Shi zuixiu seldom saw Lou Qin so angry.

In her opinion, it was either Xiang xiaorou or Tong Fei who spread the rumors. Both of them wanted to deal with her, but they didn't know what to do with her.

Just now, I may have heard her call and inspired me to say that she was a little third child kept by others.

Coincidentally, she broke through the gossip in her life. What kind of big scene has she never seen and is afraid of such a small scene?

Lou Qin was a little relieved to see her like this.

The fact that Shi zuizui was a third child who was kept by others soon spread widely in the company, and it inevitably spread to Zheng yonger.

He called Shi Zui into the office and asked her what was going on.

"Zheng always pretends to be stupid or is he really stupid? Isn't it because of Zheng?" Shi Zui replied in a low voice.

"I heard Tong Fei say that she heard you talking to your child!" Zheng Yong looked up and down at the woman in front of him.

It's normal for such a beautiful woman to be kept and have illegitimate children.

"Listen to your tone, would rather believe Tong Fei than me? Do you think there are men in the world who can make me willing to wrong myself as a little lover who can't see the light?" Shi replied with a drunken sneer.

Zheng Yong is also casual. Tong Fei believes everything she says. It's not reliable at all.

But this also shows that Tong Fei heard her on the phone and spread these rumors.

Zheng Yong was speechless for a moment.

This woman is so strong and beautiful. How could she wronged herself to be a junior? With her temperament, it's hard to find a man who can control her in the world, isn't it?

"Now that the matter has been found out, please ask President Zheng to ask Tong Fei to apologize to me in front of everyone in the company. I work hard for president Zheng, but I don't want to lose my reputation." Shi Zui put forward his request.

Zheng Yong was a little embarrassed: "I'm afraid this... Is inappropriate."

"President Zheng said to protect Xiaoqin and let me stop the bullet. I am also willing to work for president Zheng. But can I help President Zheng in exchange for such a result? If President Zheng doesn't want to, I can only take Xiaoqin away. You are not the only Huanyu Group in the world, and there are many good companies waiting for us." Shi Zui said and got up: "I'm not joking. President Zheng will do it!"

Zheng Yong watched Shi Zui leave, knowing that the woman said nothing. It doesn't matter if yu Nian goes, but Lou Qin can't go. Lou Qin listens to Yu Nian so much that Yu Nian can abduct Lou Qin with a few words of encouragement.

He thinks he can control Yu Nian, but this woman is a runaway wild horse, which may bite him back at any time.

Without thinking about it for too long, he called Tong Fei into the office: "I asked Xiao Nian just now, and she said you were slandering her. If you don't make an apology to her publicly, you can only ask you to leave Huanyu Group!"

Tong Fei looked at Zheng Yong in disbelief. He just called Yu Nian's nickname? And threaten her with a job?

Did she make a mistake in the beginning? The person who made Zheng Yong repent was not Lou Qin, but Yu Nian, a coquettish fox?

"I heard her talking to her child on the phone. She was clearly the third child who was kept by others. I'm right. Why should I apologize to her?" Tong Fei asked coldly.

She just added oil and vinegar to it. When Yu Nian talked on the phone, she said a word about her son, which showed that she did have a child. This can't be her auditory hallucination.

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