"Is the juice good?" Xiaotiantian's big eyes bent into crescent shape.

Pei Jia nodded. "It's delicious."

"I got up too early today. I'm so sleepy now. Aunt, let's take a rest in the lobby of the hotel next door and go shopping." Xiaotiantian threw out the words she had prepared early in the morning.

She saw it just before she came in. There is a hotel next door. Take a rest there first.

Pei Jia doesn't doubt it. Today the child really gets up earlier than usual.

She took Xiaotiantian to the hotel next door and found a place to rest in the lobby.

Xiaotiantian yawned on her lap. "I'll go to sleep first. Don't run away, aunt."

"Aunt is not going anywhere." Peijia pinched the little guy's face.

Perhaps influenced by the child, she yawned.

But in a moment, the child fell asleep on her lap.

Looking at the child's sleeping face, she soon felt sleepy and fell asleep unconsciously.

Xiaotiantian is not sure whether Peijia is asleep. She opens her eyes and looks at Peijia for a while. She tries to shout twice. Peijia doesn't respond at all.

Then she took Peijia's ID card and asked for a guest room. She also asked the waiter for help and sent Peijia into the guest room.

"Why did the lady sleep so heavily?" the waiter was a little confused. Peijia didn't respond to this move. It seemed inappropriate.

"Aunt caught a cold. She just took cold medicine and fell asleep." Xiaotiantian said and drove away the troublesome room attendant.

She didn't know how long Peijia would sleep and couldn't care much. She just wanted to pick up the plane at the airport.

When the front desk of the hotel didn't pay attention, Xiaotiantian stole out of the hotel. She stopped a taxi. The taxi driver was a little nervous that she was going to the airport and thought she ran away from home.

"I'm going to pick up my mother, uncle. If you don't believe it, you'll know I'm not lying when you see my mother later." Xiaotiantian said anxiously.

The driver saw that the child was worried and didn't say anything. He took Xiaotiantian to the airport. He was still worried. He simply got out of the car and wanted to see the child's mother with his own eyes.

"Why hasn't mom got off the plane yet?" Xiaotiantian looks at the time from time to time. The more she waits, the more anxious she is, the more excited she is.

She could not hide her excitement and anger at the thought of seeing her mother for the first time in her life.

The driver comforted the child when he saw that he was so worried.

About half an hour later, Shi zuixi's flight finally arrived at Ancheng international airport safely.

When Shi Zui left the gate, he looked around and soon saw a handsome boy with a flat head standing not far away. Before she could see the child's dress clearly, the little guy rushed towards her and threw himself into her arms.

Xiaotiantian rushed into Shi Zui's arms and couldn't help crying.

Shi Zui didn't expect the child to cry again. She coaxed the little guy for a while, but the child didn't want to come out of her arms and held her tightly.

Seeing this scene from a distance, the taxi driver finally determined that the child did not run away from home, so he left the airport at ease.

"Little catfish, haven't you cried enough? Why didn't I know you loved to cry so much before?" Shi Zui was reluctant to speak loudly for fear of frightening the children.

Xiaotiantian shakes her head in Shi Zui's arms. She's not Shi Nian's kid.

Shi Zui finally pushed the child out of her arms. Looking at the little guy with red eyes, she smiled: "I'm really fat recently. If I get fat again, I'll be a little fat."

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