, you stay in one place to learn magic, and you need to study the knowledge of magic. Of course, no one forces you to do these things, and everything depends on you."

Bai Ye explained.

In fact, learning magic in Kama Taj is quite boring, because Kama Taj is not big, although the number of people is not bad, but basically everyone is studying magic, not doing anything else, not even going out much.

It can be said that staying in Kama Taj is a very boring thing.

Although no one is in charge, that kind of... environment is also very boring.

"Then stay at S.H.I.E.L.D.


... so what will happen then?"

Hearing Bai Ye said that he was very bored, Kuaiyin didn't want to go there, after all, he couldn't bear boredom, and if he only stayed in one place, it would be even worse, because he was not an idle person.

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