After that, Zheng Yong ordered that no one should discuss Yu Nian again. If anyone slanders Yu Nian again, he will wait to be fired

As a result, the company is more certain. Yu Nian is the scale that Zheng Yong can't touch. Whoever touches it will die. Even Zheng Yong's fiancee can't be spared.

In this way, Shi zuixi's rumors come and go faster, just like a gust of wind, blowing and passing

a villa area.

After calling Shi zuizui, Xiaotiantian still remembers the whole process of chatting with her mother just now. She felt that she was finally not the child who jumped out of the crack in the stone. She also had a mother.

The child was both happy and sad. She thought she wouldn't think so about her mother after calling. On the contrary, she wanted to stay with her mother all the time, be her mother's intimate cotton padded jacket and be her mother's pistachio.

Pei Jiajiu couldn't wait for Xiaotiantian to go downstairs, so he went upstairs to have a look. The door finally opened. Xiaotiantian hung her head and looked unhappy.

She raised the little girl's face. When she saw that the little guy's eyes were red and swollen, she was slightly stunned: "child, you can tell your aunt what's unhappy."

Xiaotiantian shook her head: "I had a nightmare just now. I was scared to wake up spicy."

Peijia doesn't know if the child is lying. She simply called Lu Sui, but she didn't dare say that Xiaotiantian cut her hair and wore boys' clothes today.

When Lu Sui hurried home and saw Xiaotiantian with a flat head, he was electrocuted. He calmed down for a while and asked in a dumb voice, "what's going on?"

Just at that moment, he thought he had crossed the time, went back to the past and saw a living little drunk.

Xiaotiantian rushed into Lu Sui's arms: "uncle, I want to be a man's husband!"

Mother said she was not like a man. Although she was a girl, she could be a man. Thinking of this, she wanted to cry again. She missed her mother.

"Silly child, you are a girl. If a girl wants to be pampered, she should be a little princess." Lu Sui touched the child's flat head.

Ruan Mengmeng's little daughter said she wanted to be a man, but he wanted to laugh.

Xiaotiantian replied proudly, "I don't want to be a little princess. I want to be a strong woman like my mother!"

She wished she could tell Lao Lu that she had found her mother. The owner of the beauty salon was her mother. She was beautiful and had temperament.

But this is her secret. She can't tell her father. In the future, she wants her mother to have a video chat with her mother. If only the kid could be replaced, she could be spoiled alone in the future.

Lu Sui was afraid of starving his baby daughter. He saw that there was nothing wrong with his daughter except cutting short her hair and changing into boys' clothes. He simply went to the kitchen to cook nutritious dinner for the children.

Xiaotiantian followed him and became a problem girl: "uncle, am I cute?"

Lu Sui answered honestly, "of course it's cute."

"Who is more lovely, me and the little ghost of Shi Nian?" Xiaotiantian thought to compare the little catfish.

Lu Sui heard the name of the little catfish and looked back at Xiaotiantian who looked forward to it. He thought about it and touched her little flat head: "of course, sweetie is cute."

"Will mom love me more or love kids more?" Xiaotiantian asked again.

This will bring Lu Sui down. He's not Shi Zui. How do you know if she likes catfish or sweets better?

"Love all." finally, he compromised.

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