My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 274: Cloud car design is difficult, simulated speed test is 12,000

In the laboratory, Ma Tian began to study the cloud car with the cooperation of Tianji.

Although the concept sounds simple, it only needs to levitate the subway train in the air and then lead the way forward through switching of magnetic and solid fields, but there are still a lot of technical details.

The first problem to be solved is the power design of the cloud car.

The magnetic solid force formed by the magnetic solid field strictly follows the magnetic solid field formula, and the size of the magnetic solid force follows the magnetic solid field equation F =ρMmK/r+m

In the formula, K is the magnetic solid field coefficient parameter, is the variable of the uncertain interference frequency magnetic field, r is the distance, and M m is the mass of both.

It can also be seen from the formula that the suspended height and mass of the cloud car will determine the magnitude of the magnetic solid force it receives.

The size of the magnetic force will determine the movement of the cloud car!

If the mass of a cloud car is too large, although the magnetic force is sufficient, the energy required to move it will be huge.

Even though the magnetic force is the fifth most powerful force in nature, it must abide by the law of conservation of energy.

Its energy source is the magnetic solid field, and the generation of the magnetic solid field requires a steady stream of electrical energy.

Like the disc toy made by Ma Tian, ​​a solid-state battery is embedded in the base, which is constantly delivering power and maintaining the magnetic field.

Otherwise, if there is no power, the ring will fall on its own and lose its magnetic traction.

Although, the power required is relatively low.

But now if it is replaced by a cloud car with dozens or hundreds of tons, this energy transmission must be considered, and such a large object is moving at high speed, and the braking energy required to stop it will also be a huge amount. number.

Therefore, at the beginning of the design, Ma Tian must consider the relationship between the mass and height of the balanced cloud car to allocate the magnetic force to an optimal solution.

This is a huge data calculation, and there will be many factors to consider.

The second problem to be solved is the problem of magnetic solid field interference.

Although the magnetic solid field is relatively stable and is not susceptible to interference once it is formed, the materials it forms are susceptible to interference. After all, most of them are composed of active metals such as iron and zinc that are easy to change.

There may be no problem for a day or two, but over time, oxidation in the air will easily lead to problems with the magnetic solid field.

Once there is a problem with the magnetic solid field and the force changes, it will be an absolutely devastating blow to the high-speed moving cloud car.

As Ma Tian predicts, the speed of the cloud car can easily reach more than 2,000 kilometers per hour. At this speed, let alone a sudden stop, even a small bump will be no less important to the passengers inside than going to the gate of hell to report an accident. Said, let’s see if the King of Hell will accept you.

Moreover, a speed of 2,000 kilometers may be an appetizer. Ma Tian feels that the upper limit of the speed is not the problem of the cloud car itself, but how much the passengers inside can bear.

It can withstand sub-light speed, and Ma Tian can give you a small section, but this cloud car may become a hearse.

Therefore, regarding this problem, Ma Tian himself has to study and improve the materials to make the magnetic solid field materials stable and not easy to change.

The third issue to be solved is comfort and safety.

In fact, Ma Tianda can be used to carry things, so there is no need to consider so much, but Ma Tian still wants to carry people, and uses people to brush the system impact value, and when carrying people, comfort and safety must be considered.

Now the system can only get the next gift package when the system reaches 1 billion impact value. It took him almost 2 years to get this 100 million impact value. If he doesn't produce some other products for 1 billion days, he doesn't know how long it will take.

Therefore, if the cloud car invented by Tianyu Xinghai can replace its high-speed rail counterparts, then Ma Tian feels that it can make a lot of impact value.

After all, with so many people in the country, it would be easy to contribute hundreds of millions more influence points to him.

As long as it is a technology product, when it comes to safety, it will definitely require a lot of technology to solve, let alone a high-speed speeding car like the Cloud Car.

Of course, there are certainly more than just these three issues to consider, there are many other issues to consider.

Ma Tian can only take one step at a time, try a spot in the City of Progress, and build a relatively stable castrated version of the cloud car to test the waters.

After working in the laboratory for another month, Ma Tiancai finished the first version of the cloud car plan and asked the factory to make a small model for simulation testing.

Just leave this to the big modeler Ye Yuyan to keep an eye on.

So at the newly built cloud car factory in Tianyu Xinghai, Ye Yuyan led people to watch the cloud car on the ground running around in circles.

Surrounded by a large number of monitoring equipment and various sensors, data are constantly being recorded, and models are being improved and analyzed.

As for Ma Tian, ​​he should focus on solving the problem of the stability of magnetic solid field materials. This is knowledge that the system does not provide, and Ma Tian has to study it himself.

Nothing involving materials is simple. Ma Tian has been working on it for a week and has made no progress. He almost wanted to add more points to increase the material science to Lv5, but he still held back. After all, Ma Tian felt that he could stay and add mathematics and physics. It might be better.

And Ma Tian also feels that he can do it without relying on the system, which is still a level.

Another month has passed, and Ma Tian is still in the laboratory and has not come out. During this period, only Yang Jinli and Li Runqi could occasionally enter the laboratory to deliver meals, while the others, Ma Tian, ​​were completely absent.

Hua Shuwen was also crazily thinking about the reasons for Ma Tian's success. With this perseverance in conducting research and retreat experiments, Ma Tian's current achievements were no accident.

Including calls with Wang Chenbo, Leng Fangguo and others, Hua Shuwen did not hesitate to praise:

Even I have to admire Ma Tian. He has been in seclusion in the laboratory for almost two months. If I hadn't known about him through Yang Jinli and Li Runqi, I would have been a little worried about him!

To be honest, Ma Tian is really good. There are a few 'richest men' like him who don't have the company of beautiful women, but instead they calm down and do research every day.

Yes, yes! Wang Chenbo and Leng Fangguo nodded wildly. This was also what they liked about Ma Tian.

Therefore, even if Ma Tian is occasionally domineering and gets into trouble outside, they all think it's nothing. Except for the fact that the two of them were angry when Lao Mei came last time, I really didn't think Ma Tian had done anything excessive before.

After another two weeks, Ma Tian finally left the laboratory, and at the same time he brought out an enhanced version of the magnetizing field production manual.

Ye Yuyan has been simulating at the Yunche Factory for 2 months. It can be said that she has already understood Ma Tian's ideas clearly. When she saw the new materials, she also asked the engineers to quickly use the new materials to make a new model and run laps.

And she herself stood next to Ma Tian and began to report on the simulation situation of the past two months:

“We used the City of Progress as a sandbox and took the situation into consideration to establish three main lines and one peripheral line. The three main lines are mainly built around each central business district, and the peripheral line is most suitable for bordering with the outside world and will serve as the backbone for cloud vehicles to enter the City of Progress. use……

In the past two months, the three main lines have been tested comprehensively 136,824 times, with 136,824 successes. The average test speed was 60 kilometers/hour, and the maximum test speed was 80 kilometers/hour...

The peripheral line has been comprehensively tested 127,892 times, with 127,892 successes. The average test speed reached 4,600 kilometers/hour, and the maximum test speed was 12,000 kilometers/hour...

(It is popularized here that acceleration is the most critical factor affecting the human body. Our human body can adapt to aircraft traveling at a speed of 12,000 kilometers. After all, the rotation of the earth is equivalent to traveling 80,000 miles a day while sitting on the ground, but our human body is very weak in withstanding acceleration, such as 100 kilometers When accelerating a sports car, the maximum acceleration can reach 1g, which would make us ordinary people uncomfortable.

Therefore, the speed at which the cloud car can reach 12,000 kilometers per hour is not the most important. The most important thing is the acceleration effect caused by acceleration, deceleration, and turning. But now that the cloud car is being tested in the factory, it can basically run by the way) (End of this chapter)

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