"Since Lu Sui is so bad, why do you marry him?" he Zhijing asked bitterly.

Shi zuizui thinks he Zhijing asked an idiot question. The answer is obvious, isn't it?

"Zhijing, if there are only two Brides for you to choose, one is Lu Sui and the other is Wu jiefa, who do you think you will choose?" Shi Zui asked.

He Zhijing said, "Shi Zui is really not difficult.".

Shi zuixiu saw he Zhijing's expression and smiled stiffly: "the answer is obvious. Of course, Lu Sui is chosen. Lu Sui has money, face, long legs and good figure. The most important thing is that he is young. Even if he takes off his clothes, I can still talk."

He Zhijing is speechless again. Shi zuizui obviously likes men with high looks. It's tacky!!

Shi zuixiu had a headache when talking about Lu Sui: "Lu Sui is OK in all aspects except being a little romantic, playful, bad and poisonous. He can barely deserve me who is innocent."

"What about me?" he Zhijing blurted out.

Shi Zui looked at he Zhijing in surprise: "he Zhijing, are you out of your mind? You are a married man and I am a married woman now. Do you think it's funny for you to ask this question?"

He Zhijing muttered to himself absently, "yes, I'm really out of my mind."

He and Shi zuizu are people from two worlds. It's funny that he knew that he liked Shi zuizu when he learned that Shi zuizu married Lu Sui.

He always thought that what he loved was Shi ran, and that he only had friendship with Shi Zui. Is it because what he can't get is always the best, so he is drunk?

On the other side, Shi ran talked with Zhang Hui for a while, and he Zhijing disappeared. Her first reaction was whether he Zhijing went to find Shi Zui.

She happened to meet Lu Sui. There was no drunken figure around Lu Sui. Her heart sank: "brother Lu, where is my sister?"

Lu Sui didn't answer and looked at the corner not far away.

Shi ran followed Lu Sui's line of sight and saw Shi Zui sitting. He Zhijing was massaging Shi Zui's head. They didn't know what they were talking about, talking and laughing.

He Zhijing saw Shi's gentle expression when she was drunk, which hurt her eyes.

"Brother Lu, you'd better keep an eye on my sister and don't let her seduce other women's men." Shi ran was jealous and rushed to Lu.

"If a woman can't keep her man, she has no ability. If a woman has the ability to let a married man over the wall, it's also the woman's ability." Lu suixu replied.

Shi ran turned pale: "brother Lu, do you think my sister seduces Zhijing? That's still my sister's ability?"

This protector is not so protective. You have to wear a green hat. Lu Sui is still protecting Shi Zui?

"So you mean drunk is seducing Zhijing. After your explanation, I think drunk does have some skills, but you are more than a little worse than a man."

Lu Sui's words made Shi ran angry and almost want to cry. She glared at Lu Sui, "you weren't like this before!"

Now that she is drunk, the fox spirit is obsessed with right and wrong. How can there be a man wearing a green hat who is still complacent about his wife?

"If I were you, I would keep my man. I have no ability and put the responsibility on others. This is a coward's performance." Lu Sui replied in a low voice.

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