My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 116 Musk’s catfish is coming

Ruh Graham was also a little surprised when he heard Gaius Norman's proposal to report the complaint to the relevant departments.

You know, others have always complained about them, but they didn’t expect that today it would be their turn to complain about others?

It's a bit novel.

However, he agreed without thinking, since there would be no cost to complain anyway.

Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham came to the relevant price association and talked to Wu Jianming, the president of the association, about Ma Tian's unreasonable competition by tying up Tianrun I.

President Wu, I think it is extremely unreasonable for Ma Tian to use his best-selling Tianrun I for bundled sales. This is unfair to other products; secondly, it is not conducive to the development of new energy vehicles. You must know that we have worked hard The new energy vehicles we developed had to be sold at a reduced price because of Martin. Gaius Norman said with a sincere voice.

Wu Jianming looked at the faces of the two foreigners, Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham. They looked calm on the surface, but inside they were extremely happy.

It's rare. It's the first time in several years that a foreigner complained about being bullied by a domestic company.

Don't worry, wait until I understand the situation! Wu Jianming looked at the two of them, found two forms from the drawer on the right side of the table and asked them to fill in the details.

The two foreigners could only speak Chinese at most, but they had no ability to fill out forms.

Ruh Graham said apologetically: President Wu, can we ask the assistant to fill it out?

Of course! Wu Jianming replied with a smile and did not refuse.

The two called the assistant to come in and asked the assistant to fill out the form.

Wu Jianming pretended to read the filled-in form carefully, and then said to the two foreigners who looked at him with hopeful eyes: You go back first, we will start investigating!

Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham were ecstatic, thinking that Wu Jianming was on their side, and hurriedly thanked him: Thank you, President Wu! China is really a friendly country!

It should, it should. Wu Jianming sent the two of them away with a smile on his face.

In the blink of an eye, it was two weeks later.

Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham could not help but sit still when they saw that their new energy vehicle sales figures were getting worse and worse, while Ma Tian was still selling cars with Tianrun I and Tianzihao.

Why, didn't President Wu say that he wanted to investigate Ma Tian? Gaius Norman asked the fellow sufferer Ruhe Graham on the side.

You ask me, who am I asking? Ruh Graham said angrily, Do you have President Wu's phone number? How about we call and ask?

I don't, how about we go there again! Gaius Norman said helplessly.


The two came to Wu Jianming's office for the second time and met Wu Jianming.

President Wu, hello! Seeing Wu Jianming, the two greeted him enthusiastically.

Hello, who are you? Unexpectedly, Wu Jianming asked about their identities.

Suddenly Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham came to Bengbu.

I am Gaius Norman, the head of Mercedes-Benz's branch in China. We met two weeks ago! Gaius Norman said in a low tone.

I am Ruh Graham, the head of BMW's branch in China. I came here with Gaius two weeks ago. Ruh Graham introduced himself and said, why did he feel that something was a little bit wrong? Something is wrong.

Oh, it's you, I remember! Wu Jianming suddenly realized, What's wrong with you?

President Wu, we came to report to you two weeks ago that the company Tianyu Xinghai sold cars and bundled the Tianrun I. I wonder if you still remember it? Gaius Norman thought, holding back his anger. He said with force.

Of course you remember this, I also asked you to fill in the form! After you filled in the form, we attached great importance to it and sent people to investigate directly! Wu Jianming affirmed loudly.

So, what are the results of the investigation? Ruh Graham asked quickly.

Well, it seems that my men haven't finished the investigation yet! Wu Jianming sighed and replied.

Gaius Norman \u0026 Ruh Graham:…

No, President Wu, is this matter so difficult to investigate? Ruh Graham asked unwillingly.

Maybe my men are a little busy. How about you wait a little longer and I urge him? Wu Jianming asked the two for their opinions, with a very low profile.

Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham were stunned.

Then can you give an exact date? Gaius Norman was a little desperate. He also realized that Wu Jianming was not interested, or he was just dealing with them superficially.

However, there was a little hope that he didn't want to let go.

Wu Jianming paused, thought for a while and then said: Next week, I will urge the people below today, and you can come back next week!

Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham also immediately became excited when they heard the exact date.

Thank you, President Wu!


The two left in a happy mood, thinking that there would be a result next week.

Soon, a week arrived.

The two came to Wu Jianming's office as scheduled.

President Wu, have you reached a conclusion? Ruh Graham asked impatiently.

Wu Jianming looked at the anxious two people, and his face suddenly became serious, and said: Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham, according to our investigation, we did find that Tianyu Xinghai tied up Tianrun I Tianzi to sell cars.

Hearing Wu Jianming's words, the two foreigners couldn't help but smile on their faces, waiting for the next article.

However, Tianyu Xinghai's move is not illegal? Wu Jianming asked.

Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham stopped smiling.

Gaius Norman: Of course I know that Tianyu Xinghai is not illegal. But, President Wu, don't you think this is unreasonable? If Ma Tian sells other products in the future, can he also rely on Tianrun I to seize the market? Squeeze your opponent’s profits?”

Yes, yes, you must know that Tianrun No. 1 is in short supply outside Tianzihao. One bottle has been sold for 1.68 million, while Ma Tian sells it for 1.18 million. What is the difference between buying a car and getting 500,000 for free? Ruh Graham also added indignantly.

There must be a result today. As time goes by, more and more people feel that Tianming 2 is better.

Ruh Graham knew that if it continued like this, even if Ma Tian canceled the bundling of Tianrun I, its reputation might rise, and it might not be weaker than Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Wu Jianming looked at the excited two people and calmly picked up a form and read it. After the two calmed down, he said:

I'll call Ma Tian in front of you and see what he says, okay?

Gaius Norman took a deep breath: Thank you, President Wu!

Wu Jianming took out his landline phone and dialed Ma Tian's number. The call was connected after a while.

Hey, is this Mr. Ma Tian? I'm from the Price Association and I want to know something from you? Wu Jianming said.

Say it, President Wu! Ma Tian's cold voice came from the phone, and Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham also recognized that it was indeed Ma Tian.

Wu Jianming briefly explained the situation on the phone:

...That's probably what happened. The people in charge of Mercedes-Benz and BMW are opposite me and are reporting this matter to you. They think you are unfairly competing!

Ma Tian on the other end of the phone also suppressed a smile and said in an extremely serious tone: President Wu, I'm sorry, I've been concentrating on research during this period, and I really don't know about the price reduction of our company's Tianming Automobile. How about you? Wait for me to investigate first?”

Although Ma Tian did not emphasize the word investigation in his tone, Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham were indeed furious when they heard it.

Bastard investigation! Gaius Norman cursed in German. He was bullying Wu Jianming because he didn't understand German, so he dared to curse like this.

Ruh Graham's face was also livid. Ma Tian didn't know about this matter and he wouldn't believe it even to death. He said it was an investigation. Did he have to investigate for another three weeks?

After three weeks, the daylilies were cold!

He finally saw that Wu Jianming didn't pay attention to him and Gaius Norman at all.

Playing tricks on them both!

Wu Jianming looked at the angry two people and frowned. He thought for a while and said: Ma Tian said he didn't know about this matter and needed to investigate. Why don't you wait for the results of his investigation? Or me? Give you his phone number!

Gaius Norman couldn't bear it anymore, rolled up his sleeves, stood up and left.

Ruh Graham also stood up and left immediately. It seemed that complaining was of no use at all. He might as well go to court with Ma Tian.

After this time, Gaius Norman and Ruh Graham never came to see Wu Jianming again.

Gaius Norman looked so sad that he was sitting in his office writing a letter of resignation, preparing to leave the Mercedes-Benz company with dignity.

Elon Musk, who was far away in the United States, got on a plane to China because China's liberalization policy allowed his Tesla to build a factory locally.

China's new energy vehicle market needs a catfish to stir up this stagnant water.

Because some companies know how to defraud subsidies without making any progress.

Elon Musk was sitting on a private jet, holding in his hand the layout of China's new energy market compiled by his secretary.

There is a photo of Ma Tian at the front of the information, and it is clearly Ma Tian at the press conference.

Ma Tian?

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