My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 129 Mathematics Lv4

Tianyu Xinghai, Ma Tian sat in his personal laboratory again, looking at the system's impact value with anxiety.

He decided to add mathematics to Level 4 first. He still thinks mathematics is the most important!

As the system impact value of 10 million was deducted, Ma Tian's brain went blank for a moment, and then he felt like he had traveled through time.

During this time travel, he seemed to meet the young Gauss, who answered the teacher's question of adding from 1 to 100 in class;

The young Gauss quickly gave the answer of 5050, which shocked the teacher and classmates...

He seemed to also see Newton with messy hair. He was lying under a tree thinking, and suddenly an apple fell next to his feet. He looked at the apple in a daze...

He seemed to have also seen Archimedes. He held a ruler and said arrogantly: Give me a fulcrum and I can lift the earth!

It took up to three hours for Ma Tian to open his eyes again. His black eyes were like dark lake water, as if he could project to the other side of the world.

Is this Mathematics Level 4? Ma Tian murmured, talking to himself.

Now he is the real king in the field of mathematics on earth. In this fantastic time travel, all the knowledge learned by mathematicians has been added to him.

Except for the short bursts of inspiration from those great gods, no one on earth can compete with him in mathematics!

Congratulations to the host for reaching Level 4 in a certain subject, breaking through the limitations of planet-level civilization, and now opening the mall function!

What? Ma Tian's eyes widened. Did he hear correctly just now? The system has also been upgraded?

Ma Tian's consciousness sank into the system:

Technology affects the system:

Host: Ma Tian

A. Mathematics: Lv4 (0/1000000)

B. Physics: Lv3 (0/100000)

C. Engineering: Lv3 (0/100000)

D. Material Science: Lv3 (0/100000)

E. Biochemistry: Lv3 (0/100000)

F. Informatics: Lv3 (0/100000)

G. Securities Science: Lv2 (0/10000)

Impact value: 281666

System gift package: Research on Improving Positioning Accuracy Based on Chaos Theory (100,000 impact value reward), On Cell Activity Research 1 (1 million impact value reward), Research on a New High-Precision Laser Processing.

System Mall (restrictions): Unknown drawings (cooling time 29 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes)

Unknown drawing? Still cooling?

Ma Tian fell into deep thought. The system added a new mall function, but it seemed to be a limited edition and only displayed an unknown blueprint.

Will the specific drawings appear after the 30 days of cooling? Ma Tian couldn't help but guess.


His stomach suddenly rang, and Ma Tian came back to his senses from the system. The three hours of knowledge transmission had consumed too much energy, and his stomach was already protesting.

Putting the system aside for the time being, Ma Tian also left the laboratory to get some food.

As soon as I left the laboratory, I saw Yang Jinli eating snacks at his workstation.

Ma Tian also twitched his mouth and came to Yang Jinli's side.

Ah, boss! Are you out of seclusion? Yang Jinli paused in stuffing potato chips into his mouth, and looked at the sudden arrival of Ma Tian and said in surprise.

Well, give me a pack! Ma Tian said. For some reason, he actually felt guilty asking a child for snacks, but he was really hungry.

Ah? Boss, here you go! Yang Jinli didn't expect that Ma Tian would ask her for snacks, so she quickly gave Ma Tian the potato chips in her hand.

Ma Tian was not polite, picked it up, poured it into his mouth, and started chewing it.

Yang Jinli stared at Ma Tian as he gulped down the food, and his eyes widened.

What are you looking at! Go and help me move a stool. I don't have any eyesight. Ma Tian glanced at Yang Jinli who was staring at him and said angrily.

Oh, okay, boss, I'll move the stool for you! Hearing Ma Tian's words, Yang Jinli stood up immediately and went to move the stool in a panic.

Soon, she pushed a chair over, and she didn't know whose work station it was: Boss, sit down!

Ma Tian nodded, sat down generously, and continued to eat potato chips.

Seeing that Ma Tian was about to finish eating, Yang Koli quickly took out a bunch of snacks from the drawer: potato chips, chocolates, biscuits, and drinks.

Boss, you can eat as much as you want, but I still have more! After saying that, he opened the cabinet underneath, which was also full of snacks.

Ma Tian was stunned when he was eating snacks. Good guy, Yang Jinli really showed off his skills to him.

You sit down and eat too, don't be restrained! Ma Tian replied, and continued to open a pack of biscuits and eat them, and then opened a can of Coke.

However, Yang Jinli didn't eat anymore, but just stayed by the side silently. Seeing that Ma Tian's hands were dirty, he quickly took out a tissue.

After eating another pack of biscuits, Ma Tian was no longer so hungry.

Seeing Yang Jinli's restrained look on the side, Ma Tian also deliberately found a topic to relieve the embarrassment: How have you been recently?

I'm having a good time recently, boss! Yang Jinli looked at Ma Tian with a guilty conscience and replied.

Because she no longer shoots short dramas with Chen Xiang and the others. As the only serious star in the company, she does not go to Kuaiben and Tiantian Shangxiang, nor does she film short dramas. She just cooks and posts on Weibo every day, which is really a bit incompetent.

As for why she didn't go, it was because she was criticized. Netizens scolded her for having no acting skills and talent. She was just a vixen who seduced Ma Tian.

Thinking of this, Yang Jinli couldn't help but secretly look at Ma Tian again, hoping that Ma Tian wouldn't ask too much.

But according to Murphy's theorem, things always develop in places you don't want.

While Ma Tian was eating snacks, he asked casually: How are you doing at Kuaiben and Tiantianshang? Has anyone bullied you?

Yang Jinli couldn't muddle through this time, and said honestly: Boss, I haven't been to a variety show for a long time.

Ah? Why? Are you being bullied? Ma Tian stopped eating snacks and his expression became serious.

If someone really dares to bully Yang Jinli on a variety show, Ma Tian doesn't mind taking action.

No, no, boss! Yang Jinli waved his hands hurriedly and said in a dejected tone, Boss, I don't seem to have any talent in acting. The audience all said that my acting skills are not good and I look very embarrassed!

Hearing this, Ma Tian almost burst out laughing after drinking Coke. Sure enough, it was the rumored Yang Koi!

Even with Tianyu Xinghai as a resource, netizens still criticized him as a vase.

How many followers do you have on Weibo now? Ma Tian asked.

Three or four million! Yang Jinli replied weakly. Compared with those who easily have tens of millions of fans, Yang Jinli really didn't have the confidence to answer this number.

Not to mention her lack of resources, as the only female celebrity spokesperson for Tianyu Xinghai, especially as the spokesperson for Tianrun No. 1, she definitely has a lot of resources.

She has also heard that many celebrities are so jealous of her that she is dying of jealousy. She even heard from Sister Runqi that a celebrity offered her RMB 50 million to become the spokesperson for Tianrun No. 1.

Such good resources are given to her, but she is still such a waste.

3 or 4 million? That's pretty good! Ma Tian said disapprovingly, but felt that this number was already a lot.

Those with 100 million fans, Ma Tian knew with his butt that there was a lot of water mixed in.

Huh? Seeing that Ma Tian didn't seem to be sarcastic, Yang Jinli's eyes widened, but he still didn't hide anything and added, Boss, A-list celebrities have tens or even hundreds of millions of fans!

I know! Ma Tian smiled, You can do whatever makes you happy. I won't force you! The situation where the little blue car had to advertise in the early stage is a thing of the past. Don't put pressure on yourself.

Looking at the silly Yang Koi, Ma Tian was also in a good mood.

He could only chat with Yang Jinli, so Ma Tian didn't have to use his head and could be more simple.

Not long after Ma Tian returned to the office from Yang Jinli, Li Runqi came to find him again. When you are in a high position, there is always a lot to deal with.

Brother Ma, there is an appointment for you here. Maybe you will be interested. Li Runqi looked at Ma Tian and said. For some reason, she felt that Ma Tian was a little different today, but she couldn't tell.

Whose appointment is it? Ma Tian put down the document and couldn't help but be curious.

Bi Yadi CEO Wang Chuanfu, he wants to visit you!

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