The whole company was talking about it. Xiang xiaorou wanted to call Tong Fei to find out after her initial amazement.

How could she not know Zheng Yong's sexual orientation when she worked as Zheng Yong's secretary these years? Zheng Yong can't come out. He doesn't have any interest in men, and he doesn't have a boyfriend.

After Zheng Yong announced his coming out, netizens were pickling who Zheng Yong's boyfriend was. Some people said that Lu Suihe and Zheng Yong were a couple, which is also the fundamental reason why Lu Suihe divorced Shi Zui two years ago.

This assumption is nonsense. Lu Suihe and Zheng Yong are just pure friends and close friends. There is no abnormal male relationship between them.

But everyone believed Zheng Yong's coming out, and Tong Fei refused to answer her phone. She had a lot of words, but she didn't know who to talk to.

Tong Fei's sudden exit flustered her and left her at a loss.

Originally, she thought that she and Tong Fei could force Yu Nian back together, but Tong Fei suddenly announced that she broke up with Zheng Yong and left Huanyu Group. In the future, it will be more difficult for her to deal with Yu Nian?

Just when she was at a loss, Zheng Yong called her into the office and handed her a cup of tea in person.

Flattered, she quickly took the tea and said, "I poured tea for president Zheng."

She is only a secretary, and he is the boss.

Zheng Yong showed a charming smile. "You have been my Secretary for several years. You have always done your duty and can't find anything wrong in your work."

"This is what I should do." Xiang xiaorou is not stupid and naturally finds that Zheng Yong's attitude is different this time.

He never discussed anything other than work with her. She imagined that one day he would suddenly stop his work and talk to her.

The day finally came, but she felt something wrong.

"Secretary Xiang, what are your plans in the future?" Zheng Yong suddenly asked again.

In fear, Xiang xiaorou bowed her head and said, "my plan is to work hard, be a competent secretary and work for president Zheng."

"There is no doubt about your professional ability. I believe you. Before, as an employee, I never let my boss worry about you. Now I feel that I have treated you badly and want to send you abroad for further study. If you do well, you can stay in an overseas branch. What do you think?"

Zheng Yong gets to the point and constricts Xiang xiaorou's pupils.

After dealing with Tong Fei, we'll deal with her next, isn't that right?

Zheng Yong really cares about Yu Nian? Or does he care about Lou Qin? She knew that it must be one of the two women that Zheng Yong would remove them.

She knows Zheng Yong and knows him well. For unimportant people, there are only two categories: useful and useless. She used to be useful because she can help Zheng Yong deal with many things. Zheng Yong thought her confidential secretary was easy to use, so he reused her.

Now I think she is out of the way, so I want to kick her away. He wants to make free space for the woman he likes.

"I don't want to go abroad," Xiang xiaorou said hoarsely.

She saw the situation clearly, and she also knew that she was just a waste son for Zheng Yong who could be discarded at any time.

"I personally suggest you go abroad for further study." Zheng Yong said quietly, "if you don't want to go abroad for further study, maybe you can go to a domestic branch for further study. It's a pity that a talent like you should only be a secretary. There should be a broader platform for you to play. I give you these two choices. Think about them yourself and reply to me tomorrow."

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