My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 241 Let the people of Hunan decide by voting

At the Hunan Meteorological Bureau, Ma Tian met Director Su and a group of old people behind him who had never interacted with him.

As soon as Ma Tian guessed, he knew it must be the so-called meteorological expert who opposed him.

While Ma Tian was sizing up everyone, a group of old people from the Meteorological Bureau were also sizing up Ma Tian.

Ma Tian, ​​you are here. Let me introduce to you. This is Luo Shengxiong, the deputy director of the Meteorological Bureau, and this is Luo Shili, an expert from the Meteorological Bureau... Director Su saw Ma Tian smiling and turned around behind him. A group of people introduced Ma Tian, ​​who had no airs about being a leader.

Ma Tian also responded to Director Su with a smile, but when he saw a group of elderly experts from the Meteorological Bureau, his face was expressionless.

This group of people doubted him, so he naturally didn't have much enthusiasm. When he came, he reviewed his weather change plan with Tianji in the car, but found no mistakes.

Hello, you guys said that my theory of the 'Tornado' plan is not feasible. What is your basis? Ma Tian got straight to the point.

Ma Tian was so powerful that Luo Shengxiong looked at Luo Shili. Luo Shili caused it, so naturally he dealt with it.

Ma Tian, ​​don't try to control nature. So far, no one can control nature and have a good ending, especially if you still create tornadoes that cause great harm. Luo Shili looked at Ma Tianda.

Ma Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at the frail old man with gray temples in front of him. He didn't know why he said such admonishment.

In his opinion, why can't nature be controlled? As long as you are scientific enough, you can completely manipulate nature.

For example, preventing floods, forest fires, etc., isn't that another way of manipulating nature? For humans, floods, wildfires, etc. will cause huge damage and require protection, but this is not the case for nature.

Floods and wildfires may be a way for nature to regulate its own ecology. Each flood and wildfire robs the lives of many organisms, but it also contributes a lot of organic fertilizer and more nutrients for new life in the coming year.

Then according to what Luo Shili said, doesn't it mean that there is no need to protect against floods and wildfires? Let nature develop on its own?

I don't agree with your point of view. Don't we humans control nature too little? Ma Tian retorted to Luo Shili.

But we control nature within a reasonable range.

Then how do you know that I am unreasonable? Tell me the scientific reasons. If you can convince me, I will cancel immediately! Ma Tian said calmly.

He finally realized that his plan might be too shocking for this group of old people who were accustomed to stability, so they objected because they couldn't accept it.

Generally, we take the initiative to intervene in order to reduce natural disasters. There is no precedent of us taking the initiative to create natural disasters ourselves! Luo Shengxiong suddenly said from the side. Perhaps this was the reason for his opposition.

Director Su also looked at Ma Tian. Luo Shengxiong was right. Indeed, we have never heard of humans artificially creating large-scale natural disasters such as tornadoes.

Ma Tian thought for a while and then said: The quality of a thing depends on where it is used, right? Just like paraquat, if it is used in rice fields, it will be a devastating blow, but if it is used to kill weeds, it will have special effects. It’s a powerful weed-killing pesticide, so I think the quality of something should depend on its effect!”

Ma Tian still didn't want to give up, not because he had to fight for those few months of construction time, but because science couldn't stagnate just because of a little worry.

For example, if it’s dangerous to launch a rocket, shouldn’t we just launch it?

So far, several meteorological experts have not been able to come up with good reasons to convince him that his tornado plan will have any harm. They are just worried that it will be uncontrollable.

This reason does not hold true for him, and his calculations are completely controllable.

Anyway, our Meteorological Bureau does not agree with you creating tornadoes like this. We are responsible for the safety of the lives and property of the people in Hunan City! Besides, the weather in Hunan City has been like this for decades, why should it change because of you?

Luo Shili looked at the stubborn Ma Tian and his temper grew.

Ma Tian also raised his eyebrows, Am I not from Xiang City? Why should you decide for us?

Why? Why? I've been working here for 42 years and broadcasting weather forecasts for 42 years!

It is your old ideas that hinder the progress of science. Times have changed! Ma Tian was not to be outdone, as if he had no persistence and no temper.

Okay, okay, please be quiet! Director Su quickly opened his mouth to smooth things over, but things were worse than he expected. Luo Shili and the others couldn't convince Ma Tian at all, and instead quarreled with Ma Tian.

The leader spoke, and the two fell silent for a while.

Director Su thought for a while and didn't know what to say. He simply sent the two of them to go back and think about it: Both sides should calm down for a while. We will have a meeting to discuss it again tomorrow when we calm down!

Luo Shili turned around and left with a hum. Luo Shengxiong looked a little embarrassed and thought to himself: Damn it, Luo Shili, you old guy, please retire quickly, don't screw me to death.

He turned around and explained to Director Su: Director Su, Expert Luo is old and has a bit of a bad temper. Please be considerate!

Director Su shook his head and said nothing. He didn't care about Luo Shili. He said to Ma Tian:

Ma Tian, ​​you should be more cautious, or think of other ways to convince the Meteorological Bureau!

Does it have to be approved by the Meteorological Bureau? Ma Tian cursed in his heart. It is not up to you, the leader, to decide whether this can be done.

Of course, Ma Tian was not a fool. He didn't say this. He thought for a while and suddenly said: How about this? Let's put this matter online and let the people of Hunan City decide for themselves!

Can you tell me in detail?

The scope of influence of this tornado climate, my simulation experiment here will probably affect the Progress District and Yuhua District. I will hold an online poll and let the citizens of these two districts vote online to decide whether to carry out meteorological interference! Ma Tian said.

As soon as Ma Tian's words came out, the whole audience fell silent.

Director Su also thought for a long time before nodding in agreement: Yes, let everyone decide, we can't let them be affected without knowing anything!

In his heart, perhaps such words gave him an explanation in his heart.


After coming out of the Meteorological Bureau, Ma Tian was also preparing to vote online. This Ma Tian was too lazy to bother and simply used the most popular meager platform to make it more convenient.

He made a phone call to Wang Gaofei, the current president of the company, and talked about it.

Wang Gaofei was also a little confused. He didn't know why the great master Ma Tian suddenly called him and wanted to hold a vote like this.

Master Ma Tian, ​​with all due respect. I'm a little unclear about the situation. Our Weibo already has a voting function, so why do you make this extra call?

I may need to enter your backend this time to compare the data! Ma Tian replied. Voting is very simple, but the identity of the voter must be confirmed.

This requires comparing the official database of Hunan City with the identity information filled in by voters, so he must invade the meager database.

Out of politeness, Ma Tian would definitely say hello to Weibo.

Wang Gaofei:......

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