My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 157 Brother, spare my life

On the convoy heading to the construction site, Nie Feixiong was still in an excited mood, recalling the scene he had just seen at the company.

He saw that Leng Feng and the others were armed with an assault rifle that he could not recognize, as well as various pistols, grenades, etc. The most important thing was.

He saw a T-X1 loaded with rocket launchers that was covered by a curtain and carried in a truck following their convoy. Although he didn't recognize it, he knew it was a big rocket just by looking at the loaded rocket launchers. Killer weapon.

He could not imagine how the branch far away in Gangguo suddenly had such a group of armed personnel with various weapons.

Leng Feng, who said nothing, also sat next to Nie Feixiong. In order to surprise the warlords and terrorists, Leng Feng and others threw his assault rifle in the trunk of the car.

However, Nie Feixiong could still detect the pistol on Leng Feng's body through the hills on his clothes.

Leng Feng didn't pay attention to Nie Feixiong's gaze. He kept looking at the environment outside the car with sharp eyes to prevent a surprise attack.

Brother Feng, there's nothing to see in the Gobi Desert. Birds don't poop here, and there aren't even trees! Nie Feixiong thought for a while, but took the initiative to approach.

In the dangerous Ganguo, with Leng Feng's thick legs, he felt so safe that he had to hold on tightly.

Leng Feng didn't explain what he was seeing, but simply replied: It's not bad, at least the field of view is wide enough, as far as the eye can see!

Nie Feixiong saw that Leng Feng seemed to be speaking in a low-key manner, so he realized it and kept his mouth shut. He arrived at the construction site where the construction was interrupted in a speechless way.

As soon as he got off the car, Leng Feng's wireless communication headset came directly with a voice: Captain, at 60 degrees west-north, a car was found. It seems that there are sentries from the warlords in the car!

Pay attention to their field of vision, don't expose T-X1 yet! Leng Feng replied, turned to Nie Feixiong and said with a smile:

It seems that they have sent people here to guard you. They will probably come here soon and continue to rob!

Nie Feixiong also frowned and cursed angrily: These damn scum, Brother Feng, you tell me what to do, I will follow your command!

You guys just go about your business as usual, don't worry about us!

Leng Feng smiled and simply replied, his face becoming serious.

The security team jumped out of the car one after another, equipped their weapons from the trunk, and then occupied the commanding heights to mount the guns, hiding them.

After a while, this group of professional security teams chose their positions and surveyed the surrounding environment with guns.

The accompanying engineers also flew stealth drones into the sky to start reconnaissance...

A group of construction workers were so curious when they saw this scene that they forgot about their work.

Nie Feixiong quickly shouted: What are you still looking at? It's time to work! Do you want to get today's salary?

Nie Feixiong is a smart man, so he naturally knows how to cooperate with Leng Feng and the others.

Leng Feng did not grab his assault rifle. Instead, he led two plainclothes men to follow Nie Feixiong and work together.

He whispered to Nie Feixiong: We will be with you later, don't be afraid!

Nie Feixiong nodded. He was also a big-hearted person. He was not afraid. At most, his palms were just a little sweaty.

Less than an hour later, another voice came from Leng Feng's headset: Captain, two off-road vehicles are coming. There are about 8 people. No heavy firearms are seen!


In the wireless communication channel, security personnel are also communicating information and making deployments.

Da da~

Before seeing his person, he heard his voice first. The sound of AK marked the arrival of the characteristic warlord terrorists in this area.

It was the big black leader who jumped out of the car first, and danced towards Nie Feixiong with a few younger brothers.

Hey, buddy, do you still recognize me? the little black leader came to Nie Feixiong and said, with a smile on his face, showing two rows of white teeth.

Before Nie Feixiong could say anything, Leng Feng on the side stuffed a pistol directly into his mouth.

When he acted, other teammates also acted.

The two boys next to the big black leader were kicked to the ground one by one by Leng Feng's other plainclothes teammates, and then had guns pointed at their heads.

The other warlords and terrorists who did not follow were more unlucky.

As early as in the wireless communication headset, their heads were selected by the security personnel who were ambushing them.

Leave the driver of the first car to me!

Give me that buck tooth of the co-pilot!

Leave the guy with the pistol next to the car to me!

A group of security personnel who had set up an ambush were responsible for taking one away easily, and because the number was small enough, two of them even aimed at the same person's head.

In less than 15 seconds, out of the two vehicles of warlord terrorists, only three unlucky guys who were pointed at gunpoint were left alive.

Leng Feng saw that all his teammates were done, and then he said to Nie Feixiong, What did this stupid guy just say?

He couldn't understand Ganguo's language, so he took action directly just now.


Nie Feixiong swallowed his saliva and was immediately stunned. He didn't even answer Leng Feng's questions.

The construction workers behind him also just reacted to the killings by Leng Feng and others.

Several of the Gangguo workers looked at the blood on the ground and were so frightened that they fell to the ground, raised their hands above their heads and shouted: Don't kill me! Don't kill me!

This group of construction workers had never seen a close-range headshot. It was good that they didn't vomit the white brains and the pungent smell of blood.

Leng Feng also shook his eyebrows. He didn't expect this group of people to be so fragile. He looked at the big black man who was still swallowing the barrel of his pistol and raising his hands to the sky.

Nie Feixiong, who was also stupid when he repeatedly asked people, said: Brother Xiong, don't be stunned, quickly translate what he said when he came here!

This time Nie Feixiong finally came to his senses and said quickly: He said, he said, do we still know him?

Oh, so that's what I'm asking. Then ask him, does he know what he's swallowing? Leng Feng said with a sneer.

Nie Feixiong translated to the big black leader, who also nodded quickly and shed tears.

He didn't know whether he was moved or scared. Leng Feng felt that the latter was more.

The matter was resolved faster than anyone expected. Even Leng Feng and other members of the security team did not expect these warlords and terrorists to be so unprepared.

Just being exposed to the shooting range is easier than shooting at a target.

Seeing the three survivors kneeling on the ground with guns pointed at them, shouting Brother, spare your life, Nie Feixiong felt so happy!

Damn it, after being robbed so many times and being a grandson so many times, he can finally be a father for once.

Brother Feng, can I kick them a few times? Nie Feixiong asked Leng Feng.

Kick him if you want, no need to give me face! Leng Feng replied coolly.

After hearing Leng Feng's answer, Nie Feixiong stopped being polite and kicked the big black leader in the face with his big foot.

The other workers were also moved, and finally a group of people gathered around and started fighting.

Guawazi, let you point a gun at me!

Look at your mother, I will kick you to death!

Uh-huh, don't beat me to death! Leng Feng had no choice but to say after seeing several people being beaten to a state of disgrace.

These people are still useful, otherwise they would have just eaten peanuts for the first time!

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