Lou Qin remembers that he didn't see Zheng Yong walking very close to any boy. Zheng Yong's best friend is Lu Sui. She and Lu Sui are in pairs, but she knows that there is nothing between Lu Sui and Zheng Yong.

Recently, she became Zheng Yong's assistant. Except that she was not around during Zheng Yong's social time, she didn't see Zheng Yong having an affair with a man.

She really can't remember which man is Zheng Yong's gossip boyfriend.

Netizens said that Lu Sui had an affair with Zheng Yong, and that Lu Sui's divorce was also for Zheng Yong. She wouldn't believe this nonsense.

Zheng Yong may like men, but that man can't be Lu Sui, unless Zheng Yong secretly loves Lu Sui.

"Ask what you want." Zheng Yong didn't have to look back. Lou Qin kept staring at his crotch.

Does this woman know she's playing with fire? How can a woman stare at a man's key parts so implicitly?

Lou Qin woke up from a dream. She thought that Zheng Yong had announced his coming out anyway. Should he not avoid talking about his love for men?

"I'm just curious about what the senior's boyfriend looks like." Lou Qin finally asked.

Zheng Yong took a deep look at Lou Qin. Lou Qin was timid under his gaze: "well, I just ask."

"I'm alone now," Zheng Yong replied quietly.

Lou Qin thought carefully. When Zheng Yong announced that he came out, he really didn't say he was in two boats. Maybe he wants to find a boyfriend after returning Tong Fei's freedom.

Because Zheng Yong is her own boss, she didn't dare to further explore why he likes men.

After dinner, Zheng Yong left her apartment. Standing in the living room, she remembered how happy she was when Yu Nian was there? Now she's the only one left.

Just now she specially asked Zheng Yong if he had found Xiaotiantian. Zheng Yong said that he was sending someone to find Xiaotiantian and would tell her if there was any news.

I don't know where the child has gone. She has no conscience. She somehow raised the child so big that she didn't even have a phone call

After leaving Huanyu Group, Shi Zui took a two-day rest. During these two days, she was investigating the family property of the Lu family - Hengguang jewelry.

The Lu family made a fortune in the jewelry business. Over the years, they have also been committed to the development of the jewelry business. Even if the business is depressed in recent years, Hengguang can still rank No. 1 in Bincheng and even the whole country.

Lu Sui did not rely on the Lu family, but was not interested in Hengguang. He focused on the hotel business. Now Lu Sui's name is far greater than Hengguang and the Lu family, which is also the reason why Lu Sui is commendable.

Because Dong Qi has seen herself and Lu Sui knows that she is the owner of the Zong Museum, it is impractical for her to approach Dong Qi as a secretary. It is better to negotiate with Dong Qi directly as the owner of the Zong Museum.

And she won't have a chance until Hengguang jewelry needs to use the security company. It's very passive.

Maybe God helped her. She thought she had to wait a long time. Hengguang jewelry had a theft accident and needed to find a security company. Because of the name of Zongguan, Hengguang certainly preferred Zongguan.

Shi Zui didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

Dong Qi came to the ancestral hall. At the first sight of her, she blurted out: "how can miss Yu be in Bincheng?"

Xiao Dong just came in to solve Dong Qi's doubts: "the owner came to the Bincheng to inspect the work. He should stay in the Bincheng for a few days."

"Coincidentally, I didn't expect to have working contact with Miss Yu in Bincheng." Dong Qi smiled without showing her teeth, quite like everyone's Miss temperament.

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