No matter how dull she is, Shi Zui knows that someone is following her, not to mention that she is an expert in this field.

At first she didn't take it seriously. After all, she was in the ancestral hall. No thief would be so stupid as to attack her on her territory.

After a while, she felt something was wrong.

Because this person is not clever enough to follow. Listening to the footsteps seems not to be the footsteps of adults. Listening to the lightness of the voice, it is clear that the child is following her

She remembered that Xiaowu and Xiaodong said that Lu Sui's adopted child also came to the ancestral hall.

Perhaps this is Lu Sui's advice to let the children tangle with her?

She slowed down and looked back. Xiaotiantian, who followed her, was frightened and immediately hid next to her.

Shi Zui looked back and saw a small man hiding in the corner. He knew he was right. Sure enough, Lu Sui's children are following her. It must be Lu Sui who taught her children to attract her attention in this way, so that she can't ignore the existence of her children.

If Lu Sui thinks that this will enable her to accept the business, he is wrong!

She looked cold and walked away without looking back.

This time, Xiaotiantian didn't follow. She looked at Shi's drunken back and worshipped her face. Her mother walked so handsome. She will be a handsome woman like her mother in the future.

This time, Xiaotiantian didn't follow Shi Zui again. After spending so much time with her mother, she was satisfied. Even if she didn't talk to her mother, she could get in close contact with her mother. She felt happy and dying.

Peijia saw that Xiaotiantian finally came out of the Zongguan and put down her hanging heart.

"Are you happy to see Miss Yu?" she pulled the child into the car unhappily.

Xiaotiantian nodded with a smile: "do I look as good as my mother?"

Pei Jia thought that the child was really familiar. Yu Nian called his mother before he became a stepmother. It's really OK!

"Don't worry, you will be more beautiful than Miss Yu when you grow up!" Peijia said insincerely.

Xiaotiantian became real and asked, "can I still come to see my mother tomorrow?"

"This......" Pei Jia was speechless for a moment.

I have to ask Lu Sui what he means.

Soon after, she asked Lu Sui's opinion. Lu Sui's answer is that Xiaotiantian will give whatever she wants. In other words, if Xiaotiantian wants a stepmother, find a stepmother for Xiaotiantian. It's not a big deal.

Because of this, Xiaotiantian was excited all day, because as long as tomorrow, she can see her mother again.

Shi Zui didn't expect to be entangled by a bear child.

The next day, when she entered the company, Xiaowu ran over and told her that Lu Sui's child was coming again. He also said that the child came before the Zongguan opened, earlier than the company staff.

Xiaowu was very excited when she mentioned Xiaotiantian. She was describing how lovely and beautiful the child was, so she was kicked by Xiaodong.

Xiaowu found that the owner had no expression and didn't seem to like children.

In addition, the owner doesn't like Lu Sui, and even Peijia doesn't want to comment.

She didn't dare to mention the child again. She prayed in her heart that the child wouldn't rush out suddenly and run to the owner to annoy the owner.

As soon as Shi Zui came in, many people saw it. Xiaotiantian, who waited early in the morning, also learned that Shi Zui was coming. She watched from a distance and dared not get too close. On the one hand, she was worried that her mother would see her face and know that she was not Shi Nian. On the other hand, she was extremely eager to get close to her mother. Otherwise, she would not know that she might be recognized by her mother and risk running to the ancestral hall.

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