Xiaotiantian cheered and kissed Shi drunkenly on her face: "long live mom!!"

Shi Zui was rinsed with saliva by Xiaotiantian. She was speechless for a moment. Looking at the excited expression of the child, it couldn't be acting. It can only be said that the mature little catfish suddenly became a little cute, so cute that she couldn't cry or laugh.

"I know there is a good hotel in Ancheng. Mom, let's stay in this hotel," said Xiaotiantian, and asked the taxi driver to go to Peijia's hotel.

Shi Zui didn't have to do anything, so she waited for the child to make arrangements for her.

After going through the hotel formalities and entering the guest room, Shi Zui found that the little guy who was shaking just now was missing.

Seriously, she was not worried that the child would be abducted by traffickers. This is her child. Does she know how capable this child is?

Ancheng is the child's territory again. He must have run out again.

Xiaotiantian trotted all the way to Peijia's guest room. When Peijia saw her coming back, she was relieved: "did you give me sleeping pills?"

How else could she suddenly fall asleep?

"Aunt, let's make a deal!" Xiaotiantian straightened her color and said.

She thought about it. Only aunt Peijia cooperated with her can she hide Lao Lu's story. This weekend is the most important day in her life. She doesn't want to be destroyed by others, nor can her biological father!

Pei Jia looked at Xiaotiantian for a long time and said, "tell me!"

The child is ancient and clever. He probably thought of some way to trick and make mischief. If it doesn't hurt, she can cooperate with the little guy.

"My father is lonely and pitiful. I want to find a beautiful female friend for my father. I will take care of it today and tomorrow. My aunt will keep it a secret until I turn my father's future female friend..."

"Child, you are too young. You don't need to worry about this kind of thing. If President Lu wants to find a girlfriend, he will find it." Peijia was worried when he heard this.

I'm so busy today. Is she looking for a girlfriend for Lu Sui? If so, what about Shi Zui?

"That's the beauty hall owner! The beauty hall owner is beautiful and hot, kind-hearted, and so cute. She is the best and most lovely woman in the world. Her father is more than enough. The beauty hall owner lives in this hotel. I try to get close to her, and my aunt is secretly helping. If my father asks, my aunt says I'm going to stay out tonight, and my aunt takes care of me, my father will rest assured "Da," said Sweetie in one breath.

"Beauty hall owner?!" Peijia didn't react for a while, but she sounded familiar.

"That's the beauty hall owner of that hall!" Xiaotiantian gives Peijia a hint.

Pei Jia was stunned and blurted out: "how do you know Miss Yu?"

"Didn't Aunt Cha beauty hall owner that night? The beauty hall owner was beautiful and hot. Didn't dad like her?" Xiaotiantian said innocently.

Both my father and aunt are fools. The owner of the beauty salon is clearly my mother, but I didn't recognize it.

Peijia was completely speechless. No wonder Xiaotiantian was so serious that night. Dare you want Yu Nian to be Lu Sui's girlfriend?

Otherwise, the child is very strange. He is only seven years old and wants to find a stepmother for himself.

"Xiaotiantian, before you find a girlfriend for president Lu, do you want to check the existence of stepmother?"

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