My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 144 What a bullshit warlord

What happened to Rao Shanhai in Heizhou was first reported to Su Xihua, the general manager of the automobile. Su Xihua frowned when he saw that he had paid 2 million in protection fees.

This had to remind him of the scene of his conversation with Ma Tian. At that time, he persuaded Ma Tian to give up the markets in these war-torn places, which were full of instability and might not be worth the gain.

But Ma Tian insisted on these markets, saying that it was okay to lose a little money, and it would count as one if he could sell one. Now it seems that his statement has come true, but it is a slap in Ma Tian's face.

After thinking about it, Su Xihua was not going to report this trivial matter to Ma Tian. As a subordinate, it was impossible to slap the boss in the face with such a trivial matter.

But this time, he miscalculated. Things on the Black Continent were far beyond his control.

Tianyu Xinghai and Ma Tian are also promoting the mechanization of the car factory while thinking about their foreign trade matters.

The T-X1 multi-purpose tank vehicle is definitely not allowed for foreign trade. Even if he wants to sell it, Wang Chenbo will stop it.

After all, are you risking your life by selling such high-tech stuff to your rivals?

Therefore, Ma Tian must continue to improve on the original basis. The best thing is to sell some cheap and durable weapons that can just be a little bit ahead of the opponent. MBT-0300 will be good if it is weakened and sold.

But this is a bit stealing the business of Wang Chenbo and others, which is not good, so Ma Tian has to develop one himself.

Another thing that needs to be noted is that because it is a military-to-civilian enterprise, the sales must be a little more subtle, and you cannot sell tanks directly, otherwise Yingjiang will be too sentimental to agree.

Ma Tian’s idea is to castrate it on the basis of T-X1, which is the fastest way to develop it! Going in the opposite direction, instead of developing combat tanks, we develop anti-tank T-X2 multifunctional infantry vehicles.

Remove the surface-to-air missiles of the T-X1 and only retain the rocket launchers for ground attack tanks. The number can also be changed from 12 to 4. The number of close-in defense machine guns can also be reduced. The auxiliary aiming algorithm can also have a backdoor. The controls are ready to take over the T-X2.

Although it is a bit despicable, there is nothing wrong with playing it safe.

Then change it to look like an excavator. On the surface, it is selling an excavator. In fact, when you get to the place, you can remove the mechanical arm of the excavator and install a rocket launcher to become the anti-tank multifunctional vehicle T-X2.

It's perfect. You don't have to worry about selling too high-tech weapons, and you don't have to worry about not being able to sell them if they don't have any bright spots. After all, with 4 rocket launchers, it might be able to kill 4 tanks on the opposite side, and the price will be twice the price of a single tank on the opposite side. This is a great value for money, and buyers must be able to figure it out clearly.

The design of Ma Tian's T-X2 anti-tank vehicle was also approved by Wang Chenbo and others, and they all thought there was nothing wrong with selling it! Compared to the real T-X1, this T-X2 is really rubbish, so Ma Tian can do some foreign trade.

Wang Chenbo only left one sentence: Ma Tian, ​​if something happens in the future, don't mention our names. You have nothing to do with us, and don't mention the country!

Ma Tian also smiled, pretending he hadn't watched the episode of Journey to the West where Sun Wukong was kicked out by Patriarch Bodhi, right?

Since it was decided to develop some foreign trade products, Ma Tian also asked the company to recruit some engineers related to chemical fuels as backup.

Although the company has corresponding chemical engineers, they mainly focus on battery materials and only focus on chemical formulas for fuels.

For example, you may not be familiar with the synthesis formula of C7H5O9N3, but you must have heard of its other name - TNT.

Therefore, Ma Tian felt that it was necessary to recruit a group of engineers specializing in chemical fuels. They would be more suitable if they had experience in explosions.

The news that Tianyu Xinghai is recruiting chemical fuel engineers has naturally attracted the attention of some interested people.

However, most people only thought that Ma Tian wanted to research chemical fuel cells, but it shocked some domestic battery research companies, such as Ningde Times.

Musk and Wang Chuanfu also felt a little worried, fearing that Ma Tian would suddenly come out with a solid-state chemical fuel cell.

About 10 days later, the T-X2 was basically built. As in the design, only four anti-tank rocket launchers were mounted on it.

During this period, Wang Chenbo also came several times to give guidance.

It's not a pointer on technology, but on how to cut corners. For example, he asked Ma Tian to weaken the armor further. As long as it can defend against ordinary bullets, there is no need to make it anti-rocket launcher.

Why does a multi-purpose vehicle need such thick armor? It's a waste of money. Wang Chenbo said.

Also, Ma Tian, ​​don't use such good parts. The accuracy doesn't need to be so high. It will be good if it can run stably for three months. Then you can earn a lot of maintenance fees!

Wang Chenbo also said a lot of similar words, which stunned Ma Tian and others.

Good guy, why is Wang Chenbo more capitalist than him? Ma Tian thought.

Currently, there are many types of foreign trade tanks in the world, the most famous ones are M1, Leopard 2, T90, etc., with unit prices of more than 5 million US dollars.

Therefore, Ma Tian also advertises the price of T-X2 at US$6.66 million, which is auspicious.

After the T-X2 is manufactured, how to open up sales is also a problem. After all, Tianyu Xinghai is almost unknown in the field of heavy industry compared with established companies such as General Dynamics and Raytheon.

Ma Tian also kept an eye on some of the more chaotic places in the world, thinking about how to gain fame.

At this time, Rao Shanhai, who was far away in Gangguo, was furious because there were reports from the staff below that there were criminals interfering with the progress of the construction.

This time, because they left the territory of the Mushen warlord, it was not the Mushen people who did it, but the people under another warlord, Atila Simon.

Damn it, should he be asked to pay a protection fee to Attila Simon again?

The more Rao Shanhai thought about it, the angrier he became. He couldn't understand why Chairman Ma Tian didn't act according to his strong and domineering style in the past, but instead asked him to pay premiums to continue to ensure the construction progress?

Rao Shanhai still doesn't know that the matter of the protection fee has not reached Ma Tian's ears at all.

Attila Simon's people didn't keep their mouths shut, and they said as soon as they opened their mouths: You paid 2 million to Mu Shen, and our boss Simon also wants 2 million, and it won't matter if it's a penny less!

This fool knew that Attila Simon must have dealt with Mu Shen, and that Tianyu Xinghai, a foolish person with a lot of money, paid 2 million, so he dared to speak like a lion.

Rao Shanhai frowned and immediately reported the matter to the Hua headquarters, and included his own views in detail:

If this continues, their appetite will never be satisfied! It is better to exit the market here early to reduce losses.

The matter reached Su Xihua as usual. Su Xihua did not expect such a situation. He seemed to have made a mistake in his judgment.

Are there so many warlords there?

He was immersed in research and had not understood it carefully before. The road from Kigani to Bafowwasen Belt was 600 kilometers long and occupied the sphere of influence of four warlords.

Although they don't deal with each other, they are surprisingly consistent when it comes to making money.

After hearing that Tianyu Xinghai paid Mu Shen 2 million US dollars in protection fees, others would naturally not miss this income.

Four warlords, 8 million US dollars!

Su Xihua was silent. Although 8 million U.S. dollars was not much, Rao Shanhai's opinion had to be taken seriously. Will warlords like them come again?

After thinking about it, Su Xihua still called the relevant departments of Gangguo. They have to take care of this matter. We foreign companies cannot invest here and people like you are still making trouble like this.

The relevant departments of Gangguo still paid attention to Su Xihua's call. The person in charge, Safit Bruckner, also directly assured on the phone: Don't worry, Mr. Su, we will investigate this matter and guarantee to give you a satisfactory answer. !”

Okay, then we'll wait for your reply, Safit! Su Xihua hung up the phone with satisfaction, naive enough to think that this matter could be resolved quickly.

However, he overestimated the influence of relevant local departments on these warlords.

The person in charge, Safit Bruckner, was really attentive to this matter. After hanging up the phone, he called Mushen Gabudi, Attila Simon, Peta Urbis, and Villian Hua. The leaders of the four warlords held a video conference together.

At the meeting, Safit Bruckner looked at the four people and warned them first: Tianyu Xinghai is a Chinese company, don't go too far!

However, his words did not attract the attention of the four people.

Mu Shen said disdainfully: So what about the Chinese company? I remember that Chinese guy at that time came over to give me money. I changed it from 1 million to 2 million, but he was still squeaking like a mouse. Don’t dare to say a word, hahaha~”

After saying that, he laughed out loud, and the other three warlord leaders also laughed out loud.

Attila Simon also smiled and echoed: What's wrong with just asking them to pay 2 million? Anyway, I heard that they are rich, and their Tianrun No. 1 makes tens of billions of dollars every year. Is this 2 million short?

Yes, in my opinion, 2 million is too little, let's get 5 million!

A group of people were laughing and laughing, not taking Tianyu Xinghai seriously at all. Safet Bruckner could not help but frown and emphasized again:

Have you forgotten that Hua is one of the five permanent members, so are you not afraid that they will settle accounts with you?

Mu Shen: Hmph, I wish they would come more. Once they come, one by one, don't leave. One million per person!

Hahahaha, Mu Shen is still insidious. I say Safit, don't worry about our affairs. We are sensible. Attila Simon also said, obviously like Mu Shen, he did not let go of Tianyu Xinghai at all. In my eyes, I even told Safet Bruckner to shut up.

Safit Bruckner looked helpless. These four bastards should really go see God. They have no idea how powerful China is!

However, he couldn't send the four of them to see God now, and Su Xihua also wanted to give him an answer.

He thought for a while, then took a step back and said, Let's make money by being friendly. If you do this, who will invest in us from foreign companies in the future? Each person will receive 2 million U.S. dollars. If everyone gets this money, let's stop it like this!

As soon as Safitel Bruckner finished speaking, the atmosphere was silent for a moment. The four of them did not expect that Safitel Bruckner would have such a proposal, and then laughed out loud, feeling that Safitel Bruckner was behind them. It feels so good to surrender in front of someone.

Hahaha, Safit, since you said so, then I agree. Attila Simon was the first to say, because his 2 million has not yet arrived, so he will get the 2 million first.

The other three people, except Mu Shen, also nodded in agreement and wanted to get the money first.

Only Mu Shen was stroking his bald head with a look of displeasure on his face. Damn it, he was the one who got it first among the four, and now he is very unhappy when he sees the other three.

However, the three of them agreed and looked at him, so he could only reluctantly agree!

Su Xihua quickly received a reply from Safet Bruckner, saying that he would pay the other three people another 6 million to buy a Ping An.

Su Xihua was silent when he heard this. Damn, the clay figurines are still angry. They really think that the Tianyu Xinghai people are stupid and have too much money.

Not only do you have to pay $8 million in protection fees, but you also have to pretend to be a grandson?

This matter had exceeded his expectations, and he no longer worried about whether this matter would slap Ma Tian in the face, and came directly to the office to find Ma Tian.

Ma Tian was processing documents in the office. When he saw Su Xihua coming, he stopped working and asked, What's the matter?

Su Xihua paused, organized his words and told what happened to Gang Guo:

...Mr. Ma, that's probably what happened. Now they're asking for 8 million! Su Xihua said with a final sigh. He felt that the market for steel fruits must be given up, and this evil trend cannot be encouraged.

He didn't notice that Ma Tian looked at him with a little disappointment.

Su Xihua, how long have you been in our company? Ma Tian asked with a bad look on his face.

Almost a year! Su Xihua replied. He also noticed that something was wrong in the atmosphere. Looking at Ma Tian's face, he broke into a cold sweat.

Then you still don't know my character? What kind of bullshit warlord are you so stupid that you paid 2 million in protection fees? Ma Tian was furious. He didn't expect that Su Xihua was so weak, so why did he value him so much? Leave the automotive department to him!

Mr. Ma...I... Su Xihua immediately panicked. He was so frightened by Ma Tian's aura that he almost lost his balance.

Get me through the phone with the person from the relevant department of Gangguo. I want to tell him personally! Ma Tian ordered, not wanting to hear Su Xihua's explanation.

Okay, Mr. Ma! Su Xihua hurried down to make arrangements.

Within 10 minutes, a phone call came to Safit Bruckner.

Safit Bruckner's voice came from the phone: Mr. Su, what are your thoughts?

Su Xihua said quickly: Safit, our boss Ma wants to say a few words to you. After saying that, he immediately handed the phone to Ma Tian.

Hello, Mr. Ma! Safit Bruckner greeted quickly, and he must respect Ma Tian.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. When Ma Tian heard this greeting, he temporarily calmed down his anger and said: Safit Bruckner, I only ask you one thing, do you care about the four people who can control you? warlord?

Huh? Safit Bruckner didn't expect that Ma Tian would ask this question.

When he thought about it carefully, he knew that it must be the 8 million protection fee. He wanted to maintain his face and insisted that he could take care of it, but the fact was that he couldn't.

Listening to the long silence on the phone, Ma Tian also took advantage of the situation to say what he wanted to say: If you can't control it, then I will control it for you!

After saying that, Ma Tian hung up the phone, looked directly at Su Xihua, who was standing aside, and asked, Are you a bloody Chinese man?

Mr. Ma, I am! Su Xihua's eyes were a little moist, and he quickly answered with his chest raised. He also realized that he might have disappointed Ma Tian this time.

In just a few minutes, he had already regretted it hundreds of times in his heart.

If so, prove it to me! Now, book me a plane ticket to Gangguo immediately. I want to see your bloody nature! Either you die there, or give me the heads of those four people. I'll unscrew it!

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