Next, Lu Sui put a wedding ring on Shi Zui, which looked very ordinary.

Shi Zui felt that the wedding ring was ordinary. "You are so rich, why don't you buy me a super large diamond ring?"

Lu Sui is too mean. Does he plan to bring so much money into the coffin?

She looked at the men's ring again. It was the same as her wedding ring. It was ordinary. She put the male ring on Lu Sui's finger. The next moment, her lips were kissed by Lu sui

All around was the excited applause of everyone, which spread to Shi Zui's ears.

Shi Zui was a little dizzy. All her attention was focused on her lips, where Lu Sui's soft lips were warm enough to make her slightly drunk.

The guests under the stage were clapping their hands excitedly and suddenly felt something wrong.

He Zhijing and Shi ran kissed each other and retreated, but Shi Zui and Lu Sui were so enthusiastic that they made people blush and heartbeat.

How long have you been kissing? Are you still kissing?

Shi zuizui was also dizzy. She couldn't breathe. Lu Sui kept kissing. She struggled in his arms. As soon as she shot, he controlled her hands.

Who is this? Haven't you kissed in your last life? Have you kissed her all the time to suffocate her?

The audience was stunned. They were stunned by Lu Sui and Shi Zui. The kissing time is really a little long

Shi ran saw this scene and said with a smile, "my sister and brother Lu really love each other, just like us."

He Zhijing didn't open his eyes and didn't answer.

Shi ran took he Zhijing's arm. "Zhijing, we should be happy for my sister. Brother Lu will take care of my sister in the future. I don't have to worry for the rest of my life."

He Zhijing said to Shi ran, "it's the wedding banquet later. Let's go backstage and change your clothes."

Shi ran obediently agreed and followed he Zhijing into the backstage.

She found that he Zhijing passed by Shi Zui without squinting, as if her previous gaffe was just her illusion.

As for Shi Zui, she was kissed by Lu Sui. Maybe after a lifetime, Lu Sui finally mercifully let her go.

She took a big breath and pointed to Lu Sui's face: "you, you are sick!"

Lu Sui looked at her red lips and her eyes were dim. He took Shi Zui's hand and said, "follow me later. Don't run around."

"Why do you always say the same thing? I'm not in trouble, I'm not running around, and I won't humiliate you! I'll be a generous and decent Mrs. Lu Shao. Don't worry." Shi Zui feels it's nothing at all.

Lu Sui took a look at Shi Zui's flip flop. Does the woman think her dress is equal to the Queen's robe?

Jiang Xin went to Shi Zui, pointed to her forehead and scolded, "look at you. Dress like this for the wedding. Where does Lu Sui's face go?"

"I'm very good. All brides wear wedding dresses, and I'll be the only one! Mom, I have a good temperament and look good in everything." Shi Zui didn't think so.

Jiang Xin reluctantly looked at Lu Sui: "in the future, you need to tolerate her more. You can control her because of her temperament."

"Mom, I cured him!" Shi jiuzui snapped reluctantly.

Jiang Xin lost her smile and looked at the picture of Lu Sui and Shi Zui standing together. The more she looked, the more she felt that the two children matched each other.

She didn't expect that Lu Sui would register with Shi Zui quietly. He clearly had so many famous girls to choose from, but he chose their drunk family to marry.

She was surprised about it, too.

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