Shi Zui lightly dusted Lou Qin's smooth forehead: "dead girl, there are many ghosts."

Lou Qin is not a harmless little sheep. Even if she grows up, she is much softer and more cute than before, but her mischievous temperament has not changed.

"Tong Fei looks very strong. If her intestines and stomach are good, I'm afraid it won't affect her." Shi Zui is afraid Lou Qin's move won't work.

Lou Qin blinked: "but I remember the last time I had dinner with her, she didn't eat chili food all the way. It seems that she will be uncomfortable after eating. That should be the reason for the poor gastrointestinal function?"

Shi Zui was immediately unable to laugh or cry. In the end, she worried for nothing? Lou Qin can deal with Tong Fei himself.

This girl still looks harmless after she has done bad things. Who could have expected that this face would frighten people?

Lou Qin's guess is correct.

Tong Fei's gastrointestinal function is really bad. She used to avoid eating frozen fruits. This time, she bit Ya and ate some iced pears in order to give Lou Qin credit. At that time, she was really happy to see Lou Qin looking small, because she felt that it was easy to deal with Lou Qin.

But she was not proud for too long. As soon as she returned to Zheng Yong's apartment, she began to have diarrhea.

After making trouble for most of the night, Zheng Yong finally sent her to the hospital to stop diarrhea.

She said weakly to Zheng Yong, "your schoolgirl is a bad child because she doesn't show her face!"

Put her in the hospital.

Zheng Yong's eyes flashed slightly. He had known Lou Qin for so many years and didn't understand her temperament. She looks good at talking and bullying, but it's not as easy to cheat as it seems.

"Xiaoqin also asked you at that time. He said that there were only pears and no other fruits at home. You had to eat them. You had diarrhea and blamed others." Zheng Yong said quietly, "I ate it too. Why didn't you see I had something?"

"That's because I have poor gastrointestinal function, so I have diarrhea!" Tong Fei was furious.

"She doesn't know that you have poor gastrointestinal function. Think back to the whole process of our visit tonight, and think about whether it can be blamed on others." Zheng Yong said and went to the rest chair to lie down.

Tong Fei recalled what happened before diarrhea tonight. Lou Qin did ask her several times. Lou Qin could not know that her gastrointestinal function was bad. This time, if she hadn't taken the initiative to find Lou Qin's bad luck, I'm afraid she wouldn't have this disaster.

So after all, she asked for it, nothing special?

Tong Fei had a bad night that night. Lu Sui and two women on the other side blocked the way. When he chased out, there was no trace of the woman.

Originally, he just wanted to know what entertainment Yu Nian would have after work. After a brief meeting in Ancheng, he almost forgot the woman.

At this time, she suddenly appeared in front of him, making it difficult for him to ignore her.

The woman was mysterious. Her intuition told him that her sudden appearance in Bincheng could not be a coincidence. In that case, there must be some reason why she couldn't see the light.

After he returned to the villa, he didn't even have the mind to play with Xiaotiantian. All his attention was attracted by Yu Nian.

He also wondered why this woman was so attractive. In order to find out the reason, he asked Peijia to find out Yu Nian's foothold in Bincheng.

"Mr. Lu asked me to check the master of Zong hall?!" Peijia was a little surprised.

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