My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 159 Ma Tian secretly arrives in Heizhou


Twelve exploding and burning cars lined up on the roadside and burned. The warlords and terrorists who were lucky enough to survive were completely stunned.

Mom, is the devil coming?

What the hell is this?

There are less than 15 surviving warlords and terrorists, and they are just ignorant young men. They don't know about missiles. For these long-range missiles, they only regard them as divine punishment coming to the world.

Leng Feng also saw their miserable situation through the telescope and smacked his lips, It's so fierce. The T-X1 multi-purpose vehicle is really yyds.

Times have really changed!

Captain, you can go up and harvest the corn! The engineers in the control tower said to Leng Feng during the wireless communication.

Under the drone inspection, the two surviving vehicles on the opposite side have basically been destroyed. In the remaining cases, Leng Feng and the others can just take action.

Copy that! Leng Feng replied.

He also drove two cars with people and rushed over to replenish the gunfire. Soon, gunfire rang out in the distance. It calmed down after a while, and then the two cars drove back.

Solved? Nie Feixiong looked at Leng Feng who jumped out of the car and confirmed.

Well, it's solved! Leng Feng nodded.

“Hiss—” Nie Feixiong took a breath. Why did he feel a little unreal? In his impression, the warlords and terrorists who did all kinds of evil were slaughtered like pigs?

Leng Feng ignored Nie Feixiong and began to report over the wireless communication to Su Xihua at the branch headquarters. The people in the 14 cars were all wiped out. Judging from the 15 people who survived in the remaining two cars, these 14 There are at least 120 people in the car, which is equivalent to the size of a company.

120 people is not a small number. Su Xihua must consider the follow-up effects. For example, how will the new warlord leader Jesse Bourne and others react when they know that their revenge convoy was wiped out all at once?

Leng Feng, come back and call the construction team back. Now the beam has basically been completely sealed, and the real large-scale battle is about to begin! Su Xihua thought for a while and gave the order to Leng Feng.

Okay, Mr. Su!

After hanging up the phone, Leng Feng waved his hand and told people to go home.

Brother Xiong, ask your people to go back and continue their vacation! Leng Feng came over and said to Nie Feixiong.

Ah? Another holiday? Nie Feixiong also scratched his head, and then he dared to take a break soon after leaving work. This was beyond his expectations when he came. When he came, he thought he could work normally for a few more days.

What, you don't want to? Are you unhappy about having a day off? Leng Feng cursed with a smile. He still liked Nie Feixiong, this younger brother, and couldn't help but talk a little more. By the way, do you guys get paid during the holiday?

We Chinese people have 50% of the salary, so of course there will be no more of these steel guys! Nie Feixiong replied, Tianyu Xinghai is very kind in this regard. There is no salary for normal construction site breaks, and every day of work counts.

As for these locally hired gangsters, it is normal not to pay them wages. It is because their country is in such chaos that this situation is caused. How can it be possible to pay them wages!

That's great, it's 50% holiday!

After a while of ping-ping-pong-pong, everyone who had arrived not long ago got on the return car and drove to the headquarters of Kigani.

At this time, next to a pier in China, a few people got out of an inconspicuous white car. The first person was Ma Tian, ​​who was wrapped up tightly and wearing sunglasses, and his bodyguard Chang Chenghu. them.

Chang Chenghu looked unhappy. Looking at the 10,000-ton giant ship in the distance, he still said to Ma Tian: Mr. Ma, this is really dangerous. Do you want to stop thinking about it?

What nonsense are you talking about? We are all here! Ma Tian also looked at the docked 10,000-ton ship, and his heart surged.

To be honest, he ran out secretly, found an excuse to stay in the laboratory for three days, and then called two bodyguards, Chang Chenghu and Chang Chenglong, to escape at night.

With his current status, let alone going abroad, he would have to consider every move out of the province, especially with the title of a great inventor and industry disruptor, his every move involves a lot of things.

However, Ma Tian still wanted to go to Heizhou.

A life where he always shrinks in pursuit of safety would not be the life he wanted, so after several days of planning, he finally ran away.

Chang Chenghu sighed. As Ma Tian was his boss, of course he couldn't persuade him. He could only make up his mind with his brother Chang Chenglong to risk his life to ensure Ma Tian's safety in Heizhou.

After a few people waited for a while, another car came over, and out of the car came Zha Liangfu, the team leader of Tianyu Xinghai's small department in charge of ocean cargo.

Zha Liangfu quickly ran down from the car in three steps at a time, came to Ma Tian and said hello: Mr. Ma! I'm here!

Damn it, he was scared to death. He was notified by the leader half an hour ago to cooperate with Ma Tian in smuggling to Gangguo, and now he was still sweating on his head.

Although he had helped Tianyu Xinghai smuggle engineers and supplies to Ganguo more than once or twice, including some members of Leng Feng's security team, Ma Tian was different.

He knew Ma Tian's status very well, and this matter was definitely not as simple as him just accepting orders to help smuggle people into the country.

Well, have you made arrangements? Ma Tian nodded and asked.

Mr. Ma, I have made arrangements to sneak to Mian Dian first, and then take off to Gangguo. I have also made arrangements for Mian Dian! Zha Liangfu replied.

Ma Tian nodded. This was the fastest route. He would go to Mian Dian first, and then fly to Ganguo using his identity as a black householder. He would arrive in a few days.

By the time Li Runqi and the others find out, they will probably have arrived. By then, Li Runqi and the others will have no choice but to cooperate with him in causing trouble in Gangguo.

The flight from Mian Dian to Ganguo was uneventful. After the plane landed, Ma Cai called Su Xihua's satellite phone and told him that he had arrived at the airport in the capital of Ganguo and asked Su Xihua to pick him up secretly.

What, Mr. Ma, you're here too! Su Xihua felt numb after receiving the call. He was in a position where he knew the importance of Ma Tian.

Ma Tian cannot go abroad at all. He is a national treasure scientist. If Yingjiang and other people from other countries find out about this, Ganguo will be completely in chaos.

Ma Tian alone is worth Yingjiang sending an army over!

Hurry up and pick me up. We'll talk about it when we get there! Ma Tian didn't say much. He simply said one sentence and hung up the phone.

The two brothers Chang Chenghu and Chang Chenglong hid in the crowd and pretended to be passers-by to protect Ma Tian. They did not dare to relax for a moment until Su Xihua sent a car.

After Su Xihua hung up the phone, he quickly ran to find Leng Feng and others from the security team.

Leng Feng and others hurriedly gathered after hearing this, and soon the convoy began to rush towards Maia, the capital of Steel Fruit, followed far behind by two trucks equipped with T-X1 and a small team of engineers.

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